Dentsu Aegis Network.
We're Carat, the most progressive media agency network in the world and the world’s first media agency. We pioneered the sector and we have been redefining what media means for our clients’ business ever since.
1. We believe in media’s power to transform business
People, their devices and their data are increasingly connected, collapsing the point of brand engagement and the point of transaction. The result? People are spending more time in media than ever before. Media can no longer be treated as a commodity. Media is the dominant connection between people and brands and the most powerful asset for businesses to understand their existing and potential customers as real people. The most progressive marketers are reinventing themselves around media to accelerate brand growth. This means redefining the ambition that our clients have for media by asking questions about their business, using real people data to challenge assumptions.
2. We believe that brands must understand real people
With people now in control, delivering a relevant brand experience at the right time in the right place is no longer optional, it’s a business imperative. Brands must now earn attention. This means redefining our approach to insight, moving from proxies and personas to understanding individuals as real people. It means developing our own powerful data assets that, when combined with our clients’ own first-party data, make new levels of customer insight possible. It means expanding our data science capabilities to provide deeper audience understanding, going beyond media to influence messaging and the full customer experience.
3. We believe that relevant experiences in media build iconic brands
We are in the business of earning attention, where creativity and innovation have never been more important. This means redefining our approach to strategy and planning, reframing the output from consumer led ecosystem plans to people led experience plans. It means leading clients to investment decisions that span media, technology, data and content. Building solutions that reach and engage our client’s consumers in the most personal, immersive and contextually relevant ways. Grounding every choice and decision in business performance.
4. We believe that the greatest value is achieved through disrupting legacy practices
Technology continues to disrupt the supply side of our business. Value is no longer derived from scale alone, data and innovation are now equal players. This means redefining activation, directly addressing our message to an individual, adopting a real people approach to trading allowing us to engage individuals on their own terms. It means establishing preferred, direct access to the top publishers and platforms. Leveraging our group spend to create unique data relationships that will drive the best media performance for our clients; increase brand safety, reduce fraud, improve effectiveness and drive a cleaner media supply chain.
5. We believe that progressive client partnerships are grounded in performance
Our ambition; every decision is grounded in the business benefit for our clients. We’re able to lead them to sharper investment decisions by demystifying and simplifying the complexity media now brings and bringing everything back to performance. It means being focused on both short term performance of a campaign to drive sales, as well as measuring the longer term brand and business impact. It means redefining: The accountability we take for the impact of our actions on our client’s business performance. Developing progressive commercial frameworks that reward on outcomes and support trusted relationships with clients.