📢招聘Ads Manager (广告管理员)
➡工作地点:Austin 18, Mount Austin, Johor Bahru.
😍良好的工作环境 (没有politic, 也没有人会Boycott你)
😎大神队友等你来 (我们来切磋一下)
1. 有 media buy 及 campaign setup 的经验
2. 可以与客户对接
3. 积极向上的态度
4. 成长型思维
5. 善于团队合作,我们公司没有one man show
6. 可以到公司上班,此岗位不能居家办公
立刻、现在、马上 把你的简历和作品发送至 👉[email protected]
Animus Lee 顾问今天就会上线和大家一起讨论什么是生意模式,他又对你的生意发挥了什么样的作用,守住半个小时后的我们直播!
How to Edit Short Videos for Beginners!
Video Editing is one of the common skills for everyone in this digital era, you may create videos to market a product, bring out a concept, or even create beautiful memories for your friends and family!
You are a newbie? Don't worry, even newbies can handle this!
Learn how to do short video editing from our mentor - Animus, later at 8 pm!
Learn how to use Chatbot to generate leads on Facebook!
Have you heard of Chatbot?
Did you know that besides handling customer inquiries, it can also help you to generate potential customer leads for your business?
Stay tune to today 5pm Live to find out how to operate the system!
Understand 5 steps of online consumer decision making process & How to write effective copywriting
How exactly the online consumer do their decision making before buying my product?
What to write a great and impactful copywriting to capture their interest in my product and services?
Stay tuned to today's 5 pm Facebook LIVE that host by Animus Lee and Cherly Deep!
Too many design tools to use? Join this LIVE to see Graphic Design Tools Reviews!
There are sooooo many convenient design tools online to help us (layman) to complete our daily designs. However, how and which of them shall we use?
Let us review these graphic design tools for you on Tue at 5 pm, FB Live!
See you there!
Setup your Company's Digital Ecosystem Now in order to Sell Your Product WORLDWIDE!
Hey Business Owners! It's time for you to set up your company's digital ecosystem to sell your product EVERYWHERE!
Join us at later 5 pm to understand more about what is and how does a "DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM" work!
Life Restart就业机会在线面试 2nd
❗请点击 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81061595275 直接加入活动❗
❗或点击 https://bit.ly/life-restart 改变困境❗
Life Restart的就业机会在线面试活动进行中!!
❗请点击 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81061595275 直接加入活动❗
❗或点击 https://bit.ly/life-restart 报名下次活动❗
Life Restart是由新马工友新冠肺炎援助资讯台的创办人,与多家有心提供帮助的公司与平台一同推动的“生活再造计划”。
参与援助计划的平台包括 :
Yuki Ng 黄琇丽
IPrima Media
Hm Synergy Management & Services
Dream Home Maker
CT UNITY - Creating Better Future Together
Widebed JB
Yellow 101 Consultancy
Royal Relish
以及 新马工友新冠肺炎援助资讯台
Life Restart 只有一个宗旨,那就是全心全意帮助有需要的人士在这段疫情风波中获得工作机会,免费技术培训,甚至是便宜的住宿,让大家能安然度过这次的风波,找到新的曙光。🥰
如果你需要一起参与改变,可以联系 Life Restart 了解更多资讯。
点击: https://bit.ly/2Bc2PdE
#liferestart #job #change #opportunity #event #interview #work
🤩还在用图片打广告? OUT 了咯 ~
短视频行销才是现在最能做到 Sales 的方式!
👉 短视频可以引起懒惰阅读的消费者注意
👉 短视频可以符合手机用户
👉 短视频可以增加销售额
除此之外,我们还送你 20K 粉丝的平台免费曝光!
悄悄告诉你,这个配套只剩下 30 套,如果你不拿那你的竞争对手就拿了咯~
马上 Whatsapp 联络 > https://bit.ly/vsp-elaine
只需 RM 899,你会得到什么?
👉 2 个短视频 (15秒 - 30秒) + 文案,价值 RM700
👉 2 个小时直播线上 Facebook 影片广告策略课程,价值 RM199
👉 9个预录 Facebook 广告大全课程,价值RM199
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👉 Facebook 50 个Headline 电子书,价值 RM49
👉 20K 粉丝的平台免费曝光,价值 RM899
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只需 RM 899 | 只需 RM 899 | 只需 RM 899
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