
Antu2 Antu2 page is for entertainment purposes and gaming creations for people want to build up their frie

Celebrating my 5th year on Facebook.

Celebrating my 5th year on Facebook.

تحت بنادق القناصة.. طبيبة فلسطينية تعبر الطريق لإنقاذ جريح مختبئ في خيمة أمام مستشفى ناصر بخان يونس، وتنجح مع مجموعة من المتطوعين في إجلائه

Hari ini adalah hari ke-124 dari perang genosida dan kelaparan kolektif di Jalur Gaza, di mana terus menerima serangan b...

Hari ini adalah hari ke-124 dari perang genosida dan kelaparan kolektif di Jalur Gaza, di mana terus menerima serangan bom Israel "dari udara, darat, dan laut," serta pengepungan yang sangat mencekik, tanpa akses kepada air bersih atau makanan, dan pembunuhan serta kehancuran setiap menit. Tidak ada tempat yang aman, dingin menggigit tubuh-tubuh pengungsi. Ini terjadi di depan mata dunia, namun ada keheningan yang berkelanjutan dan ketidakpedulian yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya.

Israel is in a state of madness, and those behind it are in a state of confusion, as their arsenal is depleted, leaving ...

Israel is in a state of madness, and those behind it are in a state of confusion, as their arsenal is depleted, leaving only nuclear weapons to strike a small group that accomplished extraordinary feats beyond the measure of known military encyclopedias. Israel no longer knows what to do, while America, Europe, and their Arab allies seek new ways to extricate themselves from the Hamas predicament.


2019 beb first time gathering BPT...
nk cuci habuk dkt FB Page ni...sorry ya kacau sikit


Assalamualaikum and Hai semua,
Through this year, i have only 3 hour or less to spare in one night to play games, im sorry for not be able to join or let u guys join me, because ive only have short hour of time to meke the most of my hobby everyday, wish me for a better life so i can he able to stream and playing some other games for you guys.
Thanks for the support and i always be here if u need to...

See you again Friends!!!!

Sosah Nk seribu Geng kat sini, Tolong Topup geng Follownya dan Komen kontent apa Korg nak kat sana...Roger N Chiawwwhttp...

Sosah Nk seribu Geng kat sini, Tolong Topup geng Follownya dan Komen kontent apa Korg nak kat sana...
Roger N Chiawww

109 Followers, 111 Following, 584 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by BPT ANTUTU

Final Day February 2022

Final Day February 2022

result day 4 batch feb 202203.02.2022

result day 4 batch feb 2022

result 02.02.2022

result 02.02.2022

Sorry for the late delay...Result day 1 week 1 Feb 2022

Sorry for the late delay...Result day 1 week 1 Feb 2022

Sorry for the late delay...Result day 1 week 1 Feb 2022

Sorry for the late delay...Result day 1 week 1 Feb 2022


Jangan Biarlan Kami kebosanan Guys




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