Shuren Press is thrilled to announce the selections for Eternal Summer Notes. Congratulations to all our selected contributors.
Among some household Malaysian names, the anthology will also feature newly emerging voices, with contributors from all over the world including, Ukraine and China. We are also excited to include two female writers from Hong Kong in the collection, whose works are presented with accompanying English translations.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed. Our editors found it extremely difficult to narrow down the selection to 15 pieces.
This anthology would not have been possible without your creativity and dedication.
On top of the manuscript fee, the selected writers will now be able to redeem 20 cups of espresso based coffee and certain specialty filters until the end of 2024.
Special thanks to for collaborating with us, and to .co for curating a beautiful floral space that is conducive to writing.
We will be in touch with the selected writers via email very soon.
Eternal Summer Notes 徵稿企劃圓滿落幕,感謝各位作家朋友們的踴躍投稿。
經過幾輪篩選與取捨,共計將有15位作家以及兩篇翻譯作品將邀請至咖啡館進行 Writing Residency的寫作計劃。
☕20張咖啡兌換卷:任何espresso based 飲料和特定手沖咖啡全免,每天每次只能領取一次,不得轉讓。
☕出版:作品將有機會收錄在 shuren Press 接下來所推出的選集以及未來衍生的所有相關作品發布活動。
入選通知與詳情將在近日送達您的信箱,至於遺憾未能入選的作家們,也請不必失望,期待下一本選集能與各位再會,亦不妨多加留意 Shuren press 未來的動態消息。
📖出版:Shuren press
🐱Curator 策展總監:小花