Out now on Illegal Alien Records!
"Leave The Past In Search Of Future Vol. VIII" on Illegal Alien! Including Adrïan (IT), Audio Units, Cvrdwell, Dast, Dave Black, Dave Wincent, DBFB, Developer, Diego Oroquieta, DJ Dextro, Fixeer, Fvndo, Industrialyzer, Julieta Kopp, Marco Ramos, Jnks, Jonas Kopp, KRISSFA, LUMERTZ, Maccari, Matth_M, Oruam Zior, Perfo, Pyramidal Decode, Rey Brennan, Rhythm Assembler, Rostøm, Samuel L Session, Seddig, Tauceti, Uncertain, Vinicius Honorio and Xris Vavrzhina.
Tracks Selection of 2024, available now on Bandcamp and Beatport.
Thank you to all the artists and our dear supporters who trusted us in 2024; it was a wonderful year, and now we are very excited, and we are looking forward to an incredible 2025, where the label will turn 18 years old and will be a year with new visual art, new merchandise, exciting projects, more showcases, and, of course, great artists and great music. Thanks again everyone for your support, we wish you all the love, health and success for the new year! Much love ❤️