[Development direction of Date A Live V]
- According to the current situation, one thing can be said for sure that the entire main story will be adapted. It's all just a matter of time. So with the remaining 6 volumes from 17-22, what possible adaptation options will we have?
- Option 1: DAL V will have 2 cours with 24 episodes, adapting each vol to 4 episodes like the last vol 16. This is the best option, because it will ensure maximum time for details from LN to anime. However, the studio's workload will be extremely heavy and urgent.
- Option 2: Slightly different from above, DAL V is still 12 episodes, adapted from 17-19, end of Mio arc. Then DAL VI from 20-22, end of Tohka arc. With this, the time we wait will be longer, but the studio has more time to refine the work.
- Option 3: DAL V is still 12 episodes, but adapted from 17-20, 21 and 22 to make a movie. The positive side is that if you make a movie, Beast's fight scenes will be very promising, not to mention the Spirit Assemble scene, it's not bad to go to the cinema. But in exchange for 3 anime episodes for 1 volume, there will be cutted scenes again.
- Regarding DAL IV, GEEKTOYS, even though it's just a small studio, has done a great job. Many combat scenes were not good and subjected to censorship from the Chinese side, but by the last episode, the studio was really on fire. If the BD version has extra scenes and fixes the combat scenes, then I can't ask for more.
- And according to the available information, GEEKTOYS only has about 10 main employees, while JC Staff is 200 🙂