YONECO FM YONECO FM is a page for YFM Radio Station that was established in October 2014 to educate, inform and entertain youth, women and children. 0998570456

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YONECO FM is a page for Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO) Youth Radio station. Its aim is to educate, entertain and provide information on issues that affect youth, women and children in Malawi. YFM is the real voice of youth, women and children in Malawi. YFM is on 103.8 Mhz in Zomba, 101.6 Mhz in Blantyre, 97.5 Mhz in Lilongwe, 103.9 Mhz in Mzuzu, 104.6 Mhz in Thyolo and 89.1 Mhz in Chitipa. [email protected]

Sukulu ya ukachenjede ya UNIMA yatulutsa bukhu lomwe yalemba pankhani yokhudza ufulu wa aphunzitsi komanso ophunzira pa ...

Sukulu ya ukachenjede ya UNIMA yatulutsa bukhu lomwe yalemba pankhani yokhudza ufulu wa aphunzitsi komanso ophunzira pa mutu oti "Academic Freedom in Africa; The Struggle Rages On" mchingerezi.

Mwazina bukhuli likuunikira mavuto omwe sukulu ya UNIMA yomwe panthawiyo inkatchedwa Chancellor College, inakumana nawo pomwe boma kudzera mwa apolisi, linkafuna kulamulira ndi kulowerela pa kaphunzitsidwe kapasukuluyi zaka zoposa khumi zapitazo.

Poyankhula pa mwambo okhazikitsa bukhuli, mmodzi mwa aphunzitsi omwe analipo panthawi yomwe izi zinkachitika ndipo atsogolera polemba bukhuli, Dr. Garton Kamchedzera, ati silikungobweletsa poyera zovuta zomwe anakumana nazo, komanso likufuna kulimbikitsa ufulu wa aphunzitsi ndi ophunzira a msukulu za ukachenjede kudzera mo zomwe zinachitikazo.

Kumbali yake, mtsogoleri wa aphunzitsi apasukulu ya UNIMA, Dr. Foster Gondwe ati potengera kuti omwe atenga gawo polemba bukhuli si aphunzitsi aku Malawi kokha komanso amaiko ena kuphatikizapo ku Asia, zithandiza aphunzitsi ndi ophunzira amsukulu za ukachenjede kuligwiritsa ntchito maka pankhani za kafukufuku.

Wolemba: Chimwemwe Mikwala.

 Youth and Society (YAS), through its Zatikwana Anti-Corruption Campaign, has raised concerns about the quality of work ...

Youth and Society (YAS), through its Zatikwana Anti-Corruption Campaign, has raised concerns about the quality of work on bridges constructed under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in the area of Traditional Authority Mwambo in Zomba.

This follows an inspection tour of four bridges, which has revealed areas of poor workmanship, including the use of bricks and timber that may soon require replacement. Some projects have even stalled for up to four years.

Zatikwana Campaign champion for Zomba District, Fabiano Black Junior, described the projects as sub-standard.

“After inspecting Mbiri, Kokanguwo, Namisisi, and Thabwani bridges, we have noted that they are of poor quality and we are worried that there might be issues of misuse of project funds,” said Black.

He added that the grouping will engage all duty bearers, including the Member of Parliament, to map a way forward on the concerns.

Zomba District Council Youth chairperson, Sanudi M***a, expressed concerns about the lack of accountability in the utilization of CDF funds.

“There is much secrecy surrounding how CDF is managed. Community members do not know how it is run,” M***a said.

The Zatikwana Anti-Corruption Campaign, funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), aims to empower the youth to actively fight corruption in their communities.

By Augustine Muwotcha

  Police in Chikwawa have advised people to celebrate responsibly during this festive season in order to reduce the risi...

Police in Chikwawa have advised people to celebrate responsibly during this festive season in order to reduce the rising number of road accidents in the area.

Chikwawa Police Assistant Commissioner Caroline Jere said that many people become reckless when driving, leading them to break traffic rules and regulations.

"Communities should treat this period as normal; they should not become overly excited, which could lead to the loss of lives, property, and money,” she said.

She also urged the communities to strengthen their personal security at home by leaving someone to look after the house when they are leaving for holidays and ensuring that security measures are intact to prevent the increase in housebreaking cases that may become rampant during this season.

She also highlighted that the police will enhance security and continue awareness campaigns in the communities to fight against crimes.

By Sailesi Sinyanya (Chikwawa)

  Chikwawa Police Station says it has decreased the crime rate by 8% in the district. This was reported during the Stati...

Chikwawa Police Station says it has decreased the crime rate by 8% in the district.

This was reported during the Station Executive Committee meeting, where the station presented its performance report from January to November this year.

Chikwawa Police Station Officer in charge, Assistant Commissioner Caroline Jere, stated that this year the station has recorded 1,733 cases, compared to 1,877 cases during the same period in 2023.

However, Jere said that the station is not satisfied with the progress made so far, saying although cases of sexual offenses, theft, and breaking and entering have decreased, there is still an increase in homicide and robbery cases as compared to last year.

"Road accident casualties have increased from 11 people to 26 people this year, with 15 road accidents recorded last year and 21 cases recorded this year," she added.

Jere mentioned that the Chikwawa police station has put deliberate efforts to ensure that the crime rate continues to decline, such as intensive day and night patrols, ongoing coordination with community police forums, and increased visibility of traffic officers along the M1 road.

By Sailesi Sinyanya (Chikwawa)

  Mneneri ku nthambi yowona za nyengo, a Yobu Kachiwanda, wachenjeza anthu m'dziko muno kuti asinthe mchitidwe owononga ...

Mneneri ku nthambi yowona za nyengo, a Yobu Kachiwanda, wachenjeza anthu m'dziko muno kuti asinthe mchitidwe owononga chilengedwe ponena kuti izi zikukoledzera nyengo za chilendo zomwe dziko lino likukumana nazo.

A Kachiwanda apereka chenjezori pomwe nthambi yawo yachenjeza kuti nthu ayembekezere nyengo yotentha mopyola muyezo m'madera osiyanasiyana a dziko lino kwa masiku asanu kuyambira lero mpaka lolemba likudzali.

Malingana ndi uthengawu, nthambiyi yati madera a kuchigwa cha mtsinje wa Shire mulingo wakatenthedwe ufika pa ma degree 43 kuposa katenthedwe koyenera ndi ma degree 6.

Madera a mphepete mwa nyanja mulingo wotentha upitilira ma degree 36 pamene madera okwera akummwera mulingowu ufika pa 34 ndipo chigawo chapakati mulingowu ufika pa 32.

Kutsatira chiwopsezochi, nthambiyi yalangiza anthu kuti azimwa madzi pafupipafupi, kuvala zovala zopepuka komanso zopita mphepo, kupewa kugwira ntchito zolemetsa pa dzuwa ndinso kupewa chakumwa choledzeretsa.

Wolemba Smart Sochela



  Munthu wina yemwe akulephera kutchula dzina lake komanso komwe amachokera, wakhala ali m'chipatala cha Queen Elizabeth...

Munthu wina yemwe akulephera kutchula dzina lake komanso komwe amachokera, wakhala ali m'chipatala cha Queen Elizabeth munzinda wa Blantyre kuyambira mwenzi wa June chaka chino komwe wakhala akulandira thandizo la mankhwala kamba kovulala ndi nyesi ya magetsi.

Malingana ndi m'neneri wa polisi ya Blantyre Peter Mchiza, munthuyu ali ndi vuto la m'malingaliro.

Mkuluyu anakanthidwa ndi nyesi ya magetsiyi usiku wa tsiku lina m'mwezi wa June chaka chino pa transform yomwe iri pafupi ndi malo otchedwa Blue Elephant ku Ginnery Corner.

Malingana ndi apolisiwa, vuto la m'malingaliro lomwe mkuluyu alinalo, ndilo linapangitsa kuti akapezeke pa malo pomwe anakumana ndi tsoka la nyesi ya magetsiyi.

Choncho apolisi akudziwitsa za
nkhaniyi anthu omwe angazindikire mkuluyu, yemwe tsopano wachira ku mabala a nyesi ya magetsiwa, kuti awadziwitse.

Wolemba Smart Sochela

  Bungwe la Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiative (CDEDI), lati likufuna kuti zikalata za lipoti lokh...

Bungwe la Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiative (CDEDI), lati likufuna kuti zikalata za lipoti lokhudza za ngozi ya ndege yomwe inapha wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Saulos Chilima ndi anthu ena asanu ndi atatu, ziperekedwe kwa a Malawi kuphatikizapo mabanja okhudzidwa.

Mkulu wa bungweri a Sylvester Namiwa, ndiwo anena izi lero pa msonkhano wa atolankhani munzinda wa Blantyre.

Iwo anena izi kutsatira zomwe ananena mtsogoleri wa komiti yomwe inakhazikitsidwa kuti ipange kafukufukuyu, a Jabbar Alide, yemwe anati zikalata za lipotiri, lomwe linawerengedwa loweruka lapitali, siziperekedwa kwa anthu koma m'malo mwake ziperekedwa kaye kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Lazarus Chakwera.

Malingana ndi a Namiwa, nkofunika kuti a Malawi aliwerenge lipotiri mwatsatanetsatane kaamba koti liri ndi zotsamwitsa zambiri zofunika mayankho.

Iwo atinso ali ndi umboni kuti mtsogoleri wa dziko linoyu anali atapatsidwa kale lipotiri lisanawerengedwe kwa mtundu wa a Malawi.

"Tinamva zija nzopanda pake, angotichedwetsa komanso kuwononga ndalama zathu," atero a Namiwa.

Wolemba Smart Sochela (Blantyre)

  A Linda Litala omwe anamangidwa pa mulandu oti akhala akuchitira nkhanza ndikuvulaza msungwana wa zaka zinayi yemwe nd...

A Linda Litala omwe anamangidwa pa mulandu oti akhala akuchitira nkhanza ndikuvulaza msungwana wa zaka zinayi yemwe ndi mwana wawo omupeza, apitilirabe kukhala ku ndende mpaka pa 9 January chaka cha mawa.

Izi zachitika pomwe lero yemwe akumva mlanduwu a Eupherasia Moyo, wayimitsa mlanduwu kufikira pa tsikuli.

Amuna awo mayiyu, a McPherson Litala, omwenso adamangadwa kaamba kolekerera mwanayu akuzunzidwa, nawonso agamulidwa chimodzimodzi.

Chigamulochi chadza apolisi atapempha bwalori kuti liwapatse nthawi yoti apangebe kafukufuku wawo.

Wolemba Smart Sochela (Blantyre)


Nthambi yoona za nyengo ndi kusintha kwa nyengo, yati namondwe wa Chido akupitilira kuchepa mphamvu m'dziko muno.

Malingana ndi kalata yomwe nthambiyi yatulutsa, namondweyu adakadutsabe m'chigawo chaku m'mwera, ndipo akuyembekezeka kutuluka m'dziko muno masanawa.

Ndipo namondweyu akuyembekezeka kupitiriza kudzetsa mphepo yamkuntho ndi mvula yochuluka mma boma a Machinga, Mangochi, Phalombe, Thyolo, Mulanje, Zomba, Balaka, Mwanza, Neno, Ntcheu, Blantyre, Chiradzulu, Dedza, Chikwawa ndi Nsanje.

Pachifukwa ichi, nthambiyi yapempha anthu m'dziko muno kuti akhale tchelu makamaka mmadera momwe madzi amasefukira kawirikawiri komanso kupewa kuyenda pamene mvula ya mphamvu ikugwa, mwa zina.

Wolemba Lauryn M'banga


Mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Lazarus Chakwera, m'mawa uno akuyendera ntchito zosiyanasiyana za fakitale ya Raiply m'boma la Mzimba.

Pakadali pano, a Chakwera ayendera kale malo omwe kuli mbande za mitengo, fakitale yopanga mapolo, mipando ndi mabedi, mwa zina.

Pamapeto pake mtsogoleriyu, akuyembekezeka kudzala mitengo pafupi ndi polowera ku fakitaleyi.

Wolemba Lauryn M'banga.


Unduna wa zamaphunziro wayimitsa maphunziro onse a msukulu za pulayimale komanso sekondale a lolemba, pa 16 December, 2024 kamba ka chiwopsezo cha namondwe wa Chido.

Malingana ndi nthambi yoona za nyengo m'dziko muno, maboma a Zomba, Machinga, Mangochi, Phalombe, Mulanje, Chiradzulu, Thyolo, Nsanje, Chikwawa, Blantyre, Neno, Ntcheu, Balaka, Mwanza ndi Dedza ndi omwe ali pachiopsezo cha namondweyu.

Pali chiwopsezo choti namondweyu azetsa mavuto akusefukira kwa madzi komanso mphepo yamkuntho yowononga.

Wolemba Lauryn M'banga.

  A Edith Kachale Banda, omwe akufuna kuyimira ngati phungu wa nyumba ya malamulo mdera la Zomba-Malosa atsindika kufuni...

A Edith Kachale Banda, omwe akufuna kuyimira ngati phungu wa nyumba ya malamulo mdera la Zomba-Malosa atsindika kufunika koti amayi ochuluka azitenga nawo gawo mu zochitika zosiyanasiyana za ndale.

A Kachale Banda, omwenso ndi mkulu owona za maubale mchipani cha People's (PP), anena izi pa msonkhano wa amayi omwe chipanichi chinachititsa loweruka mu mzinda wa Zomba.

"Cholinga cha msonkhanowu ndikulimbikitsa amayi kuti asamaziyang'anire pansi, chifukwa iwo, ndiofunikira kwambiri pa chitukuko cha dziko lino," atero a Kachale Banda.

Mlendo olemekezeka pa mwambowu yemwenso ndi mkulu wa amayi mchipanichi a Beatrice Mwale, anavomelezana ndi a Kachale Banda, ponena kuti nthawi yakwana yoti amayi atenge maudindo osiyanasiyana ngati njira imodzi yokwaniritsa masomphenya achitukuko a dziko lino.

Wolemba Lauryn M'banga.

  As districts continue to commemorate the World AIDS Day, Chikwawa District Health Office has encouraged farmers to con...

As districts continue to commemorate the World AIDS Day, Chikwawa District Health Office has encouraged farmers to continue growing diversified crops so that people living with HIV can have access to nutritious meals which boost their immunity.

The Principal Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Officer for the district, Chifundo Micheal Manong’a said people living with HIV need to ensure that they are consuming all six food groups that enable the body to fight against infections and this is possible if diversified meals are available.

He was speaking on the sidelines of World AIDS Day commemorations which was held at Bereu Primary School.

Manong'a added that although the district is making progress in reducing the incidence of the virus, it is still important to observe the rights of individuals living with HIV and fight descrimination among others.

Chairperson for Chikwawa District Council, Councilor Martin Goche, encouraged individuals living with HIV to adhere to the antiretroviral therapy prescribed by medical personnel.

He further acknowledged the working relationship that exists between the government, partners, and non-governmental organizations in the district in an effort to combat the pandemic.

World AIDS day falls on 1 December every year and on the day, the country had a national event in Zomba under the theme Take the rights path: My health, my right!

By Sailesi Sinyanya (Chikwawa)

  Bungwe la Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO) lati likutsatira mwa chidwi nkhani yokhudza mai wa zaka 39, Linda Chitala...

Bungwe la Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO) lati likutsatira mwa chidwi nkhani yokhudza mai wa zaka 39, Linda Chitala, yemwe ali m'manja mwa apolisi ku Blantyre pomuganizira kuti wakhala akuchitira nkhanza ndikuvulaza msungwana wa zaka zinayi yemwe ndi mwana wake omupeza.

Malingana ndi malipoti, maiyu wakhala akuchitira nkhaza mwanayu kwa nthawi yayitali ndipo anthu okhala moyandikana naye anatopa ndi mchitidwe wa maiyu zomwe zinapangitsa kuti akatsine khutu apolisi ya South Lunzu.

Mkulu wa ofesi ya bungwe la YONECO m'boma la Blantyre, a Sewenthe Chiipofya, ati akuyembekezera kuti chilango choyenera chiperekedwa kwa maiyu komanso nkoyennera kuti bambo wa mwanayu afufizidwe pa nkhaniyi kamba koti nkhazazi zakhala zikuchitika kwa nthawi yayitali choncho nkutheka kuti akudziwapo kanthu.

A Chipofya atinso mwanayu akuyenera kulandira thandizo la chisamaliro cha padera kuphatikizapo chokhudza m'malingaliro.

Dzulo maiyu anapempha kuti amutulutse pa belo pomwe akuyembekezeka bwalo kuti liyambe kumva mulandu wake ndipo bwalori linalamula kuti apereke chikole cha K400,000 koma analephera kupereka ndalamayi.

Izi zinapangitsa kuti akusungidwebe ku ndende ya Chichiri podikira mulandu wake.

Wolemba Smart Sochela (Blantyre)

Chithunzi choyambirira: (Mwana ochitiridwa nkhanza)
Chithunzi chachiwiri: (Linda Chitala)
Chithunzi chachitatu: (Sewenthe Chipofya)

 The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Titukulane Project on Thursday handed over two ve...

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Titukulane Project on Thursday handed over two vehicles and 25 motorcycles to Zomba District Council as part of its efforts to sustain various initiatives in the district.

Speaking during the handover ceremony, the Chief of Party for the Titukulane Project, Jones Chimpukuso, emphasized that the donated assets would help the council continue implementing interventions in key areas such as agriculture, health, and disaster risk management.

Chimpukuso explained that the vehicles and motorcycles would be instrumental in enhancing the provision of sustainable agricultural extension services.

“One vehicle and several motorcycles have been allocated to the district’s agricultural office to support irrigation farming as part of efforts to combat hunger,” Chimpukuso said. “Additionally, last year, we donated one vehicle, bringing the total number of vehicles Zomba District Council has received from the Titukulane Project to three.”

Zomba District Commissioner, Reignhard Chavula, expressed her gratitude for the donation, highlighting that the assets would help the council monitor the progress of ongoing initiatives after the closure of the five-year project.

“With these assets, the gap created by the project’s closure will be minimal in terms of sustaining its initiatives. I also urge other non-governmental organizations to follow this example,” Chavula said.

By Augustine Muwotcha (Zomba)

  Khonsolo ya boma la Zomba yati ipitiriza kulimbikitsa kufalitsa mauthenga komanso ndondomeko zosiyanasiyana pofuna kut...

Khonsolo ya boma la Zomba yati ipitiriza kulimbikitsa kufalitsa mauthenga komanso ndondomeko zosiyanasiyana pofuna kuthetsa nkhanza mdziko muno.

Mkulu oona za kuti pasakhale kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pa kagwiridwe ka ntchito ku khonsoloyi a Rupert Kamtsendero, ayankhula izi pa mwambo okumbukira masiku 16 othetsa nkhanzazi omwe unachitikira ku Thondwe m’bomali.

A Kamtsendero anati ngati njira imodzi yothetsa mchitidwewu, ofesi yawo yakonza zopititsa makhoti oyendayenda m'madera a m’bomali, mmalo monga mmisika.

"Tiyamba ndondomeko yopititsa ma khoti kumadera (mobile courts) ngati njira imodzi yofuna kuti milandu yomwe ilipo pa nkhani ya nkhanza iziweruzidwa nsanga komanso mwachilungamo”

Mlendo olemekezeka pa mwambowu wachiwili kwa wapampando wa khonsolo ya boma la Zomba a Evalista Kalimbuka, apempha adindo komanso mafumu kuti agwirane manja potengapo mbali pofuna kuthetsa nkhanza m’bomali.

Mayiko pa dziko lonse amakumbukira masiku othetsa nkhanza kuyambira pa 25 November mpaka pa 10 December chaka chilichonse.

Wolemba Chifundo Masanche (Zomba)


Nthambi yowona za ngozi zogwa mwadzidzidzi ya (DoDMA) yachenjeza anthu kuti akhale tcheru pofuna kuteteza moyo ndi katundu pomwe akatswiri a zanyengo alosera kuti dziko lino liri pa chiwopsezo chokhudzidwa ndi namondwe otchedwa Chido.

Komishonala wa nthambiyi a Charles Kalemba, ndiwo anena izi kudzera mu kalata yomwe atulutsa lero kutsatira ulosi wa nthambi yowona za nyengo okhudza za namondweyu yemwe ali ndikuthekera kozadzetsa mvula ya mphamvu ndinso kusefukira kwa madzi m'dziko muno kwa masiku awiri kuyambira lamulungu likudzali.

Choncho nthambi ya DoDMA yapempha anthu kuti asamukire ku malo okwera pofuna kupewa madzi osefukirawa.

Nthambiyi yalangizanso anthu kuti munyengoyi azitsatira ma uthenga a za nyengo, apewe kuwoloka mitsinje yodzadza komanso asamayandikire nthambo za magetsi.

Padakali pano nthambi ya DoDMA yati yatsina kale khutu ma khonsolo onse komanso yakonzeka kale ndi magulu othandiza pa ngozi omwe mumakhala asilikali a nkhondo, apolisi ndi a chipatala.

Wolemba Smart Sochela (Blantyre)


Youth Net & Counselling (YONECO)






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