SVM2 Malawi

SVM2 Malawi SVM2 Malawi aims at Multiplying Leaders and Ministries who Mobilize and Equip for the Great Commission



By Reuben Shadrach Kachala

The term "missions" or "missionary" is not found anywhere in the Bible therefore missions is not God's idea or mandate to the church.

Missions is the idea, job and responsibility of the western church. Therefore those who come from the non-western world have nothing to do with it.

The idea of Missions is found only in a few verses of the Bible, therefore it shouldn't be taken seriously.

We shouldn't bother about going to far away cultures and countries to do missions, we can just send money to churches close to them. Since they come from the same culture and region with them, they will do the job much more easier and quicker than us.

Unreached people groups from afar shouldnt be our responsibility, it is the responsibility of churches from the same country, region culture with them.

Missions is only a department in the church and therefore it shouldn't be raised above any other form of ministry.

In missions, we should simply target countries not unreached people groups. Therefore as it is now (where christianity has reached every country on earth), the Great Commission is completed.

Missions is the responsibility of missionaries who cross cultural and geographical borders to go to other countries. The rest of the believers have nothing to do with it.

To participate in missions, one requires a specific dramatic calling from God (like a vision or an audible voice) and should also attain a high level of spiritual maturity and holiness.

Missions means extending our particular denomination where is is not yet found.

Missions is the responsibility of only rich churches and countries. Therefore those of us who come from villages and poor countries should be exempted.

Everything that the church does is missions. This may include building projects, buying musical equipment, teaching Sunday school etc. Therefore don't make cross-cultural ministry more special than anything else.

Every christian is a missionary wherever they are. Therefore we shouldn't bother send some specialized cross-cultural workers anywhere in the world.

If emphasized too much, missions lowers local church income because church members focus more attention on the global needs neglecting their own pastor and other local needs.

Missions should primarily focus and be concerned with Jerusalem (our area or country) and later if funds and personnel permit, we can consider reaching other parts of the world.

Missions is when the church goes to other countries reaching citizens from its home culture who have migrated into those lands.

Missions is not for children, young people or those who have no theological training or ministry experience. It is only for seasoned Pastors who have been theologically equipped and have a been in ministry for a long time.

Missions is one best way of improving one's life and income in ministry and it provides easy access to travel and visit different places in the world, take care of your family needs and enjoy life. Why? Because missionaries are paid well and have good connections with white people.

Missions is for misfits and second class ministers, those who have failed in any other ministry back home and for some reason they can't work well in their home culture.

Missions is the responsibility of specialized mission organizattions or agencies. Local churches and denominations are called to work locally and in other forms of ministry.

Missions is mainly and primarily concerned with alliviating human suffering in areas of poverty, sicknesses, human trafficking and illitracy among the nations. The elements of evangelism, discipleship and church planting are optional.

If you are within Lilongwe, dont miss this event

If you are within Lilongwe, dont miss this event

As we prepare to enter into the new year, let us not forget the fact that there is an UNFINISHED BUSINESS of our Father ...

As we prepare to enter into the new year, let us not forget the fact that there is an UNFINISHED BUSINESS of our Father which we did not finish in 2017 and it is being carried over into 2018. This business is a significant number of PEOPLE GROUPS who have little or no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ. And as a global church we have failed to reduce this number to zero in 2017. Let us therefore try by all means and with the help of the Holy Spirit to reduce or finish this job in 2018. Happy New Year!!!

LTW Prayer Calendar / September 7 / MatangPopulation: 6,340,000Hub: IndiaReligion: Hinduism% Christian: 0.00%Resources: ...

LTW Prayer Calendar / September 7 / Matang

Population: 6,340,000
Hub: India
Religion: Hinduism
% Christian: 0.00%
Resources: NT, JF
Engaged: Yes
Workers Needed: 120
Description: The Matang are the second largest Dalit (untouchable) caste in the state of Maharashtra. Their traditional occupation was leather work and disposing of dead bodies of animals. They have four principle subgroups which do not intermarry with one another.

Prayer Points:
• The Matang are considered so low in the Hindu hierarchy that even other low caste groups such as the washermen and barbers will not serve them. Pray that the Matang might be lifted up in Christ to their true identity as sons and daughters of the Most High God.
• The Matang worship Devi as their supreme deity, a goddess who manifests in many other female deities such as Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Pray for deliverance from deceptions that bind the Matang in idolatry and false religion.
• Some Matang have become Christians, but to a large extent they have been discriminated against by Christians from other castes. Pray for complete transformation in the church from prejudice and for a wide open door of Christ's love to the Matang from believers everywhere.

A Prayer: Heavenly Father, you sent your Son Jesus to lift up the down-trodden and establish justice in the earth. May the Matang be set free both spiritually and socially from the bonds that hold them.
Each year 57,000 Matangs die without Christ.

LTW Prayer Calendar / June 22 / JambiPopulation: 1,071,000Hub: IndonesiaReligion: Islam% Christian: 0.00%Resources: Eng...

LTW Prayer Calendar / June 22 / Jambi

Population: 1,071,000
Hub: Indonesia
Religion: Islam
% Christian: 0.00%
Workers Needed: 0

Description: The Jambi are a Malay people who live in the central region of the island of Sumatra. They have been heavily influenced by the larger, neighboring Minangkabau tribe. Their land is characterized by swamps, rivers and dense jungle.

Prayer Points:
• There is no Bible translation in the Jambi language or evangelistic tools like the Jesus Film. Pray for a team to be assembled to produce these resources for the Jambi people.
• There is no active church-planting among the Jambi. Pray that God would raise up Indonesian believers with a heart for bringing Jesus to them.
• The Jambi's geographic isolation has kept them under-developed economically. Pray that believers might bring development and helpful investment to this region that will provide platforms for evangelism and church-planting.

A Prayer: Heavenly Father, we ask you to send forth workers among the Jambi who will represent your Son Jesus in both word and deed.

Each year 10,000 Jambi die without Christ.


The Sunda are a Malay people who live primarily on the western side of Java, Indonesia.

• High population growth rates have put pressure on the traditional agrarian economy, forcing many to move to cities like Jakarata. PRAY that those who have met Jesus in these cities might return to share their faith in their traditional homeland.
• Muslim extremism is growing among the Sunda. PRAY for resistance against this influence and for the spiritual forces behind this to be driven back.
• The Sunda were forced to convert to Islam in the 16th century. PRAY that their pre-Islamic culture might be redeemed to the glory of God.

Population: 33,341,000; Hub: Indonesia
Religion: Islam; LESS THAN 1% Christian


For millenia, the sages have been crying out, "Bring me from darkness to light; bring me from falsehood to truth; bring me from death to immortality." From t...

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 31 / BertiPopulation: 270,000Hub: SudanReligion: Islam% Christian: 0.00%Resources: NT, JF,...

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 31 / Berti

Population: 270,000
Hub: Sudan
Religion: Islam
% Christian: 0.00%
Resources: NT, JF, GR
Engaged: No
Workers Needed: 5

The Berti are a Nilo-Saharan people who now speak their own unique dialect of Arabic as their mother-tongue. They live in the northern part of the Darfur region of Sudan. As a minority group in the region they see themselves as subordinates to the larger, more powerful tribes in Darfur.

Prayer Points:

• The Berti people have been peaceful farmers for centuries and as a result almost all of them became refugees in the Darfur conflict, prefering to flee rather than fight. Pray that God might raise up his church to help them resettle in their lands and care for them during this transition.

• The Berti have been an integral part of the Darfur sultanate and have a good reputation. Pray that God might use them to become ambassadors of his peace and salvation in Jesus as they begin to come to faith.

• The Berti follow the Maliki tradition of Islam, which in Northern Sudan includes sacrifices and rituals for health, prosperity, rain, etc. Pray that this understanding of sacrifice might become a bridge to understanding the cross, the ultimate sacrifice for all mankind.

A Prayer:
Heavenly Father, you alone know all the suffering of the Berti people. May they experience the fullness of your love and compassion for them through the presence of your Son Jesus in their community and hearts.

Each year 2,000 Berti die without Christ.

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 30 / AllaabaPopulation: 287,000Hub: EthiopiaReligion: Islam% Christian: 1.50%Resources: JF...

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 30 / Allaaba

Population: 287,000
Hub: Ethiopia
Religion: Islam
% Christian: 1.50%
Resources: JF, GR
Engaged: Yes
Workers Needed: 5

The Alaaba are a Cush*tic people living in the Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia. They are primarily a rural people, though a few thousand have migrated to the city of Kulito. In the rural areas they are entirely Muslim, though in Kulito some have come to faith in Jesus.

Prayer Points:

• The Alaaba have been very resistant to change and outside influence, yet this is beginning to change, and 26 new schools have been established among them. Pray that with this increased openness might come opportunities for the expansion of the gospel in their midst, especially in the rural areas.

• The Alaaba are less than 1% literate today, and their is no Bible translation in their mother-tongue. Pray for an effective church-based literacy program for adults, and also for creative ways to present the Scriptures using audio-based technology.

• Surveys among the Alaaba show that their greatest felt-needs are in the areas of schools, clinics and water wells for villages. Pray for Christian ministries to catch a vision for these needs and for the funding to be released.

A Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we praise you for your purposes for the Alaaba that they might bring glory to your name as a people created by you and for you. May they receive with joy the eternal hope in your Son Jesus.

Each year 3,000 Allaaba die without Christ.

Pray for the Jebala in MoroccoPopulation: 1,203,000Christian: 0.03%Evangelical: 0.00%Largest Religion: IslamMain Languag...

Pray for the Jebala in Morocco

Population: 1,203,000
Christian: 0.03%
Evangelical: 0.00%
Largest Religion: Islam
Main Language: Arabic, Moroccan Spoken

The word Jbala comes from Moroccan Arabic Jbel, which means mountain. Thus Jbala means mountain people. A man or boy is called a Jebli while a woman or a girl is called a Jebliya. They traditionally have lived in or near the Rif mountains in northern Morocco. The Jebala favor pointed-toed leather slippers, and reed hats are traditional. Their musicians sometimes perform Sufi trance music.

Ministry Obstacles
Access to these people is limited. Pray for creative ways for Christians to minister to them.

Outreach Ideas
Gospel radio is very helpful in this region that is difficult for outsiders to access.

Pray for the Followers of Christ
Pray for the few followers of Christ to cling strongly to Jesus and not be discouraged as they face trials. Pray they will learn to speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

Pray for the Entire People Group
Pray the Jebala community will be able to care adequately for their families, and for good schools for their children.

Scripture Focus
'Again he says, "Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people." And again, "Praise the Lord all you Gentiles, And let all the peoples praise Him." Romans 15:10-11

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 27 / Mozambique MakondePopulation: 410,000Hub: MozambiqueReligion: Islam% Christian: 0.50%...

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 27 / Mozambique Makonde

Population: 410,000
Hub: Mozambique
Religion: Islam
% Christian: 0.50%
Resources: NT, JF, GR
Engaged: Yes
Workers Needed: 10

The Makonde are a major Bantu people in East Africa related to the Yao people. They are famous for their wood carvings which record their family trees over many generations. Many live along the coast or along the Ruvuma river, engaging in fishery as a major source of livelihood.

Prayer Points:
• The Makonde were part of a movement over one 100 years ago to drive out German colonists. In the process they attacked missionaries and destroyed mission stations. Today they are converting to Islam. Pray that the spread of Islamic adherance would be reversed and that the spiritual powers associated with this movement might be bound in the name of Jesus.

• In Tanzania, many Makonde are responding to the gospel who are from a non-Muslim background. Pray that from these believers missionaries might be raised up and sent to the Makonde in Mozambique.

• Ancestor worship is widely practiced by the Makonde and is a major spiritual force controlling their hearts and minds. Pray that the gospel might bring freedom and deliverance from the spirit of fear which rules over them.

A Prayer:
Heavenly Father, be exalted over the Makonde people. Let the glory of your presence come into their midst in full power and authority through the lordship of Jesus Christ.

Each year 4,000 Mozambique Makonde die without Christ.

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 26 / MabaPopulation: 432,000Hub: ChadReligion: Islam% Christian: 0.01%Resources: NoneEngag...

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 26 / Maba

Population: 432,000
Hub: Chad
Religion: Islam
% Christian: 0.01%
Resources: None
Engaged: No
Workers Needed: 10

The Maba are Chad's largest non-Arab Muslim people group. They are a collection of many smaller mountain tribes from the Wadai region of Chad which all speak the same language and were united by the religion of Islam in the 16th century. In urban areas many of the Maba now speak Chadian Arabic and some are adopting this as their first language.

Prayer Points:

• The Maba have a reputation of being wary of outsiders and there is no long-term missionary work among them today. Pray for an openness to receive those whom God has called to live among them for the sake of the gospel.

• The Islamic teachers among the Maba belong to the Tijaniya brotherhood, which is a mystical Sufi sect. Pray that the light of Jesus might shine in this brotherhood and bring each of these Islamic teachers to a saving faith.

• Maba young people are increasingly using mobile phones and watching satellite TV. Pray for a ministry to be raised up that will bring the gospel to this generation through these contemporary media platforms.

A Prayer:
Heavenly Father, may your truth be embraced by the Maba and your love enter their hearts through knowing your Son Jesus.

Each year 4,000 Maba die without Christ.

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 25 / ZaghawaPopulation: 460,000Hub: SudanReligion: Islam% Christian: 0.00%Resources: NoneE...

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 25 / Zaghawa

Population: 460,000
Hub: Sudan
Religion: Islam
% Christian: 0.00%
Resources: None
Engaged: No
Workers Needed: 10

The Zaghawa are a Nilo-Saharan tribe who descend from an ancient society and kingdom, dating back to at least the 7th century in what is modern-day Chad, Niger and Sudan. In the 1940s they converted in masse to Islam through the influence of West African Muslims traveling to Mecca on the Hajj.

Prayer Points:

• In Chad, the Zaghawa dominate politically, and the current president Idriss Deby is from their tribe. Pray for his salvation and ask God to use their influence to bring the hope of the gospel to the entire country.

• The Zaghawa in Sudan have been severely affected by the Darfur crises in Sudan where many of them live in refugee camps. Their children are often recruited as fighers in the rebel movements. Pray for the protection of this vulnerable generation and that God might raise up ministries to reach them with the love of Christ.

• There are no missionaries working among the Zaghawa and no Bible resources in their language. Pray that God might raise up Sudanese churches and agencies to adopt this group and send workers among them.

A Prayer:
Heavenly Father, may the Zaghawa find their hope in your son Jesus and find healing and a refuge in his Name.

Each year 4,000 Zaghawa die without Christ.

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 22 / Masalit of SudanPopulation: 611,000Hub: SudanReligion: Islam% Christian: 0.00%Resourc...

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 22 / Masalit of Sudan

Population: 611,000
Hub: Sudan
Religion: Islam
% Christian: 0.00%
Resources: Gospel Recordings
Engaged: Yes
Workers Needed: 12

The Masalit are a Nilo-Saharan people living in Western Sudan and Chad. A century ago they established their own nation-state called Dar Masalit, which is now a province of Sudan in the Darfur region.

Prayer Points:

• In 2003 the Masalit joined with the Fur and the Zaghawa peoples to denounce the Sudanese government's failure to protect them from Arab raiders. In response they were brutally attacked and over 1 million people have been displaced. Pray for God's healing to come to this land and for a questioning of the Islamic ideology that leads to this violence.

• Many compassionate ministries have begun work among the Masalit following the attack on their homeland, resulting in some initial response to the gospel. Pray for God's blessing on these new believers and for continued open doors to reach the Masalit people.

• Severe drought in Darfur over the last 30 years has devastated the livelihood of the Masalit. Pray for creative long-term solutions that can be administered by the emerging Masalit church as a community in Christ.

A Prayer:
Heavenly Father, raise up a permanent light among the Masalit through your people working together to bring the hope of the gospel, both in this life and the one to come.

Each year 5,000 Masalit die without Christ.

January 21: The Rabari People group of IndiaPopulation: 1,073,000Christian: 0.00%Evangelical: 0.00%Largest Religion: Hin...

January 21: The Rabari People group of India

Population: 1,073,000
Christian: 0.00%
Evangelical: 0.00%
Largest Religion: Hinduism (100.00%)
Main Language: Gujarati

Introduction / History
The Rabari people are distributed in Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Rajashthan and Gujarat. They are also called Raika, Rabha, Bhopa, Devagi and Utwalle. They have a caste council called Nyat that controls matters related to their community. The Rabari social organization is characterized by the clan system, locally called Ataks.

In Rajasthan the Rabari wear colourful dresses, while the Gujarati Rabari prefers white garments. They are good at the traditional art of cloth embroidery. They marry within their community. They speak Hindi, Marwari, Haryanvi and use the Devanagari script. The Rabari tend sheep, goats and camels.

Most of the Rabari are vegetarian while some are non-vegetarian; their everyday diet consists of homemade bread of millet or wheat and jowar.

Child marriage is common, however adult marriages are also performed through negotiation. Remarriage is permitted for both the widow and widower. They maintain only putative kinship with others. The Rabari live in joint families. Children are also engaged in their primary occupation. The dead are cremated.

The Rabari regard Durga and Shiva as their supreme deities. Shiva, Krishna, Durga and Amba are their clan deities. Rama, Ganesh, Shiva, Durgadevi and Hanuman are also worshipped as village deities. Every year a festival is held at Asthal Bohar for three days.

Prayer Points
* For the salvation of the Rabari people.
* For an end to child marriages and other social problems among the Rabari people.
* For children to be sent for education.

Profile Source: India Missions Association

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 20 / ShiraziPopulation: 720,000Hub: TanzaniaReligion: Islam% Christian: 0.00%Resources: NT...

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 20 / Shirazi

Population: 720,000
Hub: Tanzania
Religion: Islam
% Christian: 0.00%
Resources: NT, JF
Engaged: Yes
Workers Needed: 15

The Shirazi are a Muslim sub-group of the Swahili people-cluster which are believed to descend from intermarriage between Persians and Bantu peoples along the eastern coast of Africa. They are the majority people on the island of Zanzibar, off the coast of Tanzania.

Prayer Points:

• Zanzibar was a center of the slave trade controlled by Arabian Muslims and many of the Shirazi are the descendants of slaves. Pray that they might find in Christ both spiritual freedom and healing from this historic injustice.

• There is still today great conflict between the minority Arabs, which control the land and economy of Zanzibar, and the majority Shirazi who have been marginalized in their own land. Pray that this conflict might lead the peoples of Zanzibar to seek the prince of peace who alone can bridge this divide.

• The Shirazi have a high regard for Persians, from whom they descend and have a shared cultural heritage. Pray that God might raise up missionaries from the emerging Persian church to reach out to the Shirazi and show them how faith in Jesus completes their spiritual journey to know God.

A Prayer:
Heavenly Father, your word says that the islands will look to the One you will send for salvation. May this promise be fulfilled among the Shirazi of Zanzibar through the proclamation of the gospel.

Each year 6,000 Shirazi die without Christ.

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 19 / ZaramoPopulation: 918,000Hub: TanzaniaReligion: Islam% Christian: 0.70%Resources: NTE...

LTW Prayer Calendar / January 19 / Zaramo

Population: 918,000
Hub: Tanzania
Religion: Islam
% Christian: 0.70%
Resources: NT
Engaged: Yes
Workers Needed: 20

The Zaramo are a Bantu people who are part of the Swahili people cluster. They are famous for their iron and woodworking craftsmanship, though most make their living through farming.

Prayer Points:
• Many Zaramo live in the coastal city of Dar es-Salaam, where their are thousands of Christians from other Tanzanian tribes. Pray that these believers might have a vision for reaching out to the Zaramo and for openness among the Zaramo to receive this witness.

• The Zaramo are divided into 300 matrilineal clans which have a history of warfare and tension between them. Divorce is also very high. Pray for God's healing to come through the gospel and for the generational curse of retribution and unforgiveness to be broken in Zaramo culture.

• A few Zaramo have responded to the gospel though their has been little growth or church-planting in recent years. Pray for spiritual awakening to come to this fledgling church and for hundreds of Zaramo evangelists and church-planters to be raised up.

A Prayer:
Heavenly Father, strengthen and bless those who have put their faith in you among the Zaramo and let your light shine through them with increasing glory and righteousness.

Each year 8,000 Zaramo die without Christ.


709 Mubvi Street, Area 47/4


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