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*WAPOLISI KU RUMPHI WAMWALIRA PA NGOZI YA NJINGA YAMOTO*Supt Gerald Golden Chimombo yemwe anali wa police pa Rumphi boma...


Supt Gerald Golden Chimombo yemwe anali wa police pa Rumphi boma watisiya pa ngozi ya njinga ya moto usiku wathawu ku Rumphi komweko.

Zambiri timva kuchokera ku nthambi ya a Police.

Supt Gerald Golden Chimombo asiya mkazi ndi ana.

Rumphi Police Station yataya munthu ochezeka kwambiri.

WATULUKIRA PANGOLIN KUCHOKERA KOBISALAApolisi m'dziko la Mozambique athira utsi wokhetsa misozi otsatira mtsogoleri wots...


Apolisi m'dziko la Mozambique athira utsi wokhetsa misozi otsatira mtsogoleri wotsutsa boma, Venancio Mondlane pomwe amaletsa kuti asafike pabwalo la ndege kudzamuchingamira mtsogoleri-yu pomwe amafika mdzikoli lachinayi kuchokera komwe wakhala akubisala.

Zithunzi za nyumba yofalitsa nkhani ya Al Jazeera zikuwonetsa apolisi akuthamangitsa ochita ziwonetsero, pomwe ena anayamba kuponya miyala pobwezera, pamene amayesa kuphwanya msewu waukulu wopita ku bwalo la ndege la Mavalane International.

Mondlane anauzauza gulu la atolankhani omwe anakumana nawo atatuluka pabwalo la ndege kuti chisankho cha pa 9 October chaka chatha chinaberedwa ndikukondera woyimira chipani cholamula cha Frelimo, Daniel Chapo, yemwe akuyenera kulumbiritsidwa pa 15 January.

"Ndine pano ndabwera mu thupi(Flesh) ndipo ndinene kuti ngati mukufuna zokambirana.... ndiri pano," Mondlane anauza atolankhani kunja kwa bwalo la ndege.

Chipani cha Frelimo chakhala chikulamulira dziko la Mozambique kuyambira pomwe nkhondo yolimbana ndi atsamunda a Chipwitikizi inatha m'chaka cha 1975.


Inu uku kununkha mpiratu uku, Mzogoleli wachipani chotsusa boma Mdziko la Mozambique VENΓ‚NCIA Mondlane wazilumbirisa yekha pa mpando wa president wadzikolo pabwalo la ndege lero pomwe amafika mdziko la Mozambique kuchokera komwe anabisala

Kulumbirisa mtsogoleri wadzikolo kuchitika pa 16 January chaka chino pomwe uyu wazikumbirisa yekha kale



*Sameer Suleman kuponda moto atangotulusidwa kumene ku khoti pa bail, akuti chimimba kapena kamajekete mumamuziwa inu?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚*

Pangolin Watuluka pa beloOweruza mlandu Senior Resident Magistrate Andrew Mmanga wapereka belo kwa phungu wa chipani cha...

Pangolin Watuluka pa belo

Oweruza mlandu Senior Resident Magistrate Andrew Mmanga wapereka belo kwa phungu wa chipani cha DPP Sameer Suleman.

Suleman anamangidwa lolemba powaganizira kuti anayipitsa mbiri ya Richard Chimwendo Banda, Zikhale Ng'oma komanso Steven Malondera.

Oyimira boma pa mlandu anawuza bwalo la milandu kuti asungebe m'chitokosi kwa masiku okwana asanu ndi awiri(7) kuti amalizitse kafukufuku wawo.

Koma oyimilira oyimbidwa mlandu, Bob Chimkango anatsutsana ndi pemphelo ponena kuti mbari ya boma imayenera kumaliza kafukufuku wawo asamange oganizirudwa yu.

Ndipo popereka chigamulo, oweruza mlandu Manga analamula kuti Suleman atuluke pa belo.

Oweluzayu walamula oganiziridwayu kupereka chikole cha ndalama yokwana K500,000, komanso chikole cha katundu wa ndalama zokwana K2 million.

Blantyre City South East legislator Sameer Suleman, who yesterday handed himself to Blantyre Police Station following a ...

Blantyre City South East legislator Sameer Suleman, who yesterday handed himself to Blantyre Police Station following a warrant of his arrest , has arrived at Blantyre Magistrate's Court where he is expected to be formally charged.

According to police sources, Suleman was
rushed to the court as early as 6am following commotion at Blantyre Police Station where some sympathisers were demanding his release.

Meanwhile, there is heavy presence of police from the main entrance to the courtroom.

Woyimba wa dziko la Zambia Dandy Crazy wamwalira ku m'mawaku ali ndi zaka 47.Malinga ndi nyuzipepala za mdziko la Zambia...

Woyimba wa dziko la Zambia Dandy Crazy wamwalira ku m'mawaku ali ndi zaka 47.

Malinga ndi nyuzipepala za mdziko la Zambia, Dandy Crazy pamodzi ndi anthu ena anayi anachita ngozi ya galimoto pa 31 December 2024 ndipo anthu anayi onsewo anafera pamalo angoziwo pamene iye anavulala kwambiri.

Iye amalandira thandizo pa chipatala china chachikulu cha m'dzikolo koma kufika lero kummawaku woyimbayu wamwalira.

Dandy Crazy amadziwika bwino ndi nyimbo zake monga Donchi Kubeba komanso Bachelor.

Yemwe wangachotsedwa kumene ku chipani cha UTM Michael Usi wati ayankhulapo bwino lomwe zokhudza kalata yomwe chipanichi...

Yemwe wangachotsedwa kumene ku chipani cha UTM Michael Usi wati ayankhulapo bwino lomwe zokhudza kalata yomwe chipanichi chalemba yomuchotsa ntchipanimu.

Usi wati kalatayi wayiwona ndipo aperekapo maganizo awo posachedwapa.

Chipani cha UTM chathamangisa Usi mu chipanichi ati kaamba kodzetsa chisokonezo.

Malinga ndi kalatayi, Usi akumudzudzula poyikira kumbuyo chipani cha MCP, mwachitsanzo pogwiritsa ntchito mawu oti "boma ndi lomweli" omwe akugwiritsidwa kwambiri ndi chipani cholamula cha MCP komanso kumapanga zosemphana ndi chipanichi.

USI FIRED IN UTM The UTM Party  has  expelled Michael Usi from the Party with immediate effect.According to the statemen...


The UTM Party has expelled Michael Usi from the Party with immediate effect.

According to the statement released by UTM publicity Secretary, the decision follows Usi's violation of the UTM Constitution through conduct that has undermined the unity and integrity of the Party.

Njawala says Usi was found guilty of: Provoking Division Within the Party

"Usi mobilized UTM supporters to attend a government function while wearing UTM regalia and displaying Party symbols, despite the formal termination of the political alliance between UTM and MCP," explained Njawala.

Njawala also noted that, Usi publicly endorsed the MCP government by using its slogan, "Boma ndi Lomweli," thereby violating Article 22(8) (k) of the UTM Constitution, which prohibits supporting or joining political organizations not in alliance with UTM.

"Michael Usi is hereby advised to cease identifying himself as a member of UTM in any capacity, effective immediately," reads part of the statement.

BREAKING NEWSChipani cha UTM chachotsa a Michael Usi ngati membala wa chipanichi.Kalata yomwe walemba ndi mlembi wamkulu...


Chipani cha UTM chachotsa a Michael Usi ngati membala wa chipanichi.

Kalata yomwe walemba ndi mlembi wamkulu wa chipanichi, a Willet Karonga, yati a Usi, awachotsa potsatira ganizo lomwe achita ndi makomiti aakulu amene amayendetsa chipanichi.

A Usi adawaitana kuti akaonekere ku komiti yosungitsa mwambo ya chipanichi, Lolemba koma iwo sadatero.

Iyi ndi mbali ya ina ya kalata yomwe mlembi wa chipanichi watulutsa.

Nurse Commits Su***de Over Alleged Betting DebtsA tragic incident occurred at a local clinic when a nurse, identified as...

Nurse Commits Su***de Over Alleged Betting Debts

A tragic incident occurred at a local clinic when a nurse, identified as Meleniah Zulu, took her own life by hanging herself from a tree within the clinic premises.

According to sources, Zulu had allegedly borrowed K22,000 from a mobile money agent with a promise to repay the same day. However, she reportedly used the borrowed amount and her entire December salary to fund her betting habits, resulting in significant financial losses.

On December 26, Zulu was said to have expressed distress over her substantial debts, which ultimately led to her decision to end her life.

The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, with many offering condolences to Zulu's family.


*Michael Usi ndi masapota achipani cha MCP omwe anawaveka msalu za Malaka a UTM wakana kukaonekera ku mirandu yomwe chipani cha UTM China kuitanisa kuti akayankhe kulilongwe mmawa, Usi kumalankhula zoderera utsogoleri wa UTM komanso kupanga zosemphana ndi mfundo za chipanichi.*

Padakali pano chipani Cha UTM kuzera mwa mneneri wake a Felix Njawala ati Michael Usi akufuna kuononga chipani cha UTM.

KWABUKA KULUMANA LUMANA KU Bungwe LA PACChipwirikiti Chabuka ku Bungwe la mgwilizano wa Atsogoleri a zipembedzo, lotched...


Chipwirikiti Chabuka ku Bungwe la mgwilizano wa Atsogoleri a zipembedzo, lotchedwa Public Affairs Committee (PAC) kamba koti wapampando wa Bungwelo, yemwe ndi wamsembe wa mpingo wa Akatolika, Monsinor Patrick Thawale, anasankhidwa ndi mtsogoleri wa Dziko, popanda kutsatira ndondomeko yoyenera podziwitsa Bungwelo.

koma chodabwitsa pa nkhaniyi, ndichoti Mkanganowu wabuka ku Bungweli, patangotha masiku ochepa, Bishop wamkulu wa mpingo wa Akatolika, Luke Thomas Msusa, atayankhula ponena kuti sakukhutitsidwa ndi zotsatira za kafuku fuku wa ngozi ya ndege ku chikangawa.

Wamsembe Monsinor Patrick Thawale, ndi m'modzi mwa Anthu ena odziwika bwino, omwe anali ku Komiti yofufuza za ngozi ya ndege zomwe Amalawi ambiri akunena kuti zotsatira za kafuku fuku wa komitiyo zisanayankhe mafunso awo.

Anthu enanso odziwika bwino omwe anali mu komitiyo ndi Mfumu yaikulu ya Angoni a Zwangendaba Jere, m'boma la Mzimba, Inkosi ya makhosi Mbelwa ndi Inkosi Makwangwala ya Angoni a Maseko m'boma la Ntcheu, omwe chapano tikusimba, akuyenda zoli zoli ngati Nkhuku zovumbwidwa ndi mvula, kamba ka manyazi, Bishop wamkulu Thomas Luke Msusa, atanena kuti sakukhutitsidwa ndi zotsatira za kafuku fukuyo.

FUGITIVE SUSPECT ARRESTED, POLICE RECOVER TWO FI****MS Kefas Peter Kanyama, 51 is in Police cooler in Mangochi  for alle...


Kefas Peter Kanyama, 51 is in Police cooler in Mangochi for allegedly possessing unlicensed fi****ms and a conduct likely to cause a breach of peace.

Mangochi Police Spokesperson Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi has confirmed saying Kanyama had been on the run since December 12, 2024, following a chaotic incident at the Koche Roadblock, where he fired two rounds into the air.

Daudi says on the evening of the incident, Kanyama approached the checkpoint, driving a white Toyota Fortuner (registration NN 424) alone where he found two Liwonde police officers and Malawi Revenue Authority(MRA) officials on duty.

"Unexpectedly, Kanyama parked his vehicle, exited with a Greener rifle, and fired it into the air without provocation. He then retrieved a pistol from his car and discharged it again multiple times into the air" adds Daudi.

When confronted, Kanyama allegedly threatened to locate and shoot a certain Traffic Officer, who was not present at the time.

After his threats, the two officers attempted to arrest him but proved futile as he fled the scene in his car.

During the arrest, police recovered a Greener rifle loaded with one bullet and revolver pistol with ten live bullets in the vehicle. Kanyama failed to produce valid documents for the fi****ms.

Kanyamahe who hails from Kuweruza Village, Traditional Authority Changata in Thyolo is expected to appear in court to face charges leveled against him once the necessary documentation is finalized.

UKU APWETEKANA UKUDziko la Mozambique, pa 15th January, chaka cha 2025, ndi tsiku lomwe Daniel Fransisco Chapo (kumanja)...


Dziko la Mozambique, pa 15th January, chaka cha 2025, ndi tsiku lomwe Daniel Fransisco Chapo (kumanja) wa chipani cha Frelimo, adzalumbilisidwe kukhala mtsogoleri watsopano wa Dziko la Mozambique.

Izitu ndi malinga ndi zotsatira za chisankho chomwe Bwalo lalikulu la Dzikolo, linatsimikiza kuti iye ndiye anapambana pa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa Dzikolo.
Komanso pa tsiku lomwelo, pa 15th January, chaka cha mawa, Venancio Mondlane(kumazele) yemwe masapota ake akhala akuchita zionetsero zokwiya ndi zotsatira za chisankho, watsimikiza kuti adzazilumbulitsa yekha kukhala mtsogoleri watsopano wa Dziko la Mozambique.

zonse zidzachitika pa Tsiku limodzi pa 15th January chaka cha mawa.

Tafotokoza nkhaniyi kuti inu mumvetse bwino pa zomwe zikuchitika ku Dziko la Mozambique, ndipo mudzitha kutsatira bwino, maka zomwe zidzachike ku Dziko la Mozambique pa 15th January chaka cha mawa.

Nde mwati simuphanako uku?

Nde mwati simuphanako uku?

Mpingo wa katolika wataya nkhosa zake nde Mpingowu ukulira kuti pakafedwe ka nkhosa zake lipoti la commission of inquiry...

Mpingo wa katolika wataya nkhosa zake nde Mpingowu ukulira kuti pakafedwe ka nkhosa zake lipoti la commission of inquiry lokhazikisidwa ndi President Chakwera silikumveka bwino and mu lipotimu chilungamo mulibe, inu basi kuthamanga kukapangisa msonkhano wa atola nkhani kumakamutukwanako Msusa, muli ndi vuto lofunika chipatala chaku India inu, mitu yanu siukugwira konse inu a MCP omwe muma panga izi zulo,kumanama kuti ndinu atsogoleli amipingo pomwe muli anyamata azikwanje.


*Bishop W Kachenje wauza anthu omwe anapangitsa msonkhano wa atolankhani zulo kulilongwe ndikumazuzula Archbishop Thomas Msusa kuti gulu la anthuli linalakwisa ndipo kuti lilape komanso limupepese Msusa, akuti gululi ndilosokoneza komanso ofuna kulowesa nkhondo mdziko*


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