MISC (Music In Social Community), as a created trademark, is an initiative and timeless effort put in, to embed a channel in the music industry of Maldives. MISC is the first and the only music magazine in the current market, reclusive of music article portions included in much other journalistic material locally. The highest priority given, inclusive of all reasons to why MISC need to be out in r
each of public for free, is to provide with, the need of the music industry in every possible aspect towards endorsements and the spread of music knowledge publicly through our local handful. Local music history and music lessons which would tend to continue in coming issues, are contents supportive of the ‘spread’. Additional to that, MISC’s editorial content includes creative criticism towards local music industry. This is also vital in the current environment, as music seems to have dwelled in social civic. One of the most intriguing content would be the story of a musician/musicians covered in every issue. This content targets specially on a focus point in the story, and comes in the form of interviews. We believe this is purely essential if endorsements are MISC’s priorities - in the context of paradigms and value creation, so as to crutch the inspired recreational community. To enhance on this premise, upcoming issues will raise more music related contents. Apart from the contents, MISC yet is a trademark in the field of journalism. MISC is published once in every three months - January, April, July & October. The copies are freely distributed and displayed at various locations in Maldives including resorts as well. A number of copies of each issue are also being distributed in India, Srilanka & Malaysia. In the process of reaching the ultimate goals, editorial board has outlined how the trademark can broaden in every other way possible in the future, in many other ways besides a magazine placed in the industry. We hope readers find the magazine interesting and helpful.We wish for a bright future for the music industry and the trademark.