Express Media Group Pvt Ltd

State Trading Organization (STO Plc.) is now importing pharmaceuticals from Europe! 🇪🇺💊 The government says this strateg...

State Trading Organization (STO Plc.) is now importing pharmaceuticals from Europe! 🇪🇺💊 The government says this strategic move is aimed to provide Maldivians with better-quality medicines at more affordable prices, reducing the financial burden on medical subsidies.

އެސްޓީއޯ ފާމަސީ | އެސްޓީއޯ އިން ބުނެފައިވަނީ ވިއްކަން އަލަށް ފެށި ބޭސްތަކަކި އެންމެ ގިނައިން ބޭނުންވާ ބޭސްތަކުގެ ތެރޭގައި ހިމެނޭ ބޭސްތައްކަމަށް، އަދި މިކަމުން އ...

AMERICA: Biden withdraws from presidential race, endorsing his vice president Kamala Harris.

AMERICA: Biden withdraws from presidential race, endorsing his vice president Kamala Harris.

އެމެރިކާގެ ރައީސް ޖޯ ބައިިޑެން އަދި ނައިބު ރައީސް ކަމާލާ ހެރިސް

MACL announces the commencement of the Basic Firefighter Course, Batch 29, which aims to improve Aerodrome fire safety q...

MACL announces the commencement of the Basic Firefighter Course, Batch 29, which aims to improve Aerodrome fire safety quickly in emergencies.

Maldives Airports Company Limited

ފެށުމުގެ ރަސްމިއްޔާތުގެ ތެރެއިން، މިއީ މޯލްޑިވްސް ސިވިލް އޭވިއޭޝަން އޮތޯރިޓީން ފާސްކޮށްފައިވާ 43 ދުވަހުގެ...

Healthcare system experiences a major breakdown, with patients enduring long queues for appointments.

Healthcare system experiences a major breakdown, with patients enduring long queues for appointments.

އޭޑިކޭ ހޮސްޕިޓަލުގައި މީހުން ޙަރަކާތްތެރިވާ މަންޒަރު | އާބާދީގެ ބޮޑުބަޔަކަށް ސިއްޙީ ޚިދުމަތްތައް ލިބުން އޮންނަނީ ބޮޑު ތަކުލީފަކަށް ވެފައި

Parliament committee decides for dismissal of Central Bank governor, general vote scheduled in tomorrow's agenda.

Parliament committee decides for dismissal of Central Bank governor, general vote scheduled in tomorrow's agenda.

އެމްއެމްއޭގެ ގަވަރނަރ ޢަލީ ޙާޝިމް

FOOTBALL: Spanish player Álvaro Morata leaves Atletico Madrid to Italian Club AC Milan

FOOTBALL: Spanish player Álvaro Morata leaves Atletico Madrid to Italian Club AC Milan

ޗައިނާ ބަހުން ވިންޑޯސް ބްލޫސްކްރީން އަރާފައި | މިއީ ވަރަށް މަދުން ނޫނީ ޗައިނާގައި ފެންނަ މަންޒަރެއް ނޫން

TECH: How did China escape the global tech melt down?

TECH: How did China escape the global tech melt down?

ޗައިނާ ބަހުން ވިންޑޯސް ބްލޫސްކްރީން އަރާފައި | މިއީ ވަރަށް މަދުން ނޫނީ ޗައިނާގައި ފެންނަ މަންޒަރެއް ނޫން

Ruling party wins all bi election seats including 3 Male City constituencies. Voter turnout was only 27 percent. Voter e...

Ruling party wins all bi election seats including 3 Male City constituencies. Voter turnout was only 27 percent. Voter education and awareness was less evident from Elections Commission or the opposition parties.

އިލެކްޝަންގެ މުވައްޒަފުންތަކެއް ވޯޓުލާ މަރުކަޒެއްގައި ޙަރަކާތްތެރިވަނީ | މާލެސިޓީ ކައުންސިލްގެ ތިން ގޮނޑިވެސް ލިބުނީ ސަރުކާރަށް، އަންހެން ދެ ބޭފުޅަކު ހިމެނޭ

BANGLADESH: Sheikh Hasina's government is facing significant threats. Despite imposing a nationwide internet ban to prev...

BANGLADESH: Sheikh Hasina's government is facing significant threats. Despite imposing a nationwide internet ban to prevent people from gathering, demonstrations have further escalated. Protesters have also stormed a jail in the country's capital.

ދައުލަތުގެ ބަންގްލަދޭޝް ޓެލެވިޜަންގެ ބޭރުގައި މުޒާހަރާގެ ބައިވެރިން ބޯޑާ ގާޑް ބަންގްލަދޭޝް (ބީޖީބީ) އާއި ފުލުހުންނާ ކުރިމަތިލަނީ | ޝޭހް ހަސީނާގެ ސަރުކާރަށް 15 އަ....

Protesters continue to vandalize   outlet in Maldives, and the Government Of Maldives remains silent on the issue - Glas...

Protesters continue to vandalize outlet in Maldives, and the Government Of Maldives remains silent on the issue - Glasses shattered yet again.

މާލޭގެ އަމީނީ މަގުގައި ހުންނަ ކޭއެފްސީ އައުޓްލެޓް | އެތައް ފަހަރެއްގެ މަތިން ބިއްލޫރިތައް ތަޅާލާފައިވޭ |ފުލުހުން ބުނީ..

ފޭދޫ ސްކޫލް ދަރިވަރުންގެ އިންވެސްޓިޗަރ (ސްޓޫޑެންޓް ލީޑާރސް) ސެރެމޮނީS. Feydhoo School Student investiture Ceremony

ފޭދޫ ސްކޫލް ދަރިވަރުންގެ އިންވެސްޓިޗަރ (ސްޓޫޑެންޓް ލީޑާރސް) ސެރެމޮނީ
S. Feydhoo School Student investiture Ceremony

MIFCO board decides to cut down salaries by 20 percent. The CEO receives nearly 200,000 in compensation and benefits. Mo...

MIFCO board decides to cut down salaries by 20 percent. The CEO receives nearly 200,000 in compensation and benefits. Most government companies, board of directories have authority decides their own salaries.

ކުންފުނީގެ ބޯޑު ބައްދަލުވުމުގެ ތެރެއިން | މިފްކޯގެ އިސް ވެރިޔާއަށް ދެލައްކަ އާއި ގާތްކުރާ އަދަކަށް މުސާރަ އާއި ޢިނާޔަތް...

Student protests in Bangladesh over unfair employment opportunities spread unrest nationwide, closing down all higher ed...

Student protests in Bangladesh over unfair employment opportunities spread unrest nationwide, closing down all higher educational institutions. Maldivian nationals are advised to stay indoors and be cautious while traveling to Bangladesh.

ބަނގްލަދޭޝްގައި ކުރާ މުޒާހިރާތަކާއިއެކު ޔުނިވާސިޓީތަކާއި ކޮލެޖްތައް ހުއްޓުމަކަށް ގެނެސްފައިވޭ. މުޒާހިރާކުރާ މީހުން ބުނަނީ...

TECH: Russian software giant Kaspersky closes down business operation in the United States.

TECH: Russian software giant Kaspersky closes down business operation in the United States.

ރަޝިއާ އަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ ސިކިއުރިޓީ ސޮފްޓްވެއަރ ކުންފުނި ކަސްޕާސްކީ އިން ޖާސޫސްކުރާކަމަށް އެމެރިކާއިން ތުހުމަތުކުރޭ

Joe Biden home quarantined after falling sick for COVID for the 3rd time.

Joe Biden home quarantined after falling sick for COVID for the 3rd time.

އެމެރިކާގެ ރައީސް ޖޯ ބައިޑެން (81އ)

With pressure from the general public, Parliament sub committee withdraws decision to extend VIP services to family memb...

With pressure from the general public, Parliament sub committee withdraws decision to extend VIP services to family members at Velaanaa Airport.

މަޖިލީހުގެ ޢާއްމު ކޮމިޓީގެ ބައްދަލުވުމުގެ ތެރެއިން، މައްސަލަ ހުށަހެޅުއްވީ ފޭދޫ ދާއިރާގެ މެމްބަރު އިބްރާހިމް ދީދީ (އައިބީ)

The Maldives immigration has launched a web portal to allow for the anonymous reporting of illegal immigrants and relate...

The Maldives immigration has launched a web portal to allow for the anonymous reporting of illegal immigrants and related issues.

ކޮންޓްރޯލާ ޖެނެރަލް އޮފް އިމިގްރޭޝަންސް މުޙައްމަދު ޝަމީމު

WORLD: Trump announces Ohio Senator JD Vance as his running mate

WORLD: Trump announces Ohio Senator JD Vance as his running mate

ވެންސް ޢާއިލާއާއިއެކު

FOOTBALL: Spain creates history at EUFA Euro 2024, smashing numerous records.

FOOTBALL: Spain creates history at EUFA Euro 2024, smashing numerous records.

އިންގްލެންޑާ ދެކޮޅަށް ކުޅުނު ފައިނަލް މެޗުން މޮޅުވުމަށްފަހު ސްޕެއިންގެ ކުޅުންތެރިން ކޯޗު ލުއިސް ޑެ ލާ ފުއެންޓޭ ވައިގެ ތެރެއަށް އެއްލާލަނީ

LGA board is proposing to issue diplomatic passports to elected council members in islands and cities, aiming to empower...

LGA board is proposing to issue diplomatic passports to elected council members in islands and cities, aiming to empower elected leaders.

ރާއްޖޭގެ ސިޓީކައުންސިލްތަކުގެ މޭޔަރުން، އައްޑޫގައި ބޭއްވުނު ފޯރަމެއްގެ ތެރެއިން

Power outages accross the country becomes more frequent as State Owned electricity suppliers are troubled by long overdu...

Power outages accross the country becomes more frequent as State Owned electricity suppliers are troubled by long overdues.

ސްޓެލްކޯ އެމްޑީ(މ) ފެނަކަ އެމްޑީ(ކ) | ރާއްޖޭގެ ގިނަ ސަރަޙައްދުތަކުން އަންނަނީ ގިނައިން ކަރަންޓު ކެނޑެމުން، އޭގެ ތެރޭގައި އައްޑޫސިޓީ ވެސް ހިމެނޭ.

Spain wins the European Football Chamiopnship for the 5th time in Germany playing against England.

Spain wins the European Football Chamiopnship for the 5th time in Germany playing against England.

ރޭ ކުޅުނު މުބާރާތުގެ ފައިނަލް މެޗަށްފަހު ސްޕޭން ޓީމުން ތަށި އުފުލާލަނީ

FOOTBALL: Southgate confirmed to remain with the English National Team until Worlcup is over in 2026.

FOOTBALL: Southgate confirmed to remain with the English National Team until Worlcup is over in 2026.

މިރޭ އޮންނަ ޔޫރޫ2024ގެ ފައިނަލްގައި ބައްދަލުކުރާ އިނގިރޭސި ޓީމުގެ ކޯޗު ގެރެތް ސައުތު ގޭޓް

HDC's debt soars to unprecedented levels. The ripple effect is being felt across the private sector, with several compan...

HDC's debt soars to unprecedented levels. The ripple effect is being felt across the private sector, with several companies facing potential bankruptcy due to delayed payments from HDC and other state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

ހައުސިންގ ޑިވެލޮޕްމެންޓް ކޯޕަރޭޝަން (އެޗްޑީސީ)ގެ މުވައްޒަފުންތަކެއް ތިލަފުށްޓާއިގުޅޭ މަޝްވަރާތަކެއްގައި

President Trump has been attacked and injured during a rally where he was set to announce his vice president.

President Trump has been attacked and injured during a rally where he was set to announce his vice president.

ޙަމަލާޒަޚަމްވެފައިވެފައި، އޭނާގެ ކަނާތްފަރާތު...

AMERICA: META lifts ban on Facebook and Instagram access for former president and current candidate Donald Trump.

AMERICA: META lifts ban on Facebook and Instagram access for former president and current candidate Donald Trump.

އެމެރިކާގެ ކުރީގެ ރައީސް އަދި ކުރިއަށް އިންތިޚާބަށް ވާދަކުރައްވާ ޑޮނަލްޑް ޓްރަމްޕް

STO Plc boosts dividends even with declining income. Over 76% of its revenue comes from oil imports.     State Trading O...

STO Plc boosts dividends even with declining income. Over 76% of its revenue comes from oil imports.
State Trading Organization Plc
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Government Of Maldives

އެެސްޓީއޯގެ އަހަރީ ބައްދަލުވުމުގައި ޙިއްޞާދާރަކު ވާހަކަދައްކަވަނީ | 16.4ރ. އެކުންފުންޏަށް ޢާމްދަނީގެ ގޮތުގައި ލިބިފައިވާއިރު، 76 އިންސައްތަ އަކީ ހަމައެކަނި ގެޔޮ ވ...

AMERICA: Over a million people are stuck in Houston, the fourth-largest City, with no electricity for the fourth day in ...

AMERICA: Over a million people are stuck in Houston, the fourth-largest City, with no electricity for the fourth day in a row after the hurricane disrupted services.
Read More:

ހިއުސްޓަން އަކީ އެމެރިކާގެ 4 ވަނައަށް އެންމެބޮޑު ސިޓީ

MACL successfully wraps up the Air Service World CongressRead more Maldives Airports Company Limited

MACL successfully wraps up the Air Service World Congress
Read more

Maldives Airports Company Limited

އެއަރ ސަރވިސް ވޯލްޑް ކޮންގްރެސްގެ ތެރެއިން

MACL is gearing up to light up our water runway for nighttime seaplane operations! This new development aims to boost to...

MACL is gearing up to light up our water runway for nighttime seaplane operations! This new development aims to boost tourist flow during the peak winter season in Europe. Stay tuned for more updates! 🌟🛩️
Read More
Maldives Airports Company Limited

މިހާރު ކުރިއަށްދާ ފޯރަމްގައި އެމްއޭސީއެލްގެ އެމްޑީ އިބްރާހިމް ޝަރީފް ބައިވެރިވެވަޑައިގަންނަވަނީ


M. Thoiba


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