Between 2009 and 2013 MaltiMediaHouse became synonymous with the production of audiovisual tools that were used as dissemination tools for a number of EU funded projects and video galleries that were the result of the work of teachers and students as part of their training or learning. In 2014 MaltiMediaHouse started developing its own media programme that builds on its experience in audiovisual p
roduction and that also stems from the experience it garnered in the areas of strategies for networking, generation and maintenance of network platforms and structured use of social networking virtual spaces. MaltiMediaHouse is presently developing video content for the music industry and working on the development of two projects. Rugged Shores is a feature film project in which MaltiMediaHouse is involved in the development of content, scriptwriting, funding and coordination of preproduction effort. Net Working Generations is the working title for a TV series project that forms part of the format development work of MaltiMediaHouse. The Fake Donut Business Strategy is under development by MaltiMediaHouse. It merges video and film production and marketing / sales strategies. It is intended to help artists from the music industry to pe*****te markets and facilitate distribution by making the best use of their video production resources. It is built on the challenges encountered by musicians in generating international business wherever they are and from whichever genre of music they come from. Investments in video production are not always money well spent since it does not produce the results that an artist may wish for.