Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin

Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin The IĠM (Institute of Maltese Journalists) endeavors to promote the highest standards of journalism in Malta.

L-IĠM jinsab iddisgustat bil-pożizzjoni li ħa l-gvern illum fejn oppona mozzjoni mressqa mill-Oppożizzjoni għal tisħiħ t...

L-IĠM jinsab iddisgustat bil-pożizzjoni li ħa l-gvern illum fejn oppona mozzjoni mressqa mill-Oppożizzjoni għal tisħiħ tal-Avviż Legali anti-SLAPP li ddaħħal is-sena li għaddiet.

Sfortunatament, illejla l-Ministru tal-Ġustizzja Jonathan Att**d u esponenti oħra tal-gvern ma kienux interessati jitkellmu dwar protezzjoni iktar b’saħħitha għall-ġurnalisti. Pjuttost kienu iktar interessati jitkellmu kif se jżidu d-danni tal-libell ċivili.

Il-proposta tal-gvern illejla kienet li se jimpenja ruħu għal iktar konsultazzjoni – impenn li ilu jwiegħed sa minn Ottubru tal-2023 meta qal li se jippubblika White Paper dwar ir-riformi proposti mill-Kumitat tal-Esperti mwaqqaf mill-gvern stess.

Sfortunatament, lanqas fl-impenn li ħa llejla l-gvern ma ta indikazzjoni meta se tkun ippubblikata l-White Paper. It-titubar tal-gvern mhuwix aċċettabbli u jeħtieġ li mill-kliem fieragħ jgħaddi għall-fatti.

L-IĠM b’appell lill-membri parliamentari biex jivvutaw favur emendi li jsaħħu l-liġi kontra l-iSLAPPFid-dawl tad-dibatti...

L-IĠM b’appell lill-membri parliamentari biex jivvutaw favur emendi li jsaħħu l-liġi kontra l-iSLAPP

Fid-dawl tad-dibattitu li se jsir fil-parlament iktar t**d illum, l-IĠM jappella lill-membri parlamentari biex japprovaw l-emendi mressqa mill-Oppożizzjoni għall-avviż legali li daħħal fis-seħħ id-direttiva Ewropea kontra l-iSLAPP.
L-emendi tal-Oppżizzjoni għandhom il-ħsieb li jwessgħu l-protezzjoni għall-ġurnalisti u persuni oħra biex jinkludu wkoll kawżi SLAPP li jsiru fil-qrati Maltin.

Bħalissa l-avviż legali jipproteġi biss kontra kawżi SLAPP li jsiru fi qrati barranin u li għandhom xejra transfruntiera.

L-IĠM jemmen li hu kruċjali li l-protezzjoni kontra kawżi SLAPP tinkludi wkoll kawżi li jsiru fil-qrati Maltin.

L-emendi tal-Oppożizzjoni għandhom il-ħsieb ukoll biex jgħollu l-penali li tista’ timponi l-qorti fuq min jiftaħ kawża SLAPP għal mhux inqas minn €10,000 u mhux iktar minn € 100,000 mil-limitu eżistenti ta’ mhux aktar minn €10,000.

L-IĠM jaqbel ma’ din il-proposta għax intiża biex verament toħloq deterrent lil min irid jagħmel kawża SLAPP.

L-IĠM ifakkar li l-avviż legali anti-SLAPP li daħħal il-gvern is-sena li għaddiet jipprovdi l-minimu rikjest mill-Unjoni Ewropea u għalhekk jeħtieġ li jissaħħaħ iktar. Iż-żewġ emendi mressqa mill-Oppożizzjoni huma pass ieħor fid-direzzjoni t-tajba.

L-IĠM ifakkar ukoll fil-wegħda tal-gvern li joħroġ White Paper għal konsultazzjoni fuq diversi riformi oħra apparti l-iSLAPP, intiżi biex isaħħu l-protezzjoni tal-ġurnalisti u joħolqu ambjent xieraq għal ġurnaliżmu ħieles. Ir-riformi li hemm bżonn isiru jinkludu bidliet fil-Kostituzzjoni, fil-Liġi tal-Midja u l-Malafama, fil-Kodiċi Kriminali u liġijiet oħra.

Madankollu, minkejja li l-wegħda tal-gvern saret f’Ottubru tal-2023, b’dispjaċir ninnutaw li sal-lum din il-White Paper ma ratx id-dawl tax-xemx.

L- IĠM se tkun il-Parlament biex issegwi d-dibattitu, fl-aħjar interess tas-settur li tirrapprezenta.


IGM appeals to members of parliament to vote in favour of amendments that strengthen anti-SLAPP legislation

In view of the debate to be held in parliament this afternoon, the IGM appeals to members of parliament to vote in favour of amendments proposed by the Opposition to the legal notice that introduced the EU anti-SLAPP directive.

The Opposition’s amendments are intended to widen the protection for journalists and other persons to include SLAPP cases instituted in Malta.

The current legal notice only offers protection from SLAPP cases instituted in foreign courts and are of a transnational nature.

IGM believes it is crucial that protection from SLAPP cases also includes cases instituted in Maltese courts.

The Opposition’s amendments also aim to increase the penalties a court can impose on the party that initiates a SLAPP case to not less than €10,000 and not more than €100,000 from the current limit of not more than €10,000.

IGM agrees with this proposal because its aim is to truly create a deterrent for those who want to initiate a SLAPP case.

The IGM underscores that the anti-SLAPP legal notice enacted by the government last year provides for the minimum required by the EU directive, which is why it has to be strengthened further. The two amendments put forward by the Opposition are another step in the right direction.

The IGM recalls the promise made by the government to issue a White Paper for consultation on other reforms apart from SLAPP, intended to strengthen the protection of journalists and create an enabling environment for unshackled journalism. The reforms needed include changes to the Constitution, the Media and Defamation Act, the Criminal Code and other laws.

Nonetheless, despite the government promsing the White Paper in October 2023, we note with regret that it has yet to see the light of day.
IGM will be present in Parliament to follow the debate, in the best interest of the sector it represents.

The IĠM condemns an incident last Monday whereby a journalist was blocked and aggressively shoved to the side by Nationa...

The IĠM condemns an incident last Monday whereby a journalist was blocked and aggressively shoved to the side by Nationalist Party entourage and a
protest-goer while trying to take comments from the party’s leader and MPs.

This is the second such incident raised to the IĠM’s attention over the past weeks. At no point has the Nationalist Party condemned these incidents in

The IĠM urges political parties to take responsibility for the actions of the people that gravitate around their officials and representatives and call out any
wrongdoing. These incidents should not be tolerated. Political parties should ensure journalists are able to perform their duties without harassment.

The IĠM understands that a police report has been filed on the matter. In this regard, the IĠM also urges police to act on the report.

The IĠM shows solidarity with the ONE journalist affected and all journalists who face bullying tactics while on the job.

🏆 The full results of the Malta Journalism Awards can be found below, together with the speech of IĠM President Matthew ...

🏆 The full results of the Malta Journalism Awards can be found below, together with the speech of IĠM President Matthew Xuereb

December 2, 2024 Matthew Xuereb Uncategorized MJA32 – Complete results Premju għall-Ġurnaliżmu dwar il-Kummerċ: 1st: Jacob Borg, Times of Malta 2nd: James Cummings, Times of Malta 3rd: Neville Borg, Times of Malta Premju għall-Ġurnaliżmu dwar il-Kriminalità u l-Affarijiet Legali huma: 1st:...

A big thank you to everyone who attended the Malta Journalism Awards on Saturday, and congratulations to all those who s...

A big thank you to everyone who attended the Malta Journalism Awards on Saturday, and congratulations to all those who snapped up an award on the night 🌟

A full list of the results will be uploaded to our website shortly.


🏆 The 32nd edition of the Malta Journalism Awards is happening tonight! We're looking forward to celebrating a years' worth of journalistic excellence with all our members. Good luck to all the nominees!


1️⃣ There's one week left until the Malta Journalism Awards ceremony at the Verdala Palace in Buskett

A few reminders ahead of the event:

📧 Those who submitted a nomination to the awards should have received their e-invite this week. If you didn't, get in touch with one of our council members.

🎟 Make sure to RSVP through the e-invite link. Those who do not RSVP will not be allowed into the venue.

👥 Space is limited at the venue. If you want to bring a plus one, speak to us to see if this can be arranged.

🥂 Dress code is lounge, and a reception will be held after the awards



A quick reminder to all eligible journalists and editors that the deadline to submit your nominations for this years' Malta Journalism Awards is midday on Friday 8th November.

The submissions form can be found on our website. To read more on the rules and regulations, please refer to our press releases on the same website.

Reach out to any of the IĠM Council members if you're struggling with your application.

The Malta Journalism Awards are back - but we're making changes. 📅 30th November 2024📍 Verdala Palace, Buskett GardensWh...

The Malta Journalism Awards are back - but we're making changes.

📅 30th November 2024
📍 Verdala Palace, Buskett Gardens

What's changing?

🖊 Category overhaul: Instead of broad categories that split the various media forms, we are taking a thematic approach and introducing more specialised categories. This means print, television, radio and online will compete against each other in the same categories all throughout, unless specified. You can view the new categories here on our website.

1️⃣ Submission per journalist: We will be limiting the number of submissions to one piece of work from each journalist for each category. Journalists will still be able to make submissions in multiple categories.

🏆 One judging panel: Only one panel of judges will decide on every category in the awards list. We have taken this step to ensure that all categories are treated equally by the same group of people.

Visit our website to view the rules and regulations for submitting you work.

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the brutal murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, a journalist who paid the highest pr...

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the brutal murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, a journalist who paid the highest price for her work.

We are a long way from full justice. Apart from ensuring that everyone responsible for the murder is brought to justice, the systemic failures that allowed for Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder must be addressed. This can only start to be addressed when the recommendations of the public inquiry into her murder are fully implemented.

The seventh anniversary of her murder comes at a time when journalists and the right to freedom of expression are being weaponised. Earlier this year, sections of the press were directly attacked and unfairly accused of working for the so-called “Establishment”. More recently, influential Labour activists have suggested the return of criminal libel.

Meanwhile, a court order on discussing the Caruana Galizia murder means journalists and editors have to spend this anniversary in fear of court action in case any writings or declarations breach this order.

The moment we start to question our inalienable rights is the moment the clock starts turning backwards. When we dismiss these rights and responsibilities, we risk fostering a climate of impunity – the same climate that allowed for the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

On this seventh anniversary, the IĠM urges the government to publish its long- promised White Paper with proposed reforms to strengthen freedom of expression and offer more protection to journalists. We also urge the government to implement all the recommendations from the public inquiry.

Ultimately, the IĠM urges that journalists be treated with more respect in their line of duty, and that freedom of expression be given the protection it deserves.

🇲🇹 Stqarrija IĠM - L-IĠM jinnota b’dispjaċir li għas-seduta speċjali li nżammet illum fil-qorti biex timmarka l-bidu tas...

🇲🇹 Stqarrija IĠM - L-IĠM jinnota b’dispjaċir li għas-seduta speċjali li nżammet illum fil-qorti biex timmarka l-bidu tas-Sena Forensi ma jitħallewx jidħlu l-fotografi u l-kamerapersons impjegati mal-midja. Tħallew jidħlu biss il-fotografi tad-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni, l-fotografu tal-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru u l-fotografu tal-Uffiċċju tal-President.
Wara li talab spjegazzjoni mill-Aġenzija għas-Servizzi tal-Qrati għal dan l-aġir, l-IĠM kien infurmat li d-deċiżjoni ttieħdet mill-Prim Imħallef. L-IĠM ma ngħata l-ebda raġuni għal din id-deċiżjoni.
L-IĠM iħoss li dan l-aġir imur kontra l-ispirtu tal-Kostituzzjoni li tipproteġi d-dritt għal-libertà tal-espressjoni. Wara kollox, il-maġistrati u l-imħallfin mhumiex xi setta sigrieta u qatt m’għandhom iġibu ruħhom daqlikieku huma. Filwaqt li l-IĠM jifhem ċertu tħassib li jista’ jitqanqal meta l-uċuħ tal-ġudikatura jixxandru fil-mezzi tax-xandir dan qatt m’għandu jwassal biex l-istess ġudikatura taħdem b’mod mistur. Wara kollox, is-sistema ġudizzjarja tagħna hi waħda pubblika u hekk għandha tibqa’.
Fil-passat, it-tradizzjoni dejjem kienet li l-fotografi u l-kamerapersons jitħallew jidħlu u jieħdu r-ritratti u l-filmati ta’ din l-okkażjoni unika mmarkata mid-diskors tal-Prim Imħallef.
Sfortunatament, il-Prim Imħallef, din is-sena, għażel li jreġġa’ l-arloġġ lura.

Aqra l-istqarrija bl-Ingliż fil-kummenti isfel.

📢 IĠM statement - Criminal libel (MT version below)IĠM was, is and will remain against the notion of criminal libel. It ...

📢 IĠM statement - Criminal libel (MT version below)

IĠM was, is and will remain against the notion of criminal libel. It is regrettable that singular exponents of the Labour Party have resuscitated the idea of reintroducing criminal libel after it was the Labour government that removed it from the statute books in 2018.

IĠM hopes that these singular voices are just that and are not representative of a wider push within the Labour Party to do a U-turn on criminal libel.

Criminal libel has a chilling effect on free speech and journalists because of the threat of imprisonment and has often been used in the past in a vexatious way by politicians and others to silence journalists. Malta should not return to such a state, and instead the country should be implementing reforms to offer journalists greater protection and to strengthen freedom of expression.

The IĠM expects an unequivocal declaration from the government that it does not intend to reintroduce criminal libel or increase penalties for civil libel. The clock should not be turned back.

📢 Stqarrija IĠM - Il-libell kriminali

L-IĠM kien, għadu u jibqa’ kontra l-libell kriminali. Hu ta’ dispjaċir li xi esponenti tal-Partit Laburista reġgħu rxuxtaw l-idea li jerġa’ jiddaħħal il-libell kriminali wara li kien il-gvern Laburista li neħħieh fl-2018.

L-IĠM jittama li dawn il-vuċijiet singulari huma biss waħdiet u ma jirrappreżentawx sforz akbar fil-Partit Laburista biex isseħħ U-turn fuq il-libell kriminali.

Il-libell kriminali għandu l-effett li jbeżża’ u jikkundizzjoni l-liberta tal-kelma u l-ġurnalisti minħabba t-theddida ta’ ħabs. Fil-passat intuża’ kemm-il darba b’mod vessattorju mill-politiċi u oħrajn biex jagħlqu ħalq il-ġurnalisti.

Malta m’għandiex tirrittorna għal dan l-istat, u minflok il-pajjiż għabdu jimplimenta riformi li jsaħħu l-protezzjoni tal-ġurnalisti u l-liberta tal-espressjoni.

L-IĠM jistenna dikjarazzjoni ċara mill-gvern li m’għandux intenzjoni li jerġa’ jdaħħal il-libell kriminali jew iżid il-penali tal-libell ċivili. L-arloġġ m’għandux jitreġġa lura.

IGM assumes presidency of European Federation of Press ClubsThe Institute of Maltese Journalists has assumed presidency ...

IGM assumes presidency of European Federation of Press Clubs

The Institute of Maltese Journalists has assumed presidency of the European Federation of Press Clubs (EFPC).

This is the first time in its 35-year history that the IGM is presiding over a European journalism body.

The official handover from the current presidency - the Galician International Press Centre - took place during the EFPC annual general meeting being hosted by the IGM in Malta.

During this event, the IGM took over presidency of the federation for a year. Present in Malta are representatives of 14 European press clubs.

The delegation paid a courtesy visit to President of Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono at San Anton Palace on Friday morning, during which the importance of journalism was discussed.

Malta was proposed as the next presidency seat during the last meeting in Santiago de Compostela in a show of support to the IGM in its work to improve press and media freedom in Malta the aftermath of the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

“It is a great honour that Malta was chosen as the seat of the EFPC. It is also a prestigious occasion for the IGM which is presiding over a European journalism body for the first time ever. It fills us with great determination to continue pushing for changes in the local media landscape and for more respect towards journalists and the profession,” said IGM and EFPC President Matthew Xuereb.

The EFPC annual general meeting was held at the newly inaugurated Drawing Room at Att**d and Co’s head office in Marsa which boasts a collection of old Maltese newspapers dating to the beginning of the 1900s. The AGM was held with the support of and Att**d and Co.

The EFPC was established in 1989 by the Press Club de France to foster dialogue, collaboration and experience exchange between press clubs and international journalism associations and defend media freedom.

🚀 New Instagram launchedWe're thrilled to announce the launch of our new Instagram profile! Follow us for the latest IĠM...

🚀 New Instagram launched

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new Instagram profile! Follow us for the latest IĠM updates.


6 Followers, 5 Following, 1 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Institute of Maltese Journalists (.malta)


📢 IĠM statement - Solidarity with court reporters

The IĠM notes with regret the comments passed by former minister Chris Cardona on his Facebook wall in which he accused court reporters of maliciously misrepresenting his court testimony.

The IĠM condemns Dr Cardona’s irresponsible comments on journalists who were doing their job. The news reports reflected his testimony and as a former politician he should know better than sounding the dog whistle to instigate hate against journalists.

The IĠM expresses solidarity with court reporters who have the unenviable job of informing people on what happens inside our courts.

📢 IĠM statement - BA fine against Andrew Azzopardi/RTK103 The IĠM would like to express its solidarity with Andrew Azzop...

📢 IĠM statement - BA fine against Andrew Azzopardi/RTK103

The IĠM would like to express its solidarity with Andrew Azzopardi and RTK103 after being served another fine by the Broadcasting Authority for refusing to invite far-right politicians from Imperium Europa onto its radio station.

Moreover, the IĠM cannot agree with the BA’s nonsensical decision on the matter.

Media houses and programme presenters have every right to determine their editorial policy and should be allowed to practice their policy freely. The BA has no right to force a media house to air views it is completely against, with the subsequent risk of being fined for the content of those views.

It must also be noted that the secretary of the Authority’s board, Dr. Adriano Spiteri, refused to recuse himself from the proceedings, despite serving as Imperium Europa’s secretary-general until 2022. This casts doubt on the impartiality of the board and undermines the functions of the authority.

One must also remark on the moral obligation of the media to avoid fanning hate speech. Norman Lowell, who leads Imperium Europa, was convicted on racial hate crimes. Other members of the party have defended Na**sm and Hi**er.

Racism is not a political view and needs no protection from a state authority.


📢 New IĠM council & change in statute

We are thrilled to announce the newly elected council of the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) for the upcoming term. The following members were elected during the Annual General Meeting held last week:

Matthew Xuereb (President)
Kurt Sansone (Vice-President)
Nicole Meilak (Secretary-General)
Kevin Schembri Orland
Sandro Micallef
Ana Tortell
Keane Cutajar
Sarah Carabott
Clara Sciberras

Other roles will be assigned to the individual council members at the next council meeting.

During the AGM, members also voted in favour of amending the IĠM statute to become a union. We will update our members on this process in due course.


Room No. 120 (Third Floor) 280/3, Republic Street


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