Check out the magnifecent cover for “Inside the House of Blessings”, a short story collection by Mandy Brauer set in the Middle East. These short, fictional tales explore the minutae of everyday life in this corner of the world, inspired by Brauer’s own time living in Egypt and Palestine.
Pre-order your copy now ahead of the book’s release on the 25th of March, 2025.
Din hi l-qoxra ta’ “Inside the House of Blessings”, ġabra ta’ stejjer qosra miktubin minn Mandy Brauer, ibbażati fil-Lvant Nofsani. Dawn l-istejjer fittizji jesploraw il-ħajja ta’ kuljum f’din il-kantuniera tad-dinja, ispirati miż-żmien li Brauer qattgħet tgħix l-Eġittu u l-Palestina.
“Inside the House of Blessings” by Mandy Fessenden Brauer – a heartfelt collection of stories offering rare and authentic glimpses into the lives of everyday people in the Middle East. Inspired by Brauer’s time living in Egypt and Palestine, this collection will introduce you to a kaleidoscope of perspectives as tradition and modernity intersect.
“Inside the House of Blessings” ta’ Mandy Fessenden Brauer – ġabra ta’ stejjer miktuba mill-qalb li joffru ħarsiet rari u awtentiċi lejn il-ħajja ta’ kuljum ta’ nies fil-Lvant Nofsani. Ispirat miż-żmien li Brauer qattgħet fl-Eġittu u l-Palestina, din il-ġabra se tintroduċik għal kalejdoskopju ta’ perspettivi, hekk kif it-tradizzjoni u l-modernità jiltaqgħu.
New Children's Books
Start your kids' 2025 with some brand new reading material! Our latest children's books are perfect for young readers to practise their Maltese whilst engaging in wonderful stories.
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That feeling when a book starts coming to life right in front of our eyes!
"Il-Problema tat-Tliet Korpi" - OUT TOMORROW!
Meet Patricia Bondin
We’re super excited for Patricia Bondin’s upcoming book! Here’s what she had to say about it! In collaboration with the National Literacy Agency.
Tassew eċitati għall-ktieb ta’ Patricia Bondin! Araw x’kellha xi tgħid dwaru! B’kollaborazzjoni mal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu.
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Reading physical books has many benefits! Listen to what Christopher Febles, author of “Richie the Caseworker”, has to say about his love for reading physically. Shop now!
Li taqra kotba fiżiċi fiha ħafna benefiċċji! Isma’ x’għandu x’jgħid Christopher Febles, l-awtur ta’ “Richie the Caseworker”, dwar l-imħabba tiegħu għall-qari fiżiku. Ixtri ktieb illum!
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Went hunting for some of our books!
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Some of our favourite covers!
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Some of our favourite covers!
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With 12 weeks left for the National Book Prize shortlist to be announced, it’s about time we highlighted the 11 books Faraxa Publishing has had included in the longlist. Today we’re shining the spotlight on “The Obscure” by Wesley Azzopardi. Longlisted in the ‘Novels’ category, this debut horror novel will have your heart racing as you flip the pages!
Baqa’ 12-il ġimgħa biex tiġi mħabbra x-shortlist tal-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, u għalhekk wasal iż-żmien li nitkellmu ftit dwar il-11-il ktieb ta’ Faraxa Publishing li ġew inklużi fil-longlist. Illum se nixħtu l-attenzjoni tagħna fuq “The Obscure” ta’ Wesley Azzopardi. Dan ġie longlisted fil-kategorija tar-‘Rumanzi’, u huwa l-ewwel ktieb tal-awtur. Il-ktieb jagħmel parti mill-ġeneru tal-orrur, u se jġiegħel lil qalbek tħabbat mija mija int u tqalleb il-paġni!
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