Faraxa Publishing

Faraxa Publishing Faraxa is an international publishing house producing a wide range of professionally relevant books.

Malta is a bilingual country, where both Maltese and English are recognized as official languages. Since Malta became a member of the European Union translation has played an even greater role in our lives. Hence, the need for Faraxa to focus mainly on translations and put on the market not only translations from English into Maltese and vice versa, but also from and into other languages.

Have you dived into the “Fables from Miragasia” series yet? Well, this is the perfect time to catch up!Get your copies n...

Have you dived into the “Fables from Miragasia” series yet? Well, this is the perfect time to catch up!

Get your copies now!

Għadek ma bdejtx is-serje “Fables from Miragasia”? Dan hu l-ħin perfett biex taqra l-ewwel żewġ kotba!

“Dedika” by Miriam Ellul Costantino is full of thought-provoking words of wisdom as characters navigate the complexities...

“Dedika” by Miriam Ellul Costantino is full of thought-provoking words of wisdom as characters navigate the complexities of life.

Order your copy of this brand-new book now!


“Dedika” ta’ Miriam Ellul Costantino hu mimli kliem ta’ għerf, hekk kif il-karattri jinnavigaw il-kumplessitajiet tal-ħajja.

Enjoy the beauty of Elisa Cordina’s debut poetry collection, “A Galaxy of Thoughts”, with full-colour illustrations by C...

Enjoy the beauty of Elisa Cordina’s debut poetry collection, “A Galaxy of Thoughts”, with full-colour illustrations by Carmel Cordina. The perfect read to flip through when you have a few seconds to spare, or fully dive into when you’re in need of some poetical inspiration.


Gawdi s-sbuħija tal-ewwel ġabra ta’ poeżiji ta’ Elisa Cordina, “A Galaxy of Thoughts”, b’illustrazzjonjiet ikkuluriti ta’ Carmel Cordina. Dan il-ktieb huwa perfett biex tqalleb fih meta jkollok biss ftit sekondi, jew biex taqrah kollu meta jkollok bżonn ftit ispirazzjoni poetika.

In honour of the International Day of Education tomorrow, we’re highlighting some academic books to help you with your s...

In honour of the International Day of Education tomorrow, we’re highlighting some academic books to help you with your studies – or for a bit of light reading on the side!

Visit our website for more!


Peress li għada huwa l-Jum Internazzjonali tal-Edukazzjoni, qed naqsmu magħkom xi kotba akkademiċi biex jgħinuk fl-istudju tiegħek – jew għal ftit qari ħafif meta jkollok ċans!

“Dedika” by Miriam Ellul Costantino is out now!Get ready to indulge in Costantino’s writing in her brand-new short story...

“Dedika” by Miriam Ellul Costantino is out now!

Get ready to indulge in Costantino’s writing in her brand-new short story collection, exploring themes of love, freedom, disappointment, happiness, jealousy and, above all, hope and longing. These slice-of-life narratives will have you thinking about life’s complexities through the author’s relatable storytelling.

Order now!


“Dedika” ta’ Miriam Ellul Costantino ħareġ issa!

Iltaqa’ mal-kitba ta’ Costantino f’din il-ġabra ġdida ta’ stejjer li jesploraw temi ta’ mħabba, libertà, diżappunt, ferħ, għira u, fuq kollox, it-tama u x-xenqa għal ħajja aħjar. Dawn in-narrattivi se jagħtuk ħarsa ħafifa lejn il-ħajja tal-karattri, u filwaqt li tirrelata magħhom, iġegħluk taħseb dwar il-komplessitajiet tal-ħajja.

Here’s what Mary Rose Mifsud had to say about her latest publication, “Gamewwiet mill-Imgħoddi”.Share this post with you...

Here’s what Mary Rose Mifsud had to say about her latest publication, “Gamewwiet mill-Imgħoddi”.

Share this post with your friends!

Dan hu li kellha x’tgħid Mary Rose Mifsud dwar l-aħħar pubblikazzjoni tagħha, “Gamewwiet mill-Imgħoddi”.

Ready to dive into a world of music, love, and danger? “Back for You” by Casey Sacco will give you all that and so much ...

Ready to dive into a world of music, love, and danger? “Back for You” by Casey Sacco will give you all that and so much more!

Order now!


Lesti biex tidħlu f’dinja mimlija mużika, imħabba, u periklu? “Back for You” ta’ Casey Sacco se jagħtikom dak kollu u ħafna aktar!

Mary Rose Mifsud graduated from the University of Malta in 1967 with a degree in English, and later on with a Master's i...

Mary Rose Mifsud graduated from the University of Malta in 1967 with a degree in English, and later on with a Master's in Educational Administration. She went on to have various roles in the Education sector, from teaching English and Spanish to becoming a school headmistress and an Educational Officer. In more recent years, she has gone on to study translation and has translated a number of titles, most notably Anne Frank's diary into Maltese. She has most recently published a collection of short stories set in 1900s Malta, entitled “Gamewwiet mill-Imgħoddi”.

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Mary Rose Mifsud iggradwat mill-Università ta’ Malta b’lawrja fl-Ingliż, u aktar t**d b’Masters fl-Amministrazzjoni Edukattiva. Ħaddnet diversi rwoli fis-settur tal-Edukazzjoni, fosthom bħala għalliema tal-Ingliż u l-Ispanjol, kap ta’ skola, u Uffiċjal Edukattiv. Aktar t**d, hi studjat it-traduzzjoni, u ttraduċiet numru ta’ titli, fosthom Id-djarju ta’ Anne Frank lejn il-Malti. Riċentament hija ppubblikat ġabra ta’ stejjer qosra bbażati f’Malta tas-seklu 20, “Gamewwiet mill-Imgħoddi”.

"Bonds in the Mirror of Time" by Rena Balzan has been translated into Bulgarian! 🇧🇬 What an achievement for this veteran...

"Bonds in the Mirror of Time" by Rena Balzan has been translated into Bulgarian! 🇧🇬 What an achievement for this veteran author ✍🏻

Рубрика за избрани заглавия от фонда на Пловдивската народна библиотека, представяни от нейните библиотекари. Тази седмица: Рена Балзан. Обвързаности в оглед...

Here’s what Miriam Ellul Costantino had to say about the purpose behind her short story collection, “Dedika”.Tag someone...

Here’s what Miriam Ellul Costantino had to say about the purpose behind her short story collection, “Dedika”.

Tag someone who needs to read this!

Dan hu li kellha x’tgħid Miriam Ellul Costantino dwar l-għan tagħha bil-ġabra ta’ stejjer “Dedika”.


“Inside the House of Blessings” by Mandy Fessenden Brauer – a heartfelt collection of stories offering rare and authentic glimpses into the lives of everyday people in the Middle East. Inspired by Brauer’s time living in Egypt and Palestine, this collection will introduce you to a kaleidoscope of perspectives as tradition and modernity intersect.

“Inside the House of Blessings” ta’ Mandy Fessenden Brauer – ġabra ta’ stejjer miktuba mill-qalb li joffru ħarsiet rari u awtentiċi lejn il-ħajja ta’ kuljum ta’ nies fil-Lvant Nofsani. Ispirat miż-żmien li Brauer qattgħet fl-Eġittu u l-Palestina, din il-ġabra se tintroduċik għal kalejdoskopju ta’ perspettivi, hekk kif it-tradizzjoni u l-modernità jiltaqgħu.

An author’s inspiration can come from anywhere. Here’s what Casey Sacco had to say about the inspiration for her debut Y...

An author’s inspiration can come from anywhere. Here’s what Casey Sacco had to say about the inspiration for her debut YA novel, “Back for You”.


L-ispirazzjoni ta’ awtur tista’ tiġi minn kullimkien. Dan hu li kellha x’tgħidilna Casey Sacco dwar l-ispirazzjoni wara l-ewwel ktieb tagħha, “Back for You”.

Another wonderful review of “A Galaxy of Thoughts” by Elisa Cordina. Have you picked up this poetry collection yet? It w...

Another wonderful review of “A Galaxy of Thoughts” by Elisa Cordina. Have you picked up this poetry collection yet? It would make a great Christmas present – for yourself or a loved one!


Riċensjoni sabiħa oħra għal “A Galaxy of Thoughts” ta’ Elisa Cordina. Akkwistajt kopja ta’ din il-ġabra ta’ poeżiji? Dan il-ktieb jagħmel rigal sabiħ għall-Milied – għalik jew għal xi ħadd f’ħajtek!

Unique worlds, adventure, and maybe a pinch or two of magic – these fantasy stories should definitely be on your list!

Unique worlds, adventure, and maybe a pinch or two of magic – these fantasy stories should definitely be on your list!


Start your kids' 2025 with some brand new reading material! Our latest children's books are perfect for young readers to practise their Maltese whilst engaging in wonderful stories.

All books can be purchased on www.faraxabooks.com


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