Dalgħodu by @kympepe_ ‘s video is out 📽️- watch it in full on youtube (link in bio) ✨
Performed & Composed by @kympepe_
Lyrics by @immanuelmifsud
Video directed, filmed & edited by @chercamilleri
Gown XII, SS2023 ‘This is Going to Hurt’ Collection
LUKE AZZOPARDI STUDIO @lukeazzopardi.studio
Produced, recorded & arranged by @jimmy_bartolo
Mixing by Robert Bonello
Mastering by @litosplace
Special thanks to @ilsien_helu76 & @tamara__burr for assisting during the video 🙏
Check out our link in bio to watch the full version of @kympepe_ “Mhux il-ħin” played live at Ultralow HQ with @jimmy_bartolo & @ryenrefalo 😎
Typical piano session at Ultralow Music HQ 🙃😺
Ħolma Sonika in 2 days! 🤘 catch @chercamilleri & band amongst other artists performing this Saturday …. You know what to do 🎟️