Broadcasting Authority Malta

Broadcasting Authority Malta Monitoring and regulating all radio and television broadcasts originating from the Maltese Islands.

The Broadcasting Authority:

- Ensures the preservation of due impartiality in respect of matters of political or industrial controversy or relating to current public policy.
- Fairly apportions broadcasting facilities and time between persons belonging to different political parties.
- Appoints radio and television station licensees and contractors.
- Monitors these stations and regulates th

eir performance in terms of their legal and licence obligations.
- Ensures that the system consists of public, private and community elements that offer varied and comprehensive programming to cater for all interests and tastes

The Authority's aim is to help the Maltese public better understand how its values and diversities shape our unique personality. It does so by regulating the broadcasting services in open flexible ways to foster creative and better programming.

L-Awtorità tax-Xandir issellem il-memorja ta' Vanni Riolo li ta kontribut fuq ix-xandir.Inwasslu l-kondoljanzi lill-fami...

L-Awtorità tax-Xandir issellem il-memorja ta' Vanni Riolo li ta kontribut fuq ix-xandir.
Inwasslu l-kondoljanzi lill-familjari tiegħu.

Il-Bord, il-management u l-istaff kollu tal-Awtorità jawgura s-Sena t-Tajba lil kulħadd, sena mimlija saħħa u hena.

Il-Bord, il-management u l-istaff kollu tal-Awtorità jawgura s-Sena t-Tajba lil kulħadd, sena mimlija saħħa u hena.

Il-Bord u l-ħaddiema kollha tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir jawguraw Milied mimli hena u mħabba lilkom u lill-għeżież tagħkom.

Il-Bord u l-ħaddiema kollha tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir jawguraw Milied mimli hena u mħabba lilkom u lill-għeżież tagħkom.

L-Awtorità tax-Xandir iltaqgħet ma’ diriġenti tal-istazzjonijiet tal-komunità f’Malta u ddiskutejna provvedimenti fil-li...

L-Awtorità tax-Xandir iltaqgħet ma’ diriġenti tal-istazzjonijiet tal-komunità f’Malta u ddiskutejna provvedimenti fil-liġi tax-xandir. Matul din id-diskussjoni interessanti ġew iċċarati xi diffikultajiet li kellhom dawn l-istazzjonijiet. Kienet inizjattiva li jidher li niżlet tajjeb mar-rappreżentanti ta’ dawn l-istazzjonijiet għaliex kienet laqgħa kordjali bejn ir-regolatur u x-xandara. Fil-fatt ħareġ il-bżonn ta’ aktar laqgħat minn dawn.

L-Awtorità tax-Xandir issellem il-memorja ta' Mario Meli, ex-ġurnalist sportiv li ta kontribut kbir fuq ix-xandir.Inwass...

L-Awtorità tax-Xandir issellem il-memorja ta' Mario Meli, ex-ġurnalist sportiv li ta kontribut kbir fuq ix-xandir.
Inwasslu l-kondoljanzi lill-familjari tiegħu.

In support of Pink October, the BA staff took the opportunity to commemorate this day and to show solidarity with all br...

In support of Pink October, the BA staff took the opportunity to commemorate this day and to show solidarity with all breast cancer patients and their families and all those who are in a palliative reality.

L-Awtorità tax-Xandir organizzat Reach Out mal-istazzjonijiet tar-radju tal-Komunità f’Għawdex. Tkellimna dwar provvedim...

L-Awtorità tax-Xandir organizzat Reach Out mal-istazzjonijiet tar-radju tal-Komunità f’Għawdex. Tkellimna dwar provvedimenti tal-liġi u proċeduri ta’ liċenzjar. Iddiskutejna wkoll xi sfidi, diffikultajiet u mistoqsijiet li għandhom dawn l-istazzjonijiet Għawdxin. Din kienet inizjattiva mill-Awtorità fl-okkażjoni tat-63 sena mit-twaqqif tagħha.

L-Awtoritá tax-Xandir maħsuda bit-telfa ta’ Karl Gouder, Chief Operations Officer ta’ Net Media, li kkolabora għal diver...

L-Awtoritá tax-Xandir maħsuda bit-telfa ta’ Karl Gouder, Chief Operations Officer ta’ Net Media, li kkolabora għal diversi snin mal-Awtorità.
L-Awtorità ssellem il-memorja tiegħu u twassal il-kondoljanzi sinċiera lill-familjari tiegħu f’dan il-mument diffiċli.

🇬🇧 This was the last political broadcast before the European Parliament and Local Councils Elections 2024. We would like...

🇬🇧 This was the last political broadcast before the European Parliament and Local Councils Elections 2024. We would like to show our thanks to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition for their participation as well as the representatives of all the political parties that took part throughout this political scheme.

Finally, we would like to thank the audience for following us throughout this political broadcasts scheme organised by the Broadcasting Authority. We invite you to watch the final debate on our YouTube channel by clicking on the below link. The video includes sign language interpretation.


📷Photos by Cngfotography Malta


🇲🇹 Din kienet l-aħħar xandira politika qabel l-Elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsilli Lokali 2024. Nixtiequ nuru r-ringrazzjament tagħna lill-Prim Ministru u l-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni tal-parteċipazzjoni tagħhom kif ukoll ir-rappreżentanti tal-partiti politiċi kollha li ħadu sehem tul din l-iskema.

Fl-aħħar nett, nirringrazzjaw lilkom l-udjenza talli segwejtuna tul din l-iskema ta' xandiriet politiċi mtellgħa mill-Awtorità tax-Xandir. Nistednukom issegwu l-aħħar dibattitu billi tagħfsu fuq il-ħolqa t'hawn taħt. Il-vidjow jinkudli l-interpretazzjoni tal-lingwa tas-sinjali.


📷Ritratti ta' Cngfotography Malta

🇬🇧 Join us in 30 minutes, for the final political broadcast organised by the Broadcasting Authority, a debate between th...

🇬🇧 Join us in 30 minutes, for the final political broadcast organised by the Broadcasting Authority, a debate between the Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party, Dr Robert Abela and Leader of the Opposition and Nationalist Party, Dr Bernard Grech. The debate will be hosted by Liam Carter on TVM and Radju Malta.

📷Photo by Malta


🇲🇹 Ingħaqdu magħna, 30 minuta oħra, għall-aħħar xandira politika organizzata mill-Awtorità tax-Xandir, dibattitu bejn il-Prim Ministru u Kap tal-Partit Laburista, Dr Robert Abela u l-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni u tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Dr Bernard Grech. Dan id-dibattitu ser jitmexxa minn Liam Carter fuq TVM u Radju Malta.

📷Ritratt ta' Cngfotography Malta

🇬🇧 Get ready to tune in tonight at 21:00 on TVM and Radju Malta for the final political broadcast. We are in the final t...

🇬🇧 Get ready to tune in tonight at 21:00 on TVM and Radju Malta for the final political broadcast. We are in the final touches for what promises to be a significant debate in the political campaign.

📷Photo by Cngfotography Malta


🇲🇹 Lestu biex tingħaqdu magħna llejla fid-21:00 fuq TVM u Radju Malta għall-aħħar xandira politika. Ninsabu fl-aħħar tħejjijiet għal dak li għandu jkun dibattitu sinifikanti fil-kampanja elettorali.

📷Ritratt ta' Cngfotography Malta

🇬🇧 Whilst thanking our followers, we would also like to show our thanks to the candidates who participated in the politi...

🇬🇧 Whilst thanking our followers, we would also like to show our thanks to the candidates who participated in the political broadcast, organised by the Broadcasting Authority. We kindly invite you to see some of the moments of the broadcast and you can also watch yesterday's entire programme by clicking on the below link. The video includes sign language interpretation.


📷Photos by Cngfotography Malta


🇲🇹 Filwaqt li nirringrazzjaw lis-segwaci tagħna, nixtiequ wkoll nuru r-ringrazzjament tagħna lill-kandidati li pparteċipaw fix-xandira politika, organizzata mill-Awtorità tax-Xandir. Nistednukom issegwu partijiet mix-xandira u tistgħu wkoll taraw il-programm kollu tal-bieraħ billi tagħfsu fuq il-ħolqa t'hawn taħt. Il-vidjow jinkludi l-interpretazzjoni tal-lingwa tas-sinjali.


📷Ritratti ta' Cngfotography Malta

🇬🇧 Our next political broadcast will start in 30 min where we will welcome Sandra Gauci on behalf of ADPD - The Green Pa...

🇬🇧 Our next political broadcast will start in 30 min where we will welcome Sandra Gauci on behalf of ADPD - The Green Party, Terrence Portelli on behalf of Imperium Europa, Ivan Grech Mintoff on behalf of Partit ABBA and Matthias Iannis Portelli on behalf of Volt Malta.

📷Photo by Cngfotography Malta


🇲🇹 Ix-xandira politika li jmiss tibda fi 30 minuta u l-mistednin huma Sandra Gauci f'isem ADPD - The Green Party, Terrence Portelli f'isem Imperium Europa, Ivan Grech Mintoff f'isem Partit ABBA u Matthias Iannis Portelli f'isem Volt Malta.

📷Ritratt ta' Cngfotography Malta

🇬🇧 Getting ready for the next political broadcast, presented by Liam Carter. See you tonight at 21:00 on TVM and Radju M...

🇬🇧 Getting ready for the next political broadcast, presented by Liam Carter. See you tonight at 21:00 on TVM and Radju Malta - European Parliament Election 2024.

📷Photo by Cngfotography Malta


🇲🇹 Qedgħin nippreparaw għax-xandira politika li jmiss, immexxija minn Liam Carter. Narawkom illejla fid-21:00 fuq TVM u Radju Malta - Elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew 2024.

📷Ritratt ta' Cngfotography Malta

🇬🇧 Thank you for following the second part of the political interviews for the European Parliament Election 2024, hosted...

🇬🇧 Thank you for following the second part of the political interviews for the European Parliament Election 2024, hosted by the Broadcasting Authority. We would also like to thank the representatives for their participation as well as Liam Carter who led this programme.
While we encourage you to watch a few moments from the interviews, you can also follow yesterday's broadcast in full by clicking on the link below. The video includes sign language interpretation.


📷Photos by Cngfotography Malta
🇲🇹 Grazzi talli segwejtu t-tieni parti tal-intervisti politiċi għall-Elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew 2024, imtellgħa mill-Awtorità tax-Xandir. Nirringrazzjaw ukoll lir-rappreżentanti tal-parteċipazzjoni tagħhom kif ukoll lil Liam Carter li mexxa dan il-programm.
Filwaqt li nħeġġukom taraw ftit partijiet mill-intervisti, tistgħu ssegwu x-xandira sħiħa tal-bieraħ billi tagħfsu fuq il-ħolqa t'hawn taħt. Il-vidjow jinkludi l-interpretazzjoni tal-lingwa tas-sinjali.


📷Ritratti ta' Cngfotography Malta

🇬🇧 We will soon broadcast the second part of the political interviews to be delivered by the independent candidates for ...

🇬🇧 We will soon broadcast the second part of the political interviews to be delivered by the independent candidates for the European Parliament Election 2024:
Simon Mercieca, Radu Gheorghe, Edwin Vassallo, Stephen Florian and Nazzareno Bonnici.
Tonight at 21:00 on TVM and Radju Malta.

📷Photos by Cngfotography Malta
🇲🇹 Dalwaqt nagħtu bidu għat-tieni sett ta' intervisti politiċi mwassla minn kandidati indipendenti għall-Elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew 2024:
Simon Mercieca, Radu Gheorghe, Edwin Vassallo, Stephen Florian u Nazzareno Bonnici.
Illejla fid-21:00 fuq TVM u Radju Malta.

📷Ritratti ta' Cngfotography Malta


7 Mile End Road


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