Dear Readers,
The next article, entitled "Lacking Sexual Size Dimorphism in Some Rodent Species (Rodentia) in Semi-desert Region of Mongolia", has just been published.
The online first version of the article is available at the following DOI link: https://doi.org/10.22353/mjbs.2024.22.03
Body size differences between males and females of the same species are known as s*xual size dimorphisms (SSD). The male-biased and female-biased SSD have been reported simultaneously across numerous clades of mammals. In this study, we used long term monitoring measurement data of five species rodents to test for the existence of SSD in Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia. We collected body measurements of Allactaga sibirica, Dipus sagitta, Meriones meridianus, Meriones ungiculatus, and Phodopus roborovskii between 2007 and 2022. We found both significant male-biased and female-biased SSDs in P. roborovskii (N = 661, t = 5.33; df = 602.70; P < 0.001), and D. sagitta (N = 243, t = 2.14; df = 192.9; P < 0.001), respectively. In addition, a small level of male-biased SSD (non-significant SSD) was obtained species from genus Meriones. The non-significant SSD of both s*xes could be related to other important secondary s*xual displays (e.g., olfaction, ornamentation), which play important roles in s*xual selection. Eventually, effective s*xual dimorphism in rodents could be determined by interactions between morphology, body size, ornamentation, behavior, olfaction, and social status.