CNI - English Edition

CNI - English Edition CNI is a news agency which stands on three media policies; Independence, Justice and Neutrality.

C in C says general election will be held without failCNI News17 January 2025The State Administration Council would hold...

C in C says general election will be held without fail

CNI News

17 January 2025

The State Administration Council would hold a free and fair general election without fail, said chairman of the SAC Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

He said the above in his written speech sent to the 73rd anniversary celebration of Kayah State Day which fell on 15th January 2025.

" The government must continue to move towards a genuine and disciplined multi-party democracy, which is the will of the people. In order to be able to do so, necessary preparations are being made so that a free and fair multi-party democratic election. A free and fair general elections that reflect the true will of the voter people will be held without fail." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

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While seeing Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC

BGF-DKBA and Chinese businessmen meet urgently on Zha Pian issueCNI News17 January 2025Leaders from Karen State Border G...

BGF-DKBA and Chinese businessmen meet urgently on Zha Pian issue

CNI News

17 January 2025

Leaders from Karen State Border Guard Force and the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) and Chinese businessmen held an emergency meeting to tackle online fraud (Zha Pian) in Karen State on 15th January 2025.

How to tackle online fraud, human trafficking and cross-border crimes was discussed in the meeting. In the same way, the meeting also set rules and regulations that business owners who want to invest in Myawaddy Township must follow.

The rules and regulations contain preventing, forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, and torture. Moreover, fraudulent activities and online fraud activities, if they are found, must be reported.

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While the BGF, the DKBA and Chinese business people were meeting urgently to tackle the Zha Pian issue on 15th January 2025

Fighting on edge of power causes unnecessary lossesCNI News16 January 2024Instead of fighting on the source of power, wa...

Fighting on edge of power causes unnecessary losses

CNI News

16 January 2024

Instead of fighting on the source of power, waging battles on the edge of power could cause unnecessary losses for the country, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.

The military operations would be launched in the Bagan-Nyaung U region, Mandalay Region in 2025, announced the Nyaung U PDF on 8th January 2025.

In the same way, Upper Minhla Township PDF warned on 10th January 2025 not to use village roads connecting with the Pathein-Monywa Road.

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While seeing Col. Khun Okkar

Political path might be given priority after 31st JanuaryCNI News16 January 2025The political path might be given priori...

Political path might be given priority after 31st January

CNI News

16 January 2025

The political path might be given priority after 31st January when the SAC's six month tenure of the state of emergency will expire, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.

Because what would happen to political situation when the SAC renews the tenure has not been known yet, it was necessary to watch the political situation what would arise after 3st January, he said.

" It's necessary to watch the political situation that will arise when the tenure of the SAC expires. Because it's anybody's guess what will happen to the political situation after another six months extension, we have to consider whether to increase military or political activities. In any case, political path will be given priority, I think. Because the military activities reached at peak, it's necessary to promote the political path, which everyone has considered. When the political path is given priority, if armed elements win their political goals through political means, battles might be suspended." said Col. Khun Okkar.

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While seeing Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing

7 EAO Alliance discusses to make political dialogue ariseCNI News16 January 2025The 7 EAO Alliance held a meeting and di...

7 EAO Alliance discusses to make political dialogue arise

CNI News

16 January 2025

The 7 EAO Alliance held a meeting and discussed there to make political dialogues arise and the meeting was held on 14th January 2025.

The matters regarding the preparation to act in accordance with the political situation that may arise in 2025 and making political dialogues that contain all stakeholders arise were discussed in the meeting.

Moreover, the matters relating to the implementation of peace process and the promotion of the coordination and cooperation among EAOs as well as the expansion of the local political framework were discussed as well.

The 7 EAO Alliance is made up of seven NCA signatories - the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the Lahu Democratic Union, the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), the Karen National Union/the Karen National Liberation Army- Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) and the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO).

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Locals don't want war in Bagan region, which relies on touristsCNI News16 January 2025Locals were worried that battles w...

Locals don't want war in Bagan region, which relies on tourists

CNI News

16 January 2025

Locals were worried that battles would break out in the Bagan region after the announcement by Nyaung U Township PDF that it would wage battles in the Bagan-Nyaung U region, Mandalay Region, which is a World Cultural Heritage Site, because they have to live on tourists, locals told CNI News.

Nyaung U PDF (Bagan Ogre Force) announced on 8th January 2025 that it would wage battles in the Bagan-Nyaung U region, Mandalay Region.

Locals have to be living on tourists who visit Bagan pagodas, they don't want that battles will take place in the Bagna-Nyaung U region, a local said CNI News.

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While seeing pilgrims who have arrived in the Bagan region

Can military conflicts become more widespread in 2025?CNI News15 January 2025Military and political analysts are conside...

Can military conflicts become more widespread in 2025?

CNI News

15 January 2025

Military and political analysts are considering differently regarding whether military conflicts will become more widespread in 2025.

Some people have considered that military conflict could be more widespread in 2025 than in 2024, when military intensity peaked while others considered that if political demands can be met through political means, a change could occur in 2025, U Than Soe Naing, a political commentator, told CNI News.

" On the one hand, there are encouragements to hold political dialogues, but battles will be taking place fiercely, I think. They will get worse because they have presumed that it is the final battle." said U Than Soe Naing.

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While seeing the Mandalay PDF

Military operations will be increased in plain region and adjacent areas in 2025CNI News15 January 2025Revolutionary org...

Military operations will be increased in plain region and adjacent areas in 2025

CNI News

15 January 2025

Revolutionary organizations would speed up military activities in the plain region and adjacent areas in 2025, chairman of the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) General Tar Aik B**g.

He said the above on the 62nd anniversary of the Ta'ang National Revolution Day on 12th January 2025.

"The united revolutionary organizations will further accelerate the revolution in the plain region and adjacent areas in 2025 and during the period when the battles are severely breaking out, the people should carefully abide by the safety measures laid down by revolutionary organizations and may the people be safe and see the fruits of the revolution's success." said General Tar Aik B**g.

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While seeing the PDFs from the upcountry region and chairman of the TNLA

We Must Keep Our Weapons in Our Own Hands: TNLA ChairmanCNI News15 January 2025Ta'ang nationalities must keep their weap...

We Must Keep Our Weapons in Our Own Hands: TNLA Chairman

CNI News

15 January 2025

Ta'ang nationalities must keep their weapons in their own hands, said chairman of the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) General Tar Aik B**g. He said the above on the 62th Anniversary of the Ta'ang National Revolution Day.

" We, the Ta'ang people, are indigenous people and on the one hand, they must keep their weapons in their own hands to defend themselves. With the changing global political landscape, the TNLA is always ready and prepared to take part in the political discussion that will emerge through the engagement of neighboring countries. But, with the revolutionary people, the TNLA will continue to fight in cooperation with other revolutionary forces for the permanent end of the military dictatorship and the establishment of a new federal democratic country" said General Tar Aik B**g.

In order to overthrow the evil military dictatorship, all classes, all revolutionary forces and organizations fought with all their strength and intelligence in a united manner during 2024, he felt he saw the red glow of dawn of the revolution's success, he said.

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While seeing General Tar Aik B**g, chairman of the TNLA

Tatmadaw keeps country from falling apart through agesCNI News15 January 2025The Tatmadaw was able to keep the country f...

Tatmadaw keeps country from falling apart through ages

CNI News

15 January 2025

The Tatmadaw was able to keep the country from falling apart through ages, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC).

He said the above while he was meeting with officials, privates and their families in the Meiktila and Mandalay Cantonments of the Myanmar Tatmadaw 10th January 2025.

" According to the geographical location of the state's existence, the Myanmar Tatmadaw consistently carried out its duties for the preservation of the country's union, national solidarity, and sovereignty." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

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Businessmen can carry out solar projects to meet electricity demand: SAC chairmanCNI News14 January 2025There were proje...

Businessmen can carry out solar projects to meet electricity demand: SAC chairman

CNI News

14 January 2025

There were projects carried out by the State to meet the electricity demand and businessmen could carry out the solar projects to meet their business needs as well, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC).

He said the above while he was meeting with the entrepreneurs of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Meiktila District on 10th January 2025.

The entrepreneurs submitted to the NASC Chairman that they wanted the State to provide assistance in obtaining electricity through solar power systems, which is a requirement for their businesses.

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SAC chairman explains election program to Belarus diplomatCNI News12 January 2025The chairman of the State Administratio...

SAC chairman explains election program to Belarus diplomat

CNI News
12 January 2025

The chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) explained the matters relating to the election program to Belarusian FM H.E. Mr. Maksim Ryzhenkov when he met the Belarusian top diplomat in Naypyidaw on 9th January 2025.

Moreover, they discussed the matters regarding the promotion of the defense cooperation and the last developments of Myanmar, reported the SAC.

The SAC reportedly explained the preparation for holding a free and fair general election.

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While Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing and Belarusian FM were meeting

Impossible to wage battles without hitting pagodas in Bagan regionCNI News12 January 2025If the Bagan region became a wa...

Impossible to wage battles without hitting pagodas in Bagan region

CNI News
12 January 2025

If the Bagan region became a war zone, waging battles without damaging ancient temples and pagodas was impossible, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.

Nyaung U Township PDF (Ogre Army) announced on 8th January 2025 that it would wage operations in the Bagan region, Nyaung U Township in 2025, a World Culture Heritage Site.

It was impossible to wage battles in the Bagan region without damaging ancient pagodas and temples; because they are fighting at the edges of power instead of fighting at the source of power, it would bring loss to the country, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.

" If the Bagan region becomes a battle zone, it is impossible to damage ancient pagodas and temples. Although one side protects ancient pagodas and temples, the other might not protect them. These ancient things are not owned by the current armed groups. We will continue to maintain them. In fact, they have to fight at the power source. If they fight at the edges of power, it could bring loss to the country." he said.

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While seeing Bagan Town

KIA-PDF arrest 200 youths in IndawgyiCNI News12 January 2025The KIA-PDF joint forces arrested about 200 youths to recrui...

KIA-PDF arrest 200 youths in Indawgyi

CNI News
12 January 2025

The KIA-PDF joint forces arrested about 200 youths to recruit in the Indawgyi region, Mohnyin Township, Kachin State on 9th January 2025, said locals.

70 residents of Indawgyi Town and over 100 Ma Mon Kaing villagers were arrested somewhere on the road between Indawgyi Town and Ma Mon Kaing Village to recruit by the KIA-PDF joint forces. In the same way, youths from Nan Ba Dae and Le Mon Villages were arrested and taken away by the KIA-PDF joint forces.

Those arrested and taken away were sent to the KIA-PDF military camp which is located at the entrance to Nyaung Bin Village, said locals.

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While seeing the KIA-PDF joint force

Election could okay more than gripping power by only one personCNI News11 January 2025If the election was able to be hel...

Election could okay more than gripping power by only one person

CNI News

11 January 2025

If the election was able to be held in 2025, it would be more convenient than gripping power by only one person and changes could be made, military and political analysts told CNI News.

If the election could not be held in 2025, Naypyidaw would have such a bad problem that it would be in a badly hit situation, U Khun Sai, a person who is taking part in the peace process, told CNI News.

" If the election could be held, three powers currently held by only one person would be held by three groups and more changes could be made. If the election could not be held, Naypyidaw could have a bad problem because our neighboring countries want Myanmar to hold the election. If the election could be held, arms and ammunition would run out sooner or later. But if the election was postponed, the flow of arms and ammunition into Myanmar would continue. And then, even if the SAC was not overthrown, it could be badly attacked." he said.

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While Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing was meeting with political parties

Mansi route could be first step to enter mainlandCNI News10 January 2024After the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has sei...

Mansi route could be first step to enter mainland

CNI News

10 January 2024

After the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has seized control of Mansi Town in Kachin State, the Mansi route might be the first step to march into the mainland, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP), Dr. Aye Maung told CNI News.

The KIA/PDF joint forces attacked and captured three remaining battalions of the Myanmar Tatmadaw im Mansi, Kachin State on 8th January 2025.

There are three routes to pe*****te into the mainland and the route from Mansi may be the first route, Dr. Aye Maung told CNI News.

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While seeing the entrance to Mansi Town

Why doesn't AA attack Kyaukphyu, Sittwe and Manaung?CNI News10 January 2025Military and political analysts are consideri...

Why doesn't AA attack Kyaukphyu, Sittwe and Manaung?

CNI News

10 January 2025

Military and political analysts are considering and discussing why the Arakan Army (AA) does not attack Kyaukphyu, Sittwe and Manaung in Rakhine State.

There are 17 townships in Rakhine State and the AA has already captured 14 townships. However, the AA does not continue to attack the three remaining townships - Kyaukphyu, Sittwe and Manaung. Questions are also being raised as the AA's offensive moves towards the mainland.

According the statement released by the AA on 29th December 2024, foreign investments and projects would be protected by the AA.

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While seeing Maj-Gen Tun Myat Naing, leader of the AA

RON-68 fuel sales are only good for the short termCNI News10 January 2025The Ministry of Energy is selling RON-68 gasoli...

RON-68 fuel sales are only good for the short term

CNI News

10 January 2025

The Ministry of Energy is selling RON-68 gasoline at 2,200 kyats per liter in Naypyidaw, which is only good for the short term, pointed out businessmen and financial analysts. RON-68 is the gasoline produced by refining petroleum produced by domestic factories.

Most vehicles in Myanmar use only RON-92 or RON-92 and if RON-68 was used, engine reportedly could be affected in the long run. However, it would support for normal vehicles and be good in the short term, U Htay Aung Kyi, a banking expert, told CNI News.

" It supports more or less. It's fine for engines that are compatible with RON-68. I don't understand it very well because I'm not an engineer. I'm not sure if RON-68 can replace RON-92. Even if it can be used, might it affect the engine in the long run. But according to the current situation, it is supportive for normal vehicles in the short term." he said.

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While filling up a motorcycle with gasoline at a fuel oil station




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