Background of Development Media Group (DMG) Development Media Group (DMG) was founded on the Thai-Myanmar border on 9 January 2012, in accordance with the current requirements of Arakan (Rakhine) State, by both residents inside the country, and former residents now in exile, who see value in meaningful quality media and applying news media as a powerful resource for regional stability, peace-making, and holistic and sustainable development.
Furthermore, the Development News Bulletin (from January to March 2012) continuing as the Development Newsletter (from April to June 2012) were published monthly in the city of Mae Sot on the Thai-Myanmar border. In that same year, those were then continued as the Development News Journal (DNJ), which was released monthly, both inside and outside Myanmar, until December 2013.
In January 2014, the journal was officially registered in Myanmar and, twice a month published both internally and externally, from our bases in Yangon and Sittwe, up to September 2016. However, the publication was suspended due to financial difficulties in October 2016.
Our efforts were then concentrated on the DTV News Television program beginning in January 2017. We are now striving to start republishing the Development News Journal (DNJ) in March 2018.
Editorial Policy/ Editor’s Perspective
Our news agency is committed to getting the news, photos, data and documentaries in polite and respectful manners in accordance with media ethics, mainly avoiding any conflicts, instigation, and disrespect, in terms of political, racial, religious, cultural, traditional, historical, social, personal and national accounts, with regards to accurate and truthful news coverage. Actions which adversely affect our character, standing and reputation as an unbiased news source will not be tolerated. Only then, will the public gain faith in our news agency, as well as the government be comfortable, and therefore we can gain increasing support and appreciation. In addition, respect and acknowledgement from the international community will also be supportive.
To be a free, independent and impartial media organization for regional peace and stability, and holistic and sustainable development, in all manners of news broadcast and television programs concerning Arakan’s affairs.
In addition to presenting political, economic and social conditions, preservation of cultural heritages, and environmental and natural resources conservation, we envision creating a society grounded in human rights, equality and justice, and we profoundly believe in the power of media, and its ability to inform and televise that which is needed for the lasting peace and all-around development of the entire State of Arakan (Rakhine), Myanmar.
➢ To make information on the issues of Arakan known to people, especially those which successive governments and mainstream media have been neglecting for years
➢ To help our media sector keep abreast of mainstream and international media trends and techniques
➢ To assist state and central governments, including those of other nationalities of Myanmar, in realizing the everyday issues and concerns of Arakanese people, and to provide much needed support
➢ To give timely attention to our citizens, and the international community, as to the circumstances and violations of the rights of Arakanese people, and as well, to the potential of environmental destruction under the guise of development and modernization.
➢ To closely monitor development measures of the state and union governments, and with regards to Arakan State, to report necessary and relevant conditions to the public
➢ To raise the socio-economic life status of Arakan’s most disadvantaged and afflicted communities, and to report timely news on current situations certain communities are dealing with
➢ To change the perspective of, and lead to the constructive opinions of, the international community regarding the people of Arakan (Rakhine) concerning the Bengali conflicts, and to benefit with renewed humanitarian assistance
➢ To report with checks and balances on the sensitive issues of Bengalis, and Arakan’s national politics, by the news media
➢ To promote the involvement of women in the development of Arakan’s media and culture
Plans of Action
❖ Striving constantly to enhance the sector of the national-level news media sector and capacity building.
❖ Imparting knowledge to people by publishing newspapers, journals, video and photo documentaries
❖ Uncovering, unraveling and interpreting cultural and historical ruins and artifacts
❖ Making people aware of importance of media, and how best to use it
❖ Organizing educative programmes from the media’s perspective utilizing the data and information available
❖ Organizing media roundtable discussions and debates inviting experts from different levels and fields (political, economic, social experts, experts from government departments, and so on) in relation to current situations (i.e. regional peace, stability and development) of Arakan
❖ Making great effort to prevent racial and religious conflicts alike and to bring about peace, stability and sustainable development
❖ Working hard to build up a database in respect to Arakan’s affairs (i.e. socio-economy, natural environment, peace restoration, development, etc.)