Iakwe aolep
I'd like to ask for your help in reporting all my ripped and re-uploaded posts by RiMajolOnline as well as reporting the page itself.
Instead of reposting my original posts, what they're basically doing is stealing all the engagement clicks and views from my original uploads, and affecting all my other platforms where all my content are uploaded (YouTube, TikTok, IG, etc.)
These stolen views and clicks could have been beneficial for Corriegraphy's growth and development on all platforms, but now this latest post on the Miss Pacific Islands performance has been severely hindered and overshadowed by RiMajolOnline's reuploaded post. The same can be said for other media groups that have had their content stolen as well, like Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority and College of the Marshall Islands.
Even though credit has been given in each of their posts, creating and editing these videos requires a lot of physical labor and many many hours on all the editing softwares, making sure video descriptions and formatting are correct, uploading to multiple platforms at once, etc. etc.
If you know who is behind the RiMajolOnline page, please contact them to take all my stuff down. This has gone on for too long already.
EDIT: The posts have all been taken down. But I am keeping this post up to raise awareness about this page, as they still have hundreds of unauthorized video uploads taken from other people's YouTube channels and pages, most especially NTA and CMI.
There is zero tolerance for this nonsense.
Kommol tata / Thank you ALL for the love and support.
Love you all. See you on the next upload.