Peregrine Music Collective

Peregrine Music Collective Peregrine Music Collective is a company that artists can trust and find belonging in. A collective that will fight for its members to be heard.

PMC offers services to independent artists wanting to further their music careers.

Working on a cover song this week… any guesses what song it is?

Working on a cover song this week… any guesses what song it is?

Out of Chaos... 😱Creating art or inventions of any kind usually don't come from nowhere. They come from a problem that r...

Out of Chaos... 😱

Creating art or inventions of any kind usually don't come from nowhere. They come from a problem that requires a solution. The problem may be a need for self-expression or an outlet in a distressing situation. We need to create art to solve these problems sometimes.

What kind of music are you making out of chaos?

The creative process 📀It's ironic that we live our lives creating art not knowing that we ourselves are being shaped int...

The creative process 📀

It's ironic that we live our lives creating art not knowing that we ourselves are being shaped into art as well. The mediums and formats we use to make our art will play a role in shaping who we are as a person.

What is currently inspiring you as an artist?

If you don't like something, change it. 🚨It's easy to critique but what if we used that fuel to create instead? You don'...

If you don't like something, change it. 🚨

It's easy to critique but what if we used that fuel to create instead? You don't like the vocal production on Cardi B's song? Make something that you like and you feel is better than the song and you might find a whole set of listeners that have been waiting for something fresh and unique that only you can offer. Let's save our critiques and use that time to invest in our creative process.

Just start anywhere ✏️Whether it be writing music or playing it, production or post-production, we need to start where w...

Just start anywhere ✏️

Whether it be writing music or playing it, production or post-production, we need to start where we are at in order to improve. We will never know how good we are until we put start.

My wife, Stephanie, wanted to produce a song but didn't have enough confidence with all the production elements to do it alone so I gave her a few pointers to help her get a better grip on producing a song. The song turned out great and she would've never known that she could do that unless she stepped out of her comfort zone or "not knowing how" and just tried. (If youre, curious about the song, it's called, "Wait" and it's out on Youtube, IGTV, and most streaming platforms.)

Side note: looking for tutorials, mentors, teachers, etc to help you is a great resource that needs to be highlighted as well!

What is an area where you need to "just do" instead of waiting to improve in?

The purpose of art 🎤We should be looking at our past work and seeing how we can improve rather than trying to beat those...

The purpose of art 🎤

We should be looking at our past work and seeing how we can improve rather than trying to beat those around us. It will never feel satisfying if we beat others because it then becomes a competition and we stop making music because it's something we love. We then suffer losses when others "beat us." For the sake of our music and listeners, let's make music out of a place of wanting to see how far we can push ourselves creatively.

What are you working on this Fall? 🍂

Don't try to conceal your inspirations.Everyone draws inspiration from other artists and their work, embrace it. Make ar...

Don't try to conceal your inspirations.

Everyone draws inspiration from other artists and their work, embrace it. Make art that feels authentic to you even if people accuse you of copying someone else's style. Many of the best or most "original" artists are just combining the best parts of other artists' work. Don't be afraid to steal aspects of other's work that feel authentic to you and combine them to make your own art. People will see and respect the authenticity of your art.

look around 👀Look not at the things that everyone else is doing or looking at  otherwise you will end up like a clone. Y...

look around 👀

Look not at the things that everyone else is doing or looking at otherwise you will end up like a clone. You will sound/ look like everyone else. You were made to have a unique perspective and sound. Try new things, listen to music you usually wouldn't, do things others haven't tried in your genre. Don't let the fear of exploring new realms keep you from discovering new things you succeed at.

What is something unique you have felt inspired by lately?

Let's rewind 🔃Go back to when you were a child. Before you knew the rules. Before you knew right from wrong. Make art fr...

Let's rewind 🔃

Go back to when you were a child. Before you knew the rules. Before you knew right from wrong. Make art from that place. Be unafraid to test the waters. They say children learn the fastest and best because they're like sponges that absorb everything. In some ways we can learn from them and become like them. Let's learn to see through the eyes of wonder and curiosity in order to master what we do.

How old were you when you learned your first instrument?

Don't live your life in fear 😝Fear will keep you from being yourself. You have to break free of fear to do what you were...

Don't live your life in fear 😝

Fear will keep you from being yourself. You have to break free of fear to do what you were created to do. Whether it's dancing, singing, playing piano, painting, producing, etc it all requires you to come out of your comfort zone and be vulnerable. We will always make mistakes because we are humans but great artists know how to make something beautiful out of their mistakes. They give meaning to their mistakes. Be bold and make art that matters today! Roll with the punches. 😎

Have you ever transformed a mistake into art?

Don't let fear or doubt stop you.😒If you are an artist, especially in the music scene, you know there's always voice of ...

Don't let fear or doubt stop you.😒

If you are an artist, especially in the music scene, you know there's always voice of comparison out there trying to get you to doubt yourself or fear making mistakes. Art is all about risk. Don't focus on the number of followers, streams, etc. Do it because you love it and the other things won't weigh you down. Just start somewhere and the rest will fall into place. 🙌

Let us know in the comments what you do in the music world!

Make creativity a habit 📝If you want to get good at something you need to practice. We do this when we make a habit of a...

Make creativity a habit 📝

If you want to get good at something you need to practice. We do this when we make a habit of actually making time for art. A couple weeks ago we shared some songwriting tips. One of the tips was "Morning Pages." This is a practice of writing every morning before even grabbing your phone. This is just one of the habits we can make for our music/ art. The more we do it the more naturally it will happen. Creativity will begin to flow through us when we make a space for it.

What is a habit or way you are making space for creativity in your life?

Take the risk! 😨Sometimes you just need to do the thing. Whether it's writing/ releasing a song, seeking out a collab, e...

Take the risk! 😨

Sometimes you just need to do the thing. Whether it's writing/ releasing a song, seeking out a collab, etc. You just have to go for it and trust that maybe something great will turn out.

What's something you've done that you were afraid to do but when you did it it was better than you expected it to be?

SONGWRITING TIPS 📝Here are 3 things you can start doing if you haven't yet been doing these. If you've been struggling w...


Here are 3 things you can start doing if you haven't yet been doing these. If you've been struggling with creativity, especially songwriting...we have all been there as creatives.

Try these out consistently for 10 days and tell us what came out of those times!

What is something that has helped your creative process?

It's New Music Monday! ✨There has been so much good music released this past Friday but we want to highlight one release...

It's New Music Monday! ✨

There has been so much good music released this past Friday but we want to highlight one release we really loved.

"Quiet" by Kina Grannis.

This single is compelling yet soft. In a world where the loud and flashy dominate, being quiet can be counterproductive and seen as odd. Grannis says, "I didn't know it was fine to be quiet." The stripped down, acoustic music fits well with the message in the song. There is a sense of peace and resolve where she accepts who she is and that even she has a place and a voice in a loud world.

Go stream "Quiet" on all streaming platforms and let us know your favorite release in the comments below!
Kina Grannis

🎭 Imposter syndrome: "The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achiev...

🎭 Imposter syndrome: "The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills."

Most musicians, singers, and producers have struggled with Imposter Syndrome at one time or another. We get that voice in our heads telling us that we're not good enough, that we'll never be a "real" artist, that we'll never be as good as our heroes, or that we'll be found out as frauds and "imposters" (insert among us joke here). Here are some tips to help you beat imposter syndrome and tell your inner critic to shut up!

Tip 3: Kill comparison 🔪
This is a simple one to know but hard to walk out. Comparison steals your joy and it makes life a zero sum game. That means if someone else has success you cannot also have success. This is a lie. Another's success doesn't mean your failure. Imposter Syndrome feeds off of comparison. It tells you you'll never be an artist like that person over there. You'll never get the streaming numbers that other person has. Maybe you're not a real artist after all… but it's all lies. We can't measure our success based on someone else's life. If you create art… then you ARE an artist, it's as simple as that! Stop comparing yourself and go BE yourself.

🎭Imposter syndrome: "The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieve...

🎭Imposter syndrome: "The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills."

Most musicians, singers, and producers have struggled with Imposter Syndrome at one time or another. We get that voice in our heads telling us that we're not good enough, that we'll never be a "real" artist, that we'll never be as good as our heroes, or that we'll be found out as frauds and "imposters" (insert among us joke here). Here are some tips to help you beat imposter syndrome and tell your inner critic to shut up!

Tip 2: Find community 👥
Humans are made for community. No one can truly thrive in isolation. Finding your tribe can bring you encouragement, guidance, and validation. Having others help you with your art or telling you what they love about your art can help you realize you are indeed an artist and not a fraud.

It's New Music Monday! ✨There has been so much good music released this past Friday but we want to highlight one release...

It's New Music Monday! ✨

There has been so much good music released this past Friday but we want to highlight one release we really loved.

"Talk 2 Me" by Montell Fish

Both emotionally vulnerable and laid back, Fish shows us again how simple words can turn into a song that hooks you in. In "Talk 2 Me," Fish almost gives us a glimpse into his journal, personally reflecting on the state of his relationship with God. He feels a distance between himself and God and he wants to feel His nearness again and hear God speak to him. I'm sure a lot of us can relate to this song in our own lives even if it's just with a close friend.

If you're looking for a new indie chill single to obsess over, look no further! Montell Fish has done it again by giving us language for something that is often not talked about.

Go stream "Talk 2 Me" and tell us your new favorite release in the comments below!

🎭 Imposter syndrome: "The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achiev...

🎭 Imposter syndrome: "The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills."

Most musicians, singers, and producers have struggled with Imposter Syndrome at one time or another. We get that voice in our heads telling us that we're not good enough, that we'll never be a "real" artist, that we'll never be as good as our heroes, or that we'll be found out as frauds and "imposters" (insert among us joke here). Here are some tips to help you beat imposter syndrome and tell your inner critic to shut up!

Tip 1: Acknowledge your feelings 😳

Sometimes it feels easier to ignore our feelings and just try to push through. However, this can never help you overcome your imposter syndrome. The only way to resolve things and get healing is to work through your feelings. Talking to a friend or a therapist can be a big help with this! Talking to someone else and listening to them can help you see the bigger picture and see yourself through their eyes instead of your own. It can also help your imposter feelings feel less overwhelming and more manageable once they're outside of you and you can examine them.
And you never know when sharing your experience can actually encourage someone else to share that they're struggling with the same thing. Many people struggle with imposter syndrome so you're not alone.

Are you dealing with imposter syndrome? How did you overcome?

It's New Music Monday! ✨There has been so much good music released this past Friday but we want to highlight one release...

It's New Music Monday! ✨

There has been so much good music released this past Friday but we want to highlight one release we really loved.

"Days of Youth" by John Jin Han.

This album is full of indie pop rock bangers! Starting with "Now That I Know You" featuring Laity; "Days of Youth" is full of shimmering guitar lines, ear catching hooks, and thought provoking lyrics. Though the songs are up-beat, catchy, and fun to listen to, they are by no means shallow. John Jin Han dives right into the complexities of life and his relationship with God. Over 80's pop production John ponders God's love for him, honestly speaks of his doubt and his failures, and grapples with how to love someone who is hurting.
If you're looking for a new indie pop rock record to obsess over, look no further! John Jin Han has delivered a strong contender for our album of the year.

Go stream "Days of Youth" on all streaming platforms and let us know your favorite song in the comments below!

Imagination 🌠One of the greatest minds in history said that imagination is of greater importance than knowledge. That sh...

Imagination 🌠

One of the greatest minds in history said that imagination is of greater importance than knowledge. That should tell us that our greatest ideas don't come from books or tutorials or lectures. Imagination feeds inspiration. Let that be the way you write you next song. Imagine what you're trying to write about and just describe what you imagine. Imagination is a powerful tool, use it for your art!

ROAD TO RELEASE: Indie Edition 🎧We finish our 4-part tip series today about how you can have a successful release as an ...

ROAD TO RELEASE: Indie Edition 🎧

We finish our 4-part tip series today about how you can have a successful release as an indie artist.

Tip 4: Send out your Electronic Press Kit (EPK) to radios, blogs, music magazines, and anyone else interested in reviewing music or featuring indie artists like yourself. If you don't know what an EPK is or need help figuring out what to put in yours refer to out post from last week called "How to create an EPK." If you need further help, send us a DM!

Tell us, in the comments below, what you have done to prepare for your release before that worked.

Share this with an indie artist or producer & follow us for more tips next Tuesday!




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