🇱🇻 🇫🇷 Yesterday, we shared a review of a Latvian novel by the French culture magazine Diacritik. Today, we're excited to present an interview with Nicolas Auzanneau, the translator of Rūdolfs Blaumanis (1862–1908).
📚In this conversation with Zoé Théval , Auzanneau speaks about Blaumanis background and becoming one of Latvia's first professional writers. He also speaks about the historical context during Blaumanis time , telling about nations struggle between Russian imperial administration and Baltic German nobility.
✏️"As for the "choice" to translate "In the Shadow of Death", the credit goes exclusively to Olivier Demestre, the one -man band of Éditions do, who was curious enough to go to Latvia as part of a trip organized by the Latvian Literature platform for publishers and journalists interested in Latvia. He had in his hands the English translation of the short story by my colleague Uldis Balodis and proposed this project to me. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful that I have ever been offered "
Pour mieux appréhender et approfondir le contexte littéraire et décolonial dans lequel s’inscrit À l’ombre de la mort de Rūdolfs Blaumanis, entretien avec Nicolas Auzanneau, le traducteur de l&rsqu…