Being it the sacrificial lambs, sleepless nightfalls or unconventional ideas - we at Policy Productions, by all means necessary, get it done. Being the utterly proficient audiovisual storytellers for rock-solid 4 years we’ve mastered the productional style of “f*ck fu” - the art of knowing when to say “f*ck this and f*ck that” in order to achieve the objective without costly setbacks. Policy Produ
ctions solemnly devotes its existence to creating miraculous film and commercial work for real people with real emotions. If you’re in with us you know it’s forever, if you’re yet to be in with us you know it’s now or never. WHY PEOPLE CALL US? Film and Video
Too young to be globally known, too old to strive for anything less. We offer top-tier film and video production for our own clients, agencies around the world and our own private pleasure. Simply put, we do it all ranging from full length flicks to interview extravaganza, there is absolutely nothing you could ask us we couldn’t do. Call us and watch us prove it, we’re that splendid in our craft. Animation and Post-Production
When surreal becomes real, nothing is ever unreal. We offer top-notch animation and CGI work, so your childhood dreams of cartoons and flying cars can see the light of day. We craft everything from straightforward 2D animations to sheer 3D environments, heck we even might do holograms if you’re frisky enough. Being it outsourced animators from Nepal or local virtuosos, our reach has no limits. Storytelling and ideas
To infinity and beyond a proper story will live on. We offer a highly sophisticated bunch of creative talent ready to do your bidding, master. Individuals with nation-wide films under their name, world-class commercial experts and writers with a skill so humbling you just want to hug them, these are the talented misfits we keep in our basement ready to rock on your boardwalk.