And this was the last picture we made with him 🙏🏻 You quit us the day of my birthday 🎂 buddy, so Rest in Peace and it’s been a long day 🎵
Micas Carvalho
😳 Blocked by Prime Minister of Luxembourg 🇱🇺
🎯 Goal: 9 billion followers 📈 Highschool in Luxembourg where I’m blocked by the prime minister. It’s ridiculous.
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From education to the art world
I started to work as a Sociocultural Animator in France and then I worked a while as a Social Worker in Belgium and Australia. After my Master Degree I went to Brazil in order to work as a Language Teacher, fortunately I’ve got a promotion as a Pedagogic Coordinator, but ended up as an Art Teacher, Actor and Model. I’m also a Community Commerce Consultant in the multi-level marketing world.
I speak six languages starting with French, Portuguese, German, English, Spanish and ending with Luxemburgish. Yes, this language and this country exists! I’m proud to announce that I’m from Luxembourg, country known as the Grand-Duchy!