Quantum entaglement in biosystems

Quantum entaglement in biosystems Quantum entanglement in bio-systems

Presently Quantum Physics become Ubiquitous - it is a really New Quantum Revolution [1-3] which we can see now.The most ...

Presently Quantum Physics become Ubiquitous - it is a really New Quantum Revolution [1-3] which we can see now.

The most innovative and fast growing fields of research are:

1) Quantum dynamics in the macro (even in living) world: quantum coherence and entanglement [4,5];
2) Quantum theory as an interdisciplinary paradigm: quantum information and simulation [6-8]
3) Quantum physics for a technology boost: quantum devices [9-11] and machines [12,13]


[1] Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius; “The emergence and evolution of life in a "fatty acid world" based on quantum mechanics”; Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres; vol. 41: 51-71, 2011.
[2] Arvydas Tamulis and Mantas Grigalavicius; “Quantum Mechanical Origin of Fatty Acid Life and Correlations with Anthropic Principle and Old Testament”; Quantum Matter (American Scientific Publishers); vol. 3, 460-468, 2014.
[3] Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius; “Quantum Entanglement in Photoactive Prebiotic Systems”; Systems and Synthetic Biology (Springer Scientific Publishing House); vol. 8, 117-140, 2014.
[4] Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius and Jonas Baltrusaitis; Phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement in a System Composed of Two Minimal Protocells; Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres; vol. 43: 49–66 (2012).
[5] Arvydas Tamulis, Lukas Berteska, Mantas Grigalavicius, and Jonas Baltrusaitis, “Quantum Dynamics of Self-Assembly of Minimal Photosynthetic Cells”, Quantum Matter vol. 5, 5-18 (2016)
[6] Arvydas Tamulis and Mantas Grigalavicius; “Molecular Spintronics Control of Photosynthesis in Artificial Cell”; Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience; vol. 10: No. 4, 989-995, 2013.
[7] Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, Sarunas Krisciukaitis; “Quantum Entanglement in a System Composed of Two Prebiotic Kernels with Molecular Spintronics Logic Devices for Control of Photosynthesis”; Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience; vol. 11, 1597-1608, 2014.
[8] A. Tamulis, M. Grigalavicius, J. Serbenta, K. Plausinaitis; “Quantum Entangled Single BioOrganic Supramolecules as Light Absorbing and Light Emitting Logical Devices”; Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience; vol. 12, 1827-1840 (2015)
[9] Arvydas Tamulis, Kristina Majauskaite,Visvaldas Kairys, Krzysztof Zborowski, Kapil Adhikari, Sarunas Krisciukaitis, “Spintronic characteristics of self-assembled neurotransmitter acetylcholine molecular complexes enable quantum information processing in neural networks and brain”, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 660, 2016, p.p. 189–198.
[10] R. L. Norman and Arvydas Tamulis, “Quantum Entangled Prebiotic Evolutionary Process Analysis as Integrated Information: from the origins of life to the phenomenon of consciousness”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 14, Number 5, pp. 2255-2267 (2017).
[11] A. Tamulis, K. Majauskaite, M. Talaikis, K. Zborowski, V. Kairys, “Acetylcholine molecular arrays enable quantum information processing”, Chem. Phys. Lett., vol. 684, 2017, p.p. 39-43.
[12] M.L. Balevicius, A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, J.-M. Nunzi, "Study of Stilbene Molecule trans-cis Isomerization in First Excited State and Design of Molecular Random Walkers", Proceedings of NATO ARW on "Multiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron Excitations in Organics: New phenomena, Materials and Applications", held in Menton, France, August 26 - 31, 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000, NATO Science Series 3. High Technology - Vol. 79, p.p. 437- 450.
[13] A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, Z. Rinkevicius, "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Search of Per Linear Transition State of Azo-Dye Molecules and Design of Molecular Logical Machines", Nonlinear Optics, vol. 27, p.p. 481- 488, 2001.

We are continuing our research concerning direct communication of human brains and computers.Would you please to see sho...

We are continuing our research concerning direct communication of human brains and computers.

Would you please to see short presentation of scientist concerning direct communication of computer and human brain with installed chips:

My idea is to create the human brain communication with other brain and with computer by using quantum entangled information:
In any case, we will have in the future direct communication of human brain and computer using our proposed methods.

"Imagine brains interfacing with machines"

Results of my review paper (see attached) and recently published articles (Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 660 (2016) p.p...

Results of my review paper (see attached) and recently published articles (Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 660 (2016) p.p. 189–198, A. Tamulis et al., Chem. Phys. Lett., vol. 684, 2017, p.p. 39-43) are related with partially secret paper (see attached) therefore I am in special interest of various fraud people who try to get my new research information.

I am surprised why nobody do not wish to finance my further investigations in this field but try to grab not published materials of my research.

Explanation why two billions years were only unicellular livings in the EarthProf. Geesink is writing:According to Tamul...

Explanation why two billions years were only unicellular livings in the Earth
Prof. Geesink is writing:
According to Tamulis: quantum entanglement might be important in the first stages of origins of life and evolution of the biospheres because simultaneously excitation of two prebiotic kernels in the system by appearance of two additional quant um entangled excited states, will lead to faster growth and self - replication of minimal living cells [26] and s elf - assembling of photoactive prebiotic systems with observed quantum entanglement phenomena have been modelled [ 53, 54 , 55 ].

[26] Tamulis A, Grigalavicius M. Quantum entanglement in photoactive prebiotic systems. Syst Synth Biol (2014) 8:117
[53] Tamulis A. Quantum mechanical control of artificial minimal living cells. NeuroQuantology. 2008;6:311 – 322. doi: 10.14704/nq.2008.6.3.188. [Cross Ref]
[54] Tamulis A, Tamulis V. Quantum mechanical design of molecular electronics OR gate for regulation of minimal cell functions. J Comput Theor Nanosci. 2008;5:545 – 553

My comment:
That can explain why two billions years were only unicellular livings.
Letter from Prof. Geesink:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hans Geesink
Date: Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 12:17 AM
Subject: EPR data fit on a typical frequency scale.
To: [email protected]

Dear Prof. A. Tamulis,

Related to your paper: Quantum entanglement in photoactive prebiotic systems, Arvydas Tamulis

We are involved in the development of coherent frequency scales for living cells and inanimate matter.
We would like to send you our concept paper and would like to ask you: are you and your team aware that frequencies of waves used in EPR-experiment(s) are located at a typical scale of coherent frequencies?
See figure 3, in this concept paper.
What is your opinion about our proposal?
Kind regards,

Hans Geesink,
The Netherlands.

TermoFisher Science conference in Vilnius on October 12

TermoFisher Science conference in Vilnius on October 12


Dear Colleagues,

The newest our science article concerning Quantum Entanglement effects in living systems was published:
Norman, R. L,Tamulis, Arvydas
Quantum Entangled Prebiotic Evolutionary Process Analysis as Integrated Information: From the Origins of Life to the Phenomenon of Consciousness
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 14, Number 5, May 2017, pp. 2255-2267
You can see article at:

With best regards,
Arvydas Tamulis
Arvydas Tamulis
Doctor of Natural Sciences,
Independent expert of European Commission,
New website: https://www.facebook.com/Quantum-entaglement-in-biosystems-397899027086633/timeline/
Old website: http://www.itpa.lt/~tamulis/
Address: Didlaukio str. 27-40, Vilnius LT-08320, Lithuania
Emails: [email protected] or [email protected]
My Skype name: tamulis1948
Tel. +370-69919397

Keywords: Consciousness; Integrated Information Theory; Neuronal Networks of the Brain; Quantum Entanglement; Quantum Information Processing

Dear Colleagues,You can see my shortened presentation in the Board of experts of European Commission which has been held...

Dear Colleagues,

You can see my shortened presentation in the Board of experts of European Commission which has been held in Rome on 22 June, 2017. See at:

Two my recent publications:
1) A. Tamulis et al., Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 660 (2016) p.p. 189–198, at:
2) A. Tamulis et al., Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 684 (2017) p.p. 39-43, at:

With best regards,
Arvydas Tamulis
Arvydas Tamulis
Doctor of Natural Sciences,
Independent expert of European Commission,
New website: https://www.facebook.com/Quantum-entaglement-in-biosystems-397899027086633/timeline/
Old website: http://www.itpa.lt/~tamulis/
Address: Didlaukio str. 27-40, Vilnius LT-08320, Lithuania
Emails: [email protected] or [email protected]
My Skype name: tamulis1948

Arvydas Tamulis is Senior Researcher at Vilnius University Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy in Lithuania and indipendent expert to the European...

Our newest article one can find at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0009261417305626

Our newest article one can find at:

We have found self-assembly of four neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) molecular complexes in a water molecules environment by using geometry optimization with DFT B97d method. These complexes organizes to regular arrays of ACh molecules possessing electronic spins,

Our new article will be soon published in the journal Quantum matter

Our new article will be soon published in the journal Quantum matter

I have published three scientific papers during 2016 year and one article is accepted for publication in the American Sc...

I have published three scientific papers during 2016 year and one article is accepted for publication in the American Scientific Publishers journal.

238. Arvydas Tamulis, Kristina Majauskaite,Visvaldas Kairys, Krzysztof Zborowski, Kapil Adhikari, Sarunas Krisciukaitis, Spintronic characteristics of self-assembled neurotransmitter acetylcholine molecular complexes enable quantum information processing in neural networks and brain, Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 660, 1 September 2016, p.p. 189–198.
237. Arvydas Tamulis, “Quantum entanglement communications in photoactive synthetic bio systems and in neuron synapses and neural networks”, 2nd International Conference Wireless & Telecommunication April 21-22, 2016 The Oberoi Centre, Dubai, UAE, Volume 5, Issue 2(Suppl), Sensor Netw Data Commun, p. 81 (2016) ISSN: 2090-4886 SNDC
236. R. L. Norman and Arvydas Tamulis, “Quantum Entangled Prebiotic Evolutionary Process Analysis as Integrated Information: from the origins of life to the phenomenon of consciousness”, accepted for publication in the journal “Quantum Matter”, December 21, 2015.
235. Arvydas Tamulis, Lukas Berteska, Mantas Grigalavicius, and Jonas Baltrusaitis, “Quantum Dynamics of Self-Assembly of Minimal Photosynthetic Cells”, Quantum Matter 5, 5-18 (2016).

I am happy that discovered Quantum Information Bits in the systems of neurotransmitter molecules that are in neural networks and brain.
You may look to this article at:

Teleportation (i. e. quantum entanglement) not depends on the space distance and not prolongs in the time. Quantum entan...

Teleportation (i. e. quantum entanglement) not depends on the space distance and not prolongs in the time. Quantum entanglement (teleportation) is the feature of related two (or more) quantum objects just now - in the same time. See my article concerning quantum entanglement (teleportation) in the system of two minimal living cells: Syst Synth Biol (2014) 8:117–140 https://globalmedicaldiscovery.com/key-drug-discovery-articles/quantum-entanglement-photoactive-prebiotic-systems/?doing_wp_cron=1479833796.9566330909729003906250

Please take a look to red-green colored wave functions in different energetic levels of my new creating molecular quantu...

Please take a look to red-green colored wave functions in different energetic levels of my new creating molecular quantum computer

Please take a look to abstract of my science presentation done in Dubai:http://www.omicsonline.com/open-access/2090-4886...

Please take a look to abstract of my science presentation done in Dubai:

Quantum entanglement communications in photoactive synthetic bio systems and in neuron synapses and neural networks
Arvydas Tamulis
Independent Expert of European Commission, Europe

2nd International Conference Wireless & Telecommunication
April 21-22, 2016 The Oberoi Centre, Dubai, UAE
Volume 5, Issue 2(Suppl),Sensor Netw Data Commun,ISSN: 2090-4886 SNDC, Page 81 (2016)




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