🎉 Happy holidays to everyone!
We are thrilled to share that right after the premiere in New York, our documentary film "Life and Death of a Christmas Tree" has gained a new life. On December 27, we held a unique and heartfelt screening at the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, dedicated to the deaf and hard of hearing, their family members, friends, and anyone who wanted to join.
We are especially grateful to Christmas and Arnold Matulis, as miracles happen during this season! 🎄
The idea to show the film to the deaf community originated from director Arturas Jevdokimovas and producer Ringailė Leščinskienė when we wanted to invite Arnoldas Matulis and his family to a screening at the Baltijos banga Film Festival in Nida last summer. We realized we couldn’t do it since the film was tailored for the hearing world.
With the new idea, we reached out to the necessary individuals and institutions for film adaptation. Just a few months later, Arnoldas, along with Anželika Teresė —our universal bridge between the hearing and the deaf—and the team from vertimaigestais.lt, organized a sign language invitation to this unique Christmas film session. ✨
During the event and the discussion afterward, we had a wonderful interpreter, Arūnas Šaukeckas, who communicated better with his hands than we did with words—thank you so much for that! 🙏
We appreciate LGK (Lithuanian Sign Language) and the Lithuanian Sign Language Translation Center for promoting the event among the deaf and hard of hearing community.
And, of course, thanks to the event organizers—Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Žydrė Talačkaitė Lyčienė, Laura Jaruseviciute, and Marius Gurskas, who believed in and realized this idea.
As always, we are grateful for the funding, promotion, and distribution from the Lithuanian Film Centre and our partner LRT! 🎥
P.S. Thanks to everyone who shared photos from the event! 😍