River Sound Studio

River Sound Studio Festival • Mixing & Mastering studio in Lithuania. River Sound Festival 2025 🌲
August 14th-17th 🌲


Dear River Sound Community & Family. 💜In the heart of everything we do, it’s the love, unity, and strength we share that...

Dear River Sound Community & Family. 💜

In the heart of everything we do, it’s the love, unity, and strength we share that makes us shine. We are bound with more than just words or moments, but by a deep connection that grows stronger every day. Through laughter, challenges and celebration, we lift each other up and create a space where everyone belongs. 🫶🏼

Big thank you to all of you for being the foundation of kindness and support for us. Together we are unstoppable, and we are so grateful for the joy, care and love you all bring to our community. 🫶🏼

We have created a River Sound Family Group on Facebook. 💜 This group is for our community, friends and every one else out there who supports us. There we will post the latest updates about festival, events, studio, podcasts and special offers. Make sure to become a member!

With all of our heart.

River Sound Family 💜

📸: oyne__

Flashback  festival 2024 💜We can’t wait to see you next year. Are you coming?Info and updates for our next edition will ...

Flashback festival 2024 💜

We can’t wait to see you next year. Are you coming?

Info and updates for our next edition will you find in our Facebook event: River Sound Festival 2025

Link in bio.

Big love from the bottom of our heart.

River Sound Family 💜

Story of  festival 2024. 💚We are so greatful for all the amazing live performances, DJ sets, beautiful dancers, colourfu...

Story of festival 2024. 💚

We are so greatful for all the amazing live performances, DJ sets, beautiful dancers, colourful paintings, meaningful art, mindfulness healing, yoga, fire ceremonies & gong bath.

All of you made River Sound festival 2024 more alive. We are so proud of our amazing community, you make our dream into reality.

With warm hearts thank you once again! 💚 We can’t wait to see you again in 2025. Ticketsale for next edition will soon be open.

Big love from River Sound Family.




// RIF RAF//Rafael Gimelstein is a global citizen, based in Vilnius, Lithuania where he runs Cvi parkas during European ...

// RIF RAF//
Rafael Gimelstein is a global citizen, based in Vilnius, Lithuania where he runs Cvi parkas during European summer season. An established music producer, DJ, promoter, and entrepreneur under aliases RifRaf and djOI. He co-created “Unity the Meeting Place” gathering in Australia as well as Escape Human Zoo events globally. For almost a decade Raf has organised Diffusion parties in Sydney, Melbourne, and Europe.

He is affiliated with the MultiCulti (Berlin) family with a collaboration with Dreems, featuring a Lum remix, resulted in a superslow dance-floor monster available on digital and vinyl on all platforms.
Rafael’s creative journey continues to unfold as he joins the Gaia Lithuania, Signal festival in Bali, collaborates with Closer club in Ukraine, and works at River Sound studio in Lithuania as well as at Subsonic Festival in Australia.


Rafael Gimelstein - muzikos prodiuseris, didžėjus bei verslininkas žinomas slapyvardžiais RifRaf ir djOI. Sukūręs „Unity the Meeting Place“ Australijoje ir „Escape Human Zoo“ renginius visame pasaulyje, o kartu jau dešimtmetį organizuojantis Diffusion vakarėlius Sidnėjuje, Melburne ir Europoje.

Rafael kūrybinė kelionė tęsiasi prisijungus prie „Gaia Lithuania“, „Signal“ festivalio Balyje, bendradarbystės su „Closer“ klubu Ukrainoje, „River Sound“ studija Lietuvoje bei „Subsonic“ festivaliu Australijoje.

Dabar - River Sound Festival 2024





Dear River Sound Festival guests!Here is a reminder of the basic festival guidelines & facilities: ⁃ Bringing your drink...

Dear River Sound Festival guests!

Here is a reminder of the basic festival guidelines & facilities:

⁃ Bringing your drinks or food will not be allowed into the festival grounds. However, you can have your drinks and food in the parking and camper area
⁃ Swimming in the Neris river is strictly prohibited and the festival will not take responsibility for your actions.
⁃ Please familiarise yourself with the festival map & directions (available on the website)
⁃ There will be safe drinking water and showers provided at the camping grounds

Looking forward to see you soon.

River Sound Team


Mieli River Sound festivalio svečiai!
Netrukus susitiksime, tad primename pagrindines festivalio gaires:

⁃ Į festivalio teritoriją nebus leidžiama įsinešti savo gėrimų ar maisto, tačiau juos galite turėti automobilių stovėjimo aikštelėje ir kemperių zonoje
⁃ Maudytis Neries upėje griežtai draudžiama - festivalis neprisiims atsakomybės už Jūsų veiksmus.
⁃ Susipažinkite su festivalio žemėlapiu ir nuorodomis (galima rasti svetainėje)
⁃ Stovyklavietėje įrengtas saugus geriamasis vanduo ir dušai

River Sound komanda

//HOLOTROPIC BREATHING/HOLOTROPINIS KVĖPAVIMAS// Aušra, a certified facilitator of holotropic breathwork, will introduce...


Aušra, a certified facilitator of holotropic breathwork, will introduce you to this transformative practice. Passionately engaged in holotropic breathwork for the past ten years, she became a certified facilitator six years ago and has since been leading sessions throughout Lithuania. Holotropic breathwork is a profound technique that uses intense breathing and music to induce altered states of consciousness. This allows participants to connect with their inner wisdom, experience liberating insights, and undergo transformative healings.

The term "holotropic" is derived from the Greek words "holos" (whole) and "trepein" (moving toward something), encapsulating the essence of moving toward wholeness.


Sveiki, esu holotropinio kvėpavimo fasilitatorė ir noriu jus supažindinti su holotropinio kvėpavimo praktika, kuri, įvedusi į pakeistos sąmonės būseną, padeda mums susisiekti su savo vidine išmintimi, patirti mus išlaisvinančias įžvalgas bei transformacijas, išlaisvinti emocinius blokus kūne.

Pats pavadinimas Holotropinis reiškia judantis link pilnatvės (iš graikų kalbos verčiant “holos” – pilnas, “trepein” – judantis link kažko).


Kami Devi (Kamilė Mažvilaitė) - Introduction to Ta**ra
I help people breathe life and peace, and open inner clarity. I create a safe space to let go of emotions, release patterns of behavior that are no longer helpful, and empower myself. In the workshop, I provide tools for conscious communication, creating a real and deep connection.

Ta**ra is a way of life for me, which, after integrating it, has changed my life radically, which is why I feel the impulse to share it with others. In my Ta**ra, I combine both the old ritualistic Ta**ra, work with Kundalini energy, and the new western Ta**ra, the main axis of which is relationships (both with oneself and the environment) and sacred sexuality.


Kami Devi (Kamilė Mažvilaitė)- Įžanga į Tantrą
Padedu žmonėms įsikvėpti gyvybės ir ramybės, atverti vidinį aiškumą. Kuriu saugią erdvę paleisti emocijas ir išsilaisvinti iš elgesio modelių, kurie nebėra naudingi ir įgalinti save. Dirbtuvėse pateikiu įrankius sąmoningai komunikacijai, tikram ir giliam ryšiui kurti.

Ta**ra man yra gyvenimo būdas, kurį integravus mano gyvenimas pasikeitė radikaliai, dėl to jaučiu impulsą tuo dalintis ir su kitais. Savo Tantroje jungiu tiek senąja ritualistinę Tantrą, darbą su Kundalini energija, tiek naująją vakarų Tantrą, kurios pagrindinė ašis yra santykiai (ir su savimi, ir su aplinka) ir šventas seⓧualumas.


20min of this practice equals to approximately 4 hours of sleep, or so the research says. It even translates from Sanskrit as ‘yogic sleep’ This is a deep relaxation – meditation method that will leave you rested, rejuvenated and reenergized. If you are a yoga buff, you’ll surely embrace. And if you’re a newbie – the worst that can happen you will fall asleep and get a good nap!��What’s needed? Feel free to bring a mat or a towel to lay on and an extra layer/ socks to put on during the practice as you may find yourself feeling a little chilly. �


20 minučių šios praktikos prilygsta maždaug 4 valandoms miego. Iš sanskrito jis netgi verčiamas kaip „jogos miegas“. Tai gilus atsipalaidavimas – meditacijos metodas, kuris leis jums pailsėti, atjauninti ir atgaivinti energiją. Jei esate jogos mėgėjas, tikrai išjaustine. O jei esate naujokas – blogiausia, kas gali nutikti, užmigsite ir gerai išsimiegosite!


Body Architecture was born from the desire to understand what joint health depends on, the quality of movement, and how to help and strengthen the body independently. This practice came into my life when I was looking for ways to help myself with back pain that had been going on for several years. During the first session, the pain was gone, and it inspired me to continue and deepen this way of independent work with the body.

The practice of body architecture is inseparable from the state of being in the here and now. We discover a new self - not slumped, but stretched out, calm, loaded.

See you soon,


Kūno Architektūra gimė iš noro suprasti nuo ko priklauso sąnarių sveikata, judėjimo kokybė, kaip sau padėti ir sustiprinti kūną savarankiškai. Į mano gyvenimą šį praktiką atėjo, kai ieškojau būdų padėti sau su nugaros skausmais, kurie tęsėsi kelerius metus. Pirmo užsiėmimo metu skausmo nebeliko ir tai įkvėpė mane tęsti ir gilintis į šį savarankiško darbo su kūnu būdą.

Kūno architektūros praktika neatsiejama nuo buvimo čia ir dabar būsenos. Atrandame naują save - ne susmukusį, o išsitiesusį, ramų, pakrautą.

Iki pasimatymo mankštoje,

Ruti Liute - Aromaterapinis Veido Masažas

One of our most powerful social communication tools is our face. During the day, facial muscles are intensively involved in different roles: at work, in society, in the family, or in the circle of friends. After various stressful situations, tension remains on the face, which also affects other parts of the body. During this massage workshop, you will be able to learn to perform a full face massage for each other, which will help you to relax and release tension in the jaw and forehead areas. During the massage, essential oil blends will be used to transport you to a state of total relaxation and bliss.


Viena iš galingiausių mūsų socialinės komunikacijos priemonių yra mūsų veidas. Per dieną veido raumenys intensyviai dalyvauja skirtingose rolėse: darbe, visuomenėje, šeimoje ar draugų rate. Po ivairių stresinių situacijų veide lieka įtampa, kuri taipogi įtakoja kitas kūno dalis. Šio masažo dirbtuvių metu, jūs galėsite išmokti vienas kitiems atlikti viso veido masažą, kuris padės maloniai atsipalaiduoti ir paleisti įtampą žandikaulio ir kaktos srityse. Masažo metu bus naudojami eterinių aliejų mišiniai, kurie padės nuskraidinti jus į totalią relaksacijos ir palaimos būseną.


Luca and Aleksandra are seasoned professionals in the realms of artistry, curation, and gallery management, boasting extensive experience in the field of arts. Their shared vision is to enrich the world with abundant art content while championing fellow artists. They believe in embracing art as not just a passion, but a way of life.

Delgallet is an artist duo comprised of Aleksandra Mallet and Luca Delgado. Together, they craft captivating art and curate memorable events. Collaborating seamlessly, they bring their creative vision to life through performances, event curation, and immersive festival experiences.



Luca ir Aleksandra yra patyrę meno, kuravimo ir galerijų valdymo profesionalai. Jų bendra vizija yra praturtinti pasaulį gausiu meno turiniu, kartu remiant kolegas menininkus. Jie tiki, kad menas yra ne tik aistra, bet ir gyvenimo būdas.

Delgallet yra menininkų duetas, kurį sudaro Aleksandra Mallet ir Luca Delgado. Kartu jie kuria žavingą meną ir kuruoja įsimintinus renginius. Sklandžiai bendradarbiaudami, jie įgyvendina savo kūrybinę viziją per pasirodymus, renginių kuravimą ir įtraukiančius festivalius.

Gyvo meno sesija - atverianti patirtis, kurį įkvepia ir išlieka kiekviename prisilietusiame.

 with JUSTINA GERVYTEIn this creative session, you’ll explore the powe...



In this creative session, you’ll explore the powerful connection between self-love and intention while crafting your own unique amulet. Discover the beauty of handmade artistry and the positive energy it can bring into your life. No experience is necessary, just bring your open heart and a desire to nurture self-love. Don’t miss this opportunity to create something special that will empower your journey!


Table tennis with Rafael Gimelstein, one of Lithuania’s top players! Only at River Sound: a unique opportunity to learn some impressive techniques directly from Rafael. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to sharpen your skills, this is a perfect chance to enhance your game.



Šioje kūrybinėje sesijoje jūs tyrinėsite stiprų ryšį tarp meilės sau ir ketinimų, kurdami savo unikalų amuletą. Atraskite rankų darbo meno grožį ir teigiamą energiją, kurią jis gali įnešti į jūsų gyvenimą. Patirtis nebūtina, tiesiog atsineškite atvirą širdį ir norą puoselėti meilę sau. Nepraleiskite šios progos sukurti kažką ypatingo, kas suteiks jūsų kelionei galios!


Stalo tenisas su vienu geriausių Lietuvos žaidėjų Rafaeliu Gimelsteinu! Tik River Sound FESTIVALYJE: unikali galimybė išmokti įspūdingų technikų tiesiai iš Rafaelio. Nesvarbu, ar esate pradedantysis, ar norite patobulinti savo įgūdžius, tai puiki galimybė patirti šį žaidimą.

She hits the scene with hypnotic grooves, urban tribals, minimal or acid and perks of house & disco. Originally from Vil...

She hits the scene with hypnotic grooves, urban tribals, minimal or acid and perks of house & disco. Originally from Vilnius, she doesn’t skip a season of developing the music scene by the seaside. That’s why some of her sets became a legend and got her into cardinal line-ups and places like ***mvilnius, , and even the famous ∄ on Kyrylivska Street 41, Kyiv as well as Berlin and two winter seasons of playing in Mexico and Guatemala. Aiste Regina also runs party series ‘WHOOP’ at O***m Club with her colleague Donatas Chipak as an already celebrated duo and hosts her own show ‘Scene Unseen’ on

Greet her in River Sound Festival!


Aiste Regina scenoje hipnotizuoja urbanisinio groov’o tonais, minimal ar acid pamatais, panaudodama house ir disko muzikos privilegijas. Kilusi iš Vilniaus, bet nepraleidžianti progos plėtoti muzikinės scenos ir pajūryje. Todėl legendiniai jos grojimai tapo priežastimi, įtraukusia ją į line-up’us, tokiose vietose kaip ***mvilnius, , ir net ∄ Kyrylivska Street 41, Kijeve ar Berlin bei porą sezonų, kuomet muzika dalinosi Meksikoje ir Gvatemaloje. Šiandien, greta pasirodymų kartu su kolega Donatu Chipak garsina vakarėlių serijas „WHOOP“ klube „O***m“ ir veda savo laidą „Scene Unseen” .

Metas susitikti ir River Sound Festival 2024

//Last Boat To Pluto//Former member of the Spanish duo Monkey Brothers, co-creator of the Parallel Label music label and...

//Last Boat To Pluto//

Former member of the Spanish duo Monkey Brothers, co-creator of the Parallel Label music label and with more than 25 years touring clubs all over the world, his music is based on generic eclecticism, tinged with long loops, broken bases and always recognizable atmospheric sounds.

Buvęs ispanų dueto „Monkey Brothers“ narys, muzikos leidyklos „Parallel Label“ bendras kūrėjas ir daugiau nei 25 metus visuose pasaulio klubuose gastroliuojantis kūrėjas, kurio muzika paremta spalvinga garso eklektika ir jos žaismu skirtingose atmosferose.

Viena jų - River Sound Festival 2024

// ELIZABETE BALČUS//Elizabete Balčus is a Latvian musician and performance artist known for her neo-psychedelic dream p...


Elizabete Balčus is a Latvian musician and performance artist known for her neo-psychedelic dream pop, blending melodic and experimental sounds with a strong visual aesthetic influenced by surrealism and contemporary fashion.

A graduate of the Latvian Academy of Music and Rome's Santa Cecilia Academy, she incorporates looping flute, voice, and unconventional instruments like vegetables, creating immersive live performances that captivate and confound audiences.

At the River Sound Festival, she will embody the spirit and fairy of the River in a special series of performances, symbolizing the essence of the festival.


Elizabete Balčus - latvių muzikantė ir performanso menininkė, žinoma dėl savo neopsichedelinio svajonių popso, kuriame melodingi ir eksperimentiniai garsai dera su siurrealizmo ir šiuolaikinės mados paveikta vizualine estetika.

Muzikė naudoja fleitą, balsą ir netradiciniu instrumentus, tokius kaip daržovės.

River Sound Festival 2024 ji specialioje pasirodymų serijoje įkūnys Upės dvasią ir fėją, simbolizuojančią festivalio esmę.

//TABULARASA COLLECTIVE//Unleashing the power of freedom and creative expression, the Tabularasa Collective elevates pro...


Unleashing the power of freedom and creative expression, the Tabularasa Collective elevates progressive thinking, nurtures inclusivity, and uplifts experimental music, art, and performance through immersive sensory experiences.

Whether in underground clubs, legendary venues, or immersed in nature, our team of artists, performers, producers, musicians, and free spirits consistently deliver events around the world that challenge the status quo.

Tabularasa Collective at the River Sound Festival!


Išlaisvindami laisvės ir kūrybinės raiškos galią, Tabularasa Collective ugdo progresyvų mąstymą pakylėdami eksperimentinę muziką, meną ir patį performansą.

Nesvarbu, ar esate pogrindžio klubuose, legendinėse vietose ar panirę į gamtą, tai menininkų, atlikėjų, prodiuserių, muzikantų ir laisvųjų dvasių komanda, pristatanti renginius visame pasaulyje.

Sutikite juos River Sound Festival 2024 08.15

//HAATHI//Meet Dj-Haathi - Mayank Saraiya - Spirit Of Moksha a musician and mastering engineer from Ukraine, playing a v...


Meet Dj-Haathi - Mayank Saraiya - Spirit Of Moksha a musician and mastering engineer from Ukraine, playing a variety of eclectic vinyls from psychedelic gems to after-hour stompers. He greets you with these introducing words:

My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty, and peace within you because it is also within me. In sharing those things we are united, we are the same, we are one.


Susipažinkite su Mayank Saraiya, žinomu Haathi vardu – Spirit Of Moksha muzikantu ir meistrišku inžinieriumi iš Ukrainos, grojančiu įvairius eklektiškus vinilus – nuo psichodelinių brangakmenių iki popsinių muzikos kūrinių.

Ir jo pasisveikinimu:

Mano siela gerbia tavo sielą. Aš gerbiu vietą tavyje, kur gyvena visa visata. Gerbiu jumyse esančią šviesą, meilę, tiesą, grožį ir ramybę, nes tai yra ir manyje. Dalindamiesi tais dalykais esame vieningi, esame vienodi, esame viena.

River Sound Festival 2024

Without a delicate selection of music, workshops, and lectures await. These festivals' pleasure will entertain with vari...

Without a delicate selection of music, workshops, and lectures await. These festivals' pleasure will entertain with various art installations, refreshments, food and relaxation areas, lucky draws, and the festival fairy.

Be delikačios muzikos selekcijos festivalyje laukia dirbtuvės ir seminarai. Tarp įvairialypių meno instaliacijų rasime atgaivos, maisto ir poilsio zonas, laimės burtus bei festivalio fėją.

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River Sound Festival 2024


River Sound Studio






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