Hope TV-Liberia

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Breaking!!Commerce Minister, Mawine G. Diggs filed a complaint against Voice Of Liberia CEO, Sekou Sheriff for alleged C...


Commerce Minister, Mawine G. Diggs filed a complaint against Voice Of Liberia CEO, Sekou Sheriff for alleged Criminal coercion, Harassment among others.


Staffers of the Liberian Senate protest at the ground of the Capitol Building

CDC Accepts Dr. Samora P. Z. Wolokolie  Resignation Press Statement (For immediate release) (Monrovia-Liberia, January 3...

CDC Accepts Dr. Samora P. Z. Wolokolie Resignation

Press Statement
(For immediate release)

(Monrovia-Liberia, January 3, 2023). The National Executive Committee of the Mighty Congress for Democratic Change acknowledges receipt of a letter of resignation submitted by its National Vice Chairman for Finance and Investment, Atty. Dr. Samora P. Z Wolokolie. By this action, Dr. Wolokolie has resigned his position both as Vice Chairman for Finance and Investment and as partisan of the CDC.

As we wish him well in his professional pursuit, there can be no denying the fact that his resignation has created a deep void in the structural composition of the Congress for Democratic Change.

Hence, the Mighty Congress for Democratic Change appreciates Dr. Wolokolie's laudable services to the party and recounts the stellar leadership role he played over the years.

Meanwhile, the National Chairman encourages all partisans, supporters and sympathizers to unite, holding firmly together as the CDC prepares to announce the conduct of a National Retreat that will lay the basis for a political comeback in 2029.

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Just inThe Liberian Senate Committee on Judiciary says it will go ahead with confirmation proceedings for Mr. Musa Dean ...

Just in
The Liberian Senate Committee on Judiciary says it will go ahead with confirmation proceedings for Mr. Musa Dean as a nominee for the position of Justice on the Supreme Court's bench regardless of the Supreme Court action.

According to the committee chair, senator Verney Sherman, the supreme court notification didn't stop them from performing their legislative function.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday notified the Senate through the Pro-Temp Albert Chie and Vice president Jewel Howard Taylor, who is the President of the Senate of a Petition from the Unity Party a Petition for prohibition to be placed on the nomination.

The time for the hearing is at 10:00 PM at the capitol building. However, the committee say they will hold a committee meeting before the hearing.

The Unity Party on Tuesday filed a Writ of prohibition before the Supreme Court against the confirmation of President Weah's nominee Musa Dean.

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In the wake of wide condemnation over last week’s nomination of Cllr. Frank Musa Dean, Justice Minister of Liberia to the Supreme Court bench as Associate Justice, especially the timeliness with less three weeks to the inauguration of President-elect Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr , as Liberia’s 25th President, Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene Youh, has now elevated the argument declaring it as ‘lawful and in consistent with the constitution of Liberia’.

In a response dated December 30,2023, to President George Manneh Weah following an earlier communication from the Liberia leader seeking clarity on his recent appointment of Justice Minister Cllr. Frank Musa Dean, as Associate Justice, Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene Youh, proffered that former Justice Nagbe’s request for retirement for reasons of ill health is within the pale of the law, which grants an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court the right to honorably retire to private life, finds precedent in the case of the Late Chief Justice, Johnnie N. Lewis, who for reason of poor health, was retired before the age of seventy (70).

“The retirement of Justice Nagbe automatically creates a vacancy on the Supreme Court, and Judicial Canon Two provides that in the event of any seat of honor on the Supreme Court becoming vacant, same shall remain vacant until the vacancy is filled by appointment and such appointee is commissioned and ceremoniously seated.”

“Moreover, Article 68 of the Constitution (1986) provides that “the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court shall, with the consent of the Senate, be appointed and commissioned by the President.”

“In view of the above, and in order to maintain the Constitution of the full membership of the Bench in accordance with the Constitution, I advise that the request of Justice Nagbe be granted, and Article 68 of the Constitution be invoked.” Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene Youh clarification concludes.

However, in an apparent swift reaction, the Unity Party through its National Chairman, Rev. Luther Tarpeh, Secretary General, and other Party officials have filed before the full bench a writ of prohibition seeking to the notification of confirmation of Justice Minister Musa Dean.

According to a writ of petition filed in the titled case involving the petitioner (Unity Party), versus the Liberian Senate by and through its President of the Senate, President Pro Tempore’ and the entire leadership of the Senate, versus Frank Musa Dean as Attorney General and nominee subsequently, the Clerk of the Honorable Supreme Court, commanded the Marshall of the Supreme Court to notify the respondents namely Liberian Senate by and through its President , Jewel Horward Taylor, and the President Pro Tempore, Albert T. Chie, and the entire leadership of the Liberia Senate, Cllr. Frank Musa Dean as Attorney General and nominee for the office of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia, to appear and file their RETURNS and Briefs before the full bench of the Honorable Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia on Monday, January 8, 2024, to show cause why the petitioner’s petition as prayed for should not be granted.

The citation also commanded the Marshall to instruct the respondents to file the official returns to the writ of prohibition before Monday, January 8, 2024, and to read to them the original and leave a copy of the writ with the respondents.

Last week, outgoing President George Weah nominated current Justice Minister Cllr. Frank Musa Dean to serve as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, sparking controversies in several quarters especially with less than one month for his administration to expire.

In a letter dated 26 December 2023, President Weah informed Senate President Pro-Tempore Albert Chie about the appointment.

Once confirmed, Cllr. Dean will replace Cllr. Joseph N. Nagbe who resigned due to medical reasons.

Cllr. Nagbe was appointed to the Supreme Court bench by President Weah while he served as Senator of Sinoe County.

On December 27, 2023, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah received and granted a request from Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, His Honor Joseph N. Nagbe for an early retirement due to ill-health.

Associate Justice Nagbe, an astute lawyer and politician, was nominated by President Weah and confirmed by the Liberia Senate August 2018 replacing retired Associate Justice, His Honor Philip A Z Banks.

Prior to his ascendancy to the Bench of the Supreme Court, Associate Justice Nagbe served as senior Senator of Sinoe County at the 54th National Legislature.

In his acceptance of the resignation of the venerable jurist, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, expressed his unfeigned thanks and appreciation for the services of Associate Nagbe. He said it was his fervent prayer that the Almighty God would grant the ailing jurist his healing powers as he is on the path of recovery.


In the wake of wide condemnation over last week’s nomination of Cllr. Frank Musa Dean, Justice Minister of Liberia to the Supreme Court bench as Associate Justice, especially the timeliness with less three weeks to the inauguration of President-elect Joseph N. Boakai, as Liberia’s 25th President, Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene Youh, has now elevated the argument declaring it as ‘lawful and in consistent with the constitution of Liberia’.

In a response dated December 30,2023, to President George Manneh Weah following an earlier communication from the Liberia leader seeking clarity on his recent appointment of Justice Minister Cllr. Frank Musa Dean, as Associate Justice, Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene Youh, proffered that former Justice Nagbe’s request for retirement for reasons of ill health is within the pale of the law, which grants an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court the right to honorably retire to private life, finds precedent in the case of the Late Chief Justice, Johnnie N. Lewis, who for reason of poor health, was retired before the age of seventy (70).

“The retirement of Justice Nagbe automatically creates a vacancy on the Supreme Court, and Judicial Canon Two provides that in the event of any seat of honor on the Supreme Court becoming vacant, same shall remain vacant until the vacancy is filled by appointment and such appointee is commissioned and ceremoniously seated.”

“Moreover, Article 68 of the Constitution (1986) provides that “the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court shall, with the consent of the Senate, be appointed and commissioned by the President.”

“In view of the above, and in order to maintain the Constitution of the full membership of the Bench in accordance with the Constitution, I advise that the request of Justice Nagbe be granted, and Article 68 of the Constitution be invoked.” Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene Youh clarification concludes.

However, in an apparent swift reaction, the Unity Party through its National Chairman, Rev. Luther Tarpeh, Secretary General, and other Party officials have filed before the full bench a writ of prohibition seeking to the notification of confirmation of Justice Minister Musa Dean.

According to a writ of petition filed in the titled case involving the petitioner (Unity Party), versus the Liberian Senate by and through its President of the Senate, President Pro Tempore’ and the entire leadership of the Senate, versus Frank Musa Dean as Attorney General and nominee subsequently, the Clerk of the Honorable Supreme Court, commanded the Marshall of the Supreme Court to notify the respondents namely Liberian Senate by and through its President , Jewel Horward Taylor, and the President Pro Tempore, Albert T. Chie, and the entire leadership of the Liberia Senate, Cllr. Frank Musa Dean as Attorney General and nominee for the office of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia, to appear and file their RETURNS and Briefs before the full bench of the Honorable Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia on Monday, January 8, 2024, to show cause why the petitioner’s petition as prayed for should not be granted.

The citation also commanded the Marshall to instruct the respondents to file the official returns to the writ of prohibition before Monday, January 8, 2024, and to read to them the original and leave a copy of the writ with the respondents.

Last week, outgoing President George Manneh Weah nominated current Justice Minister Cllr. Frank Musa Dean to serve as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, sparking controversies in several quarters especially with less than one month for his administration to expire.

In a letter dated 26 December 2023, President Weah informed Senate President Pro-Tempore Albert Chie about the appointment.

Once confirmed, Cllr. Dean will replace Cllr. Joseph N. Nagbe who resigned due to medical reasons.

Cllr. Nagbe was appointed to the Supreme Court bench by President Weah while he served as Senator of Sinoe County.

On December 27, 2023, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah received and granted a request from Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, His Honor Joseph N. Nagbe for an early retirement due to ill-health.

Associate Justice Nagbe, an astute lawyer and politician, was nominated by President Weah and confirmed by the Liberia Senate August 2018 replacing retired Associate Justice, His Honor Philip A Z Banks.

Prior to his ascendancy to the Bench of the Supreme Court, Associate Justice Nagbe served as senior Senator of Sinoe County at the 54th National Legislature.

In his acceptance of the resignation of the venerable jurist, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, expressed his unfeigned thanks and appreciation for the services of Associate Nagbe. He said it was his fervent prayer that the Almighty God would grant the ailing jurist his healing powers as he is on the path of recovery.

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Henry P. Costa writes: My brief take on the debate surrounding President Weah's recent nominations in government!Preside...

Henry P. Costa writes:

My brief take on the debate surrounding President Weah's recent nominations in government!

President Weah's recent nominations of Musah Dean to the Supreme Court and Samora Wolokollie to head the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) have sparked a debate centered on the expediency of his actions. As per Liberia's constitution, the President retains the right to nominate individuals to appointed positions until his legitimate tenure expires. The last time I checked, President Weah's legitimate tenure will expire at noon on January 22, 2024. Thus, President Weah's nominations fall within his constitutional authority. The Liberian Senate, therefore, holds the power to confirm or reject these nominations, adhering to their standard confirmation procedures and evaluating the nominees against set requirements.

Ultimately, while President Weah operates within his constitutional rights, the Senate's deliberation will determine the fate of these nominations based on established protocols, and it should not be influenced by the whims and caprice of the opposition under the guise of so-called expediency!

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Atty Dr Samora PZ Wolokollie is best suited and well educated in Finance to be the next Commissioner General of the Libe...

Atty Dr Samora PZ Wolokollie is best suited and well educated in Finance to be the next Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA)

Please read some educational profile of Dr. Samora Wolokollie. 👇

Samora P. Z. Wolokolie is a scholar in its truest sense and definition—indicative of accentuating the highest level of academia. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Science (MSc.), in Forensic Accounting & Audit from the Charisma University in the Turks & Caicos Islands, United Kingdom in February 2020 and February 2016 respectively.

Before his incredible and surreal journey at the Charisma University, Wolokolie had earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Accounting from the Cuttington University in 2007.

He is an Attorney at Law who obtained LLB from Liberia’s prestigious Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, University of Liberia and got admitted to the Liberia National Bar Association on August 13, 2021.

Professional Acceptance and Memberships:
Member of the Liberia National Bar Association (Attorney – At- Law)

Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana) – Chartered Accountant (CA)

Member of the Liberian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Certified Public Accountant (CPA))

Member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, USA – Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)

Member of the International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals of Kenya and USA – Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals (CFIP)

Member of the Liberian Institute of Tax Practitioners- Certified Tax Practitioner (CTP)

Fellow Member of Institute of the Financial Accountants of the United Kingdom – Fellow Financial Accountants (FFA (UK))

Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants of Australia – Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants

Prime Audits Conducted and System & Control Implementation:
His ability to blend his core technical expertise, broad managerial competencies, and varied work experiences with his relationship-building (interpersonal deportment) and leadership skills, has underpinned his professional and career feats over the last fourteen years and counting.

Samora has professionally managed audits of USAID contractors receiving contracts and grants for capacity-building projects in Liberia. The objectives of the audits were to determine that: charges to contracts and grants were properly supported and reasonable, the internal control structure was adequate, overhead costs were allocated in compliance with contract provisions and applicable laws and regulations. The audits were performed under generally accepted auditing standards, Government Auditing Standards, and provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulations.

Wolokolie has overseen large, multi-site audit and consulting engagements for entities with complex organizational structures and accounting systems. He has prepared numerous management letters recommending improvements in the internal controls for a wide variety of accounting systems in both the public and private sectors. Additionally, he managed the implementation of system improvements such as the standardization of accounting procedures among related entities.

Atty. Dr. Samora P. Z. Wolokolie is the proud author of two books:
“Forensic Accounting Analytics and Pension Fund Administration: A Study of Selected Administrators in Liberia”
“Combating Money Laundering: A Guide to Forensic Investigation Professionals”. These books are published on amazon.

Details of his profile to continue!!

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Just in!

Today, serious face fight open between JNB-JKK Inaugural Cleaning-Up volunteers team and residents of Duala because of the team continues putting dirt at their business area in the name of dump-site.

The residents says, since the incision of JNB-JKK Inaugural Cleaning-Up volunteers team begin to clean the street, the street has become more dirty and filthy.

Please watch this video to the end and please share to other platforms.

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Breaking news: President George Manneh Weah has nominated Samora Wolokolie Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue A...

Breaking news:

President George Manneh Weah has nominated Samora Wolokolie Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA).

According to the Executive Mansion, the appointment made late last year is subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate, as required by the 1986 Liberian Constitution.

If confirmed, Dr. Wolokolie will replace the late Thomas Doe Nah who occupied the position since 2020, and passed last month following a period of illness.

Dr. Wolokolie is the current Deputy Minister of Finance for Development Planning; a position he occupies since the inception of CDC administration in 2018.

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“Go Hustle & Make Money” - Nigerian Lady Says As She Rejects Her boyfriend’s Marriage Proposal. What Are You Going To Do...

“Go Hustle & Make Money” - Nigerian Lady Says As She Rejects Her boyfriend’s Marriage Proposal.

What Are You Going To Do In This Situation?

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Birthday Greetings: Happy birthday to Senator-Elect of Margibi County in Nathaniel F. McGill Keep following: Hope TV-Lib...

Birthday Greetings:

Happy birthday to Senator-Elect of Margibi County in Nathaniel F. McGill

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Birthday Greetings: Happy birthday to one of Liberia sensational comedians and content creator in Mamà Liberia Please co...

Birthday Greetings:

Happy birthday to one of Liberia sensational comedians and content creator in Mamà Liberia

Please continue entertaining our people and putting smile on their faces with your contents video on social medias.

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We struggled and bobbled, but yet, we're still healthily promoting ourselves at the magatata of our power.

It's by His grace!

The journey was roughly destined for us, but, we fought and we're now the legitimate elements.

It's by His grace!

Tho there were beloved brothers(Sisters) that we left down the way, nevertheless, it's a privilege to be a living testimony.

It's by His grace!

We've occupations, schoolings, friendships, and more that we left in 2023, yet, our journey remains supreme.

It's by His grace!

We were living like a deadmeat under this footballing President (Mr. Weah), by the above-authority, we've made history.

It's by His grace!

I am a champion. You're a champion. We're all champions in our own duration.

It's by His grace!

Happy palatable New journey to all of our courageous followers; it's by His grace.

Hope TV-Liberia wishes y'all grace 🙏


Watch Night at the Forky Klon Jlaleh Church at ABC road on the Robert Field Highway

Wedding Anniversary greetings!The Management of Hope TV-Liberia wants to wish it's staff and beautiful wife  Mr & Mrs. G...

Wedding Anniversary greetings!

The Management of Hope TV-Liberia wants to wish it's staff and beautiful wife Mr & Mrs. Gabriel Sonkpah a happy blessed Wedding Anniversary.

Thanks for your many contributions towards Hope TV-Liberia, Africa, and the world-at-large. Celebrate your day in grand style Senior News Reporter.

May God continue to protect your holy matrimony as you celebrate your 1st Wedding Anniversary today.

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Just In! The remains of the late Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Boss, Thomas Doe-Nah were finally brought to the countr...

Just In!
The remains of the late Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Boss, Thomas Doe-Nah were finally brought to the country from India and have since been deposited at the Samuel Stryker Funeral Home in Sinkor.

More than hundreds of LRA employees and other government officials were in attendance to receive the body of the late Thomas Doe-Nah at the Robert International Airport in Margibi County.

Our condolences to the bereaved family and the government of Liberia for the loss of Hon. Thomas Doe Nah 😭😭.

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Breaking!President Weah has written the Legislature informing the body that he has vetoed an incentive agreement between...


President Weah has written the Legislature informing the body that he has vetoed an incentive agreement between the Government of Liberia and the Founai Brothers Corporation on crude palm oil production weeks after it was passed.

President Weah in his communication mentioned that he wants to give the new administration the chance to correct the loopholes that the bill presents since he was leaving office.

Source: OK fm

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Just in! The late   Solomon who was brutalized by supporters of the Unity Party headed by  gang leader   Johnson has fin...

Just in!

The late Solomon who was brutalized by supporters of the Unity Party headed by gang leader Johnson has finally been laid to rest today.

Let us please continue calling for Justice for Solomon and the many deaths of peaceful Liberians by political party gang groups.

Our condolences to the bereaved family 😭😭.

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Wow, Liberian girls are so gifted ❤️❤️❤️!

Please tag Guiness World Record

“We own no copyright to the song in the background”


In a jiffy, students tutor in Varney Jessey will be posted at Center For Intellectual Freedom [CIF] Carey and Buchanan street; a live is loading soon.

Please follow!

Just In!Sinoe County Senator Milton Teahjay has written the Liberian Senate Leadership for a hold on the confirmation of...

Just In!
Sinoe County Senator Milton Teahjay has written the Liberian Senate Leadership for a hold on the confirmation of Associate Justice Designate Musa Dean.

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This big jue life da force again 😂😂😂😂

Tattoo 304 😂😂

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Businessman Kollie Gaygay speaks to the media


Marketers complain about huge dirts in the Duala Market


An SOS call to the JNB/JKK Inaugural volunteer clean-up campaign team leaders

Outgoing Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor officially congratulated Jeremiah Kpan Koung as Vice President Elect at the ...

Outgoing Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor officially congratulated Jeremiah Kpan Koung as Vice President Elect at the ground of the Liberian Senate today.

Our democracy is absolutely making progress in Africa and the world atlarge.

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Mass Burial In Totota of those that loose their  life in a fire accident involving a gas tanker. Our condolences are wit...

Mass Burial In Totota of those that loose their life in a fire accident involving a gas tanker.
Our condolences are with the people of B**g county and families. May their souls rest in peace.

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Sad 😭😭

Mass burial of people who lost their lives yesterday by a gas tanker in B**g County.

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83 patients and 40 people were confirmed dead in the fire explosion in B**g County. Says Medical Experts. The number might likely increase according to Experts. Please keep those undergoing Treatment in Your Prayers

News Updates The Liberia National Red Cross Society - LNRCS has posted this:🕊️ We extend heartfelt condolences to those ...

News Updates

The Liberia National Red Cross Society - LNRCS has posted this:

🕊️ We extend heartfelt condolences to those affected by the tragic fire in Totota, B**g County. Our team is on-site, collaborating with local authorities and stakeholders to manage the aftermath. We stand united in supporting the community's efforts for a dignified farewell to those we lost. Wishing strength and swift recovery to the injured. Together, we navigate these challenging times. 🌹 🕊️

Pres. Weah Expresses Sympathy to Totota Fire Victims’ FamiliesMonrovia, Liberia – His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah...

Pres. Weah Expresses Sympathy to Totota Fire Victims’ Families

Monrovia, Liberia – His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah has expressed his profoundest sympathy to the families of those who lost their lives in a major fire incident in the Central Liberian Town of Totota on Tuesday, December 26.

President Weah said images of the tragedy are deeply disturbing and calls on the public to reach out to the affected families as the Liberia National Red Cross and other requisite institutions of government aid with recovery and treatment efforts.

Liberia's Chief Medical officer, Dr. Francis Kateh, has said so far more than 40 deaths have been recorded since a tanker transporting fuel made an accident and later exploded. It is reported that some locals in the area attempted to scoop the content of the trapped tanker when the explosion happened.

Dozens of injured people from the incident have been transported to various hospitals around the country. The President has said health authorities have got his full backing to beef up manpower and equipment where necessary in their frantic attempt to save lives.

He calls on the families of those who lost their lives to take solace in the Lord.

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One of the victims of the fire 🔥 incident in B**g county Our prayers and thoughts are with all those who are currently u...

One of the victims of the fire 🔥 incident in B**g county

Our prayers and thoughts are with all those who are currently undergoing treatment

RIP 🪦to all those who lost their lives.

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Pres. Weah Nominates Associate Justice of the Supreme CourtMonrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. G...

Pres. Weah Nominates Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah has nominated Cllr. Frank Musa Dean as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia.

Dr. George Manneh Weah made the nomination on Tuesday, December 26, 2023. The nomination is subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate.

Once Confirmed, Cllr. Dean will replace His Honor, Cllr. Joseph N. Nagbe who resigned due to medical reasons.

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Sad 😭😭 news

The incident in B**g County yesterday where more than twenty (20) persons lost their lives from a gas tanker that fall and people decided to takeaway some gas from the tanker 😭😭

Our condolences to the bereaved families!

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The National Elections Commission officially certificates Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr as President-Elect and Jeremiah K. Koun...

The National Elections Commission officially certificates Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr as President-Elect and Jeremiah K. Koung as Vice President-Elect of the Republic of Liberia.

Congratulations to the Unity Party and their Alliances for winning the presidential election and being certificated today.

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Birthday greetings:Happy birthday to beautiful and amazing Princess Zayzay of the Borough of New Kru Town. Princess is a...

Birthday greetings:

Happy birthday to beautiful and amazing Princess Zayzay of the Borough of New Kru Town.

Princess is an aspiring journalist and a proteinous young female who believes in her abilities to succeed in society.

Happy birthday once again beautiful ❤️❤️

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NEC certificates JNB and JKK today

You're a decent sister and an ideological matter. On today, we wish you more of more; you're an excellent and supportive...

You're a decent sister and an ideological matter. On today, we wish you more of more; you're an excellent and supportive organizer. We wish you well🙏.

Dëç Çhøìçé Béā🎂

Sad news 😭😭This young man got drank and died in a pool on Christmas day at the Riverside Beach in St. Paul Bridge at a p...

Sad news 😭😭

This young man got drank and died in a pool on Christmas day at the Riverside Beach in St. Paul Bridge at a pool party.

My condolences to his family! 😭😭

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