Very sad story.
This guy and his friend d!ed in my very eyes 😢😢
I have been Traumat!zed 🥺
I haven't slept properly, I can't sleep without dreaming of the scenario
He came with his 3 friends to Swim, to have fun, to chill out but left in co**se, young men full of Life 😭😭
This guy doesn't know how to Swim, he was really very careful, like very very careful, extremely careful but one of his friends dragged him into the pool, this guy begged.
You could literally see the fear in his eyes, he begged and begged but this friend didn't stop 😭
He dragged him into an 8ft pool and left him to save himself.
I have seen situations like this, where Pros takes amateurs into deep parts of water just to taunt them, it's crazy 😠😠
The experiences and the struggles of these amateurs has never been funny 😒
This guy struggled and while struggling dragged another of their friends while trying to hold on to something to save himself 😭
They both Drowned 😢😢
No one could deep dive to save them
I have NEVER been this hurt for someone I don't know 😢
I'm so in pain and I can imagine the pain their families will be in now 🥺
Thinking wan finish me🤦
Please be careful of where, and what we play with 🙏
Don't do things and blame the dev!l 😈
Nobody deserves this kind of death 😭😭😭