YEARS IN REVIEW (2018-2022)
Some major achievements made by the government under H. E. Dr George M. Weah
President George Manneh Weah has made significant progress since taking office in 2018 in all areas of the nation, including health, education, youth development, gender equality, and social protection, as well as microeconomic growth (monetary and fiscal policies), food and fuel price stability, energy, infrastructure, agriculture and forestry, poverty and growth profile, human rights and the rule of law, national security, social inclusion, and traditional practices.
√ The Construction of the Emirates Hospital in Western Liberia ( Gbapolu County).
√ The construction of the 14 Military hospital and eight hospitals in southeast Liberia.
√ Ongoing construction of the Redemption Hospital in Caldwell.
√ Increment in doctors' monthly salary from US$700 to US$2,000.
√ The addition of 2,500 health workers to the government payroll after the Donors Health Pool dried up.
√ Provided specialist training for more than fifty (50) doctors.
√ Regularization and increment of salaries for over 500 supplementary health workers.
√ Vaccinated over 80% of Liberians against COVID-19, and 3rd best performance in containing COVID-19 in West Africa and 7th best in Africa.
√ Provided advanced home-based specialist training for over 101 doctors.
√ The provision of Free Public University /college education benefiting over 30,000 students yearly.
√ Free WASSCE that benefits more than 80,000 students yearly (Grades 9 & 12).
√ Commenced the construction of 28 High Schools and 18 Early Childhood Schools.
√ Gave 3,500 supplementary teachers permanent status on the government payroll.
√ Increased the salary of 3,500 supplementary teachers from L$8,000 to US$125.
√ Added 1,300 teachers and guidance counselors to the Government payroll.
√ Digitization of the University of Liberia and registration.
√ Constructed the Invincible Park and renovated all major Sports Pack in the country.
√ Renovated SKD stadium for under US$3 million when UP used US$20 million.
√ Invested in TVET in six counties and expanded to all 15 counties.
√ Invested over US$1 Million in transforming At-Risk Youths.
√ Invested in SGBV roadmap and established a task force and Call Center for an effective reporting system.
√ Improved reporting on r**e cases, which is mistaken for an increase in r**e cases.
√Build Trust with Traditional Leaders on Female Ge***al Mutilation.
√ Re-established macro stability after inheriting a weak macro foundation from JNB's Unity Party.
√ Reformed governance at the Central Bank of Liberia, giving credibility to the new Central Bank of Liberia.
√ Rebuilt and protected net international reserves from the lows of JNB's Unity Party.
√ Undertook a reform of the Liberian currency, with the printing of L$48 billion including coins.
√ Established a remarkable exchange rate stability.
√ Brought down inflation from a high of 30% to 7%, which is lower than where JNB’s UP left inflation in 2018; the fastest inflation collapses in recorded the history of Liberia.