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BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Envoy Decries Liberia’s Governance System under Weah, Reecho The Unsanitary Condition of Monrovia.In...

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Envoy Decries Liberia’s Governance System under Weah, Reecho The Unsanitary Condition of Monrovia.

In a well-written statement released in observing of Liberia’s founding President Joseph Jenkins Roberts over 200 years birth anniversary on March 15, 2022, the United States Ambassador to Liberia, Michael A. McCarthy publicly criticized the government of Liberia for being insensitive to the plight of the Liberian people, wondering as ‘What Would J.J. Roberts Have to Say about Liberia Today?’

The US Ambassador’s statement which was welcomed by countless number of Liberians both at home and abroad for its reality and to the point, further detailed several issues including the growing wave of corruption in government and the lack of will by some government officials to improving the livelihood of citizens in the performing of their respective duties.

See below the full statement of the US Ambassador which was widely applauded by Liberians many of whom who believed that the CDC-led government has not done anything in improving the living condition of the majority.

‘As we celebrate the life of a great Liberian, born 213 years ago in the United States before emigrating to this land at 20 years old, I have been asking myself what Joseph Jenkins Roberts would say about Liberia today.

Sixty years after the arrival of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Liberia, 19 years after the end of the civil war crisis, and seven years after the eradication of Ebola, the taxpayers of the United States contribute to this country over $110 million per year of foreign assistance.

This includes over $79 million per year donated to the health sector. Approximately $9 million is specifically for purchasing medications and commodities for the Liberian people and improving the Ministry of Health’s effective distribution and warehousing of pharmaceuticals.

Despite this extra support, we learn regularly about places like Kolahun in Lofa County and Sanniquellie in Nimba County, where clinics and hospitals must make do without even the most basic drugs.

Troublingly, Embassy investigations indicate that not only are some citizens diverting public medical resources and low-cost drugs for personal gain, but that babies, young children, and birthing mothers are dying needlessly as a result.

What would J.J. Roberts have to say about this?

As a Peace Corps volunteer, I was blessed to live for two years in villages (without electricity or running water) in West Africa. First thing every morning, each household would take advantage of the cool, early morning daylight to sweep inside and outside and dispose of debris. Villagers then coordinated with the local government to deliver waste daily to a designated landfill.

The state of cleanliness in the city of Monrovia, which is more developed and a far wealthier community, sadly does not compare. Last month, I was surprised at the words of city leadership on Monrovia Day. A senior official lamented that unlike his previous three years in office, “no donor or external partner is funding the recurrent cost of solid waste collection and disposal,” implying that he was abandoned by the international community. Is there a more basic local government responsibility than the collection and proper disposal of garbage?

Would Liberia’s first president have imagined that, 175 years after independence, foreigners should be held responsible for the removal of garbage in his capital city? On February 25, we learned that a Rhode Island State Representative, Nathan W. Biah, Sr., is donating electronic voting equipment to the Liberian House. This is not the first of such equipment donated to help make Liberia’s top legislative body more transparent to its citizens.

I have been reliably informed that a previous e-voting system was installed in 2014 by the U.S. taxpayer-funded National Democratic Institute (NDI), but it was never used. For his part, President Weah said during his December 10 Summit for Democracy speech (https://www.state.gov/official-interventions-the-summit-for-democracy/): “Over the next year, we intend to introduce legislative transparency by making all votes public so that constituents can hold their lawmakers accountable for their actions, which is a fundamental element of any healthy democracy.” I hope the legislature embraces this latest opportunity to increase citizen awareness of the actions of their elected officials.

Would J.J. Roberts have believed that in modern Liberia, a constitutional republic where “all power is inherent in its people,” legislators would purposely neglect to use a tool created to educate citizens on how their democratically elected representatives vote?

The United States of America has, no doubt, also failed to live up to some of the aspirations of our first president, but I believe George Washington would be pleased to know that the country he fought to establish would today be working to support democracy and fight corruption both at home and in places like Liberia.

The U.S. House of Representatives introduced Resolution 907 on February 4 of this year, which encourages Liberia to redouble its efforts to counter corruption and advance the causes of human rights. It also urges Liberia to implement critical economic reforms necessary to accelerate sustainable economic growth and human capital development.

Finally, it calls on the U.S. Treasury and State Departments to continue to impose targeted sanctions against those responsible for undermining the rule of law and trust of the Liberian people through corruption, gross violations of human rights, and other acts that threaten the peace and security of Liberia.

Days later, in her address at SKD Stadium on February 14, Special Assistant to the President of the United States Dana Banks stated that “corruption eats away at the democracy you have worked so hard to build. But ultimately, only the Liberian Government and the Liberian people can tackle corruption, fight for accountability and transparency, and move this country forward.”

As these statements indicate, the U.S. Government is sufficiently concerned about corruption in Liberia to sanction individuals. Corruption leads to citizen frustration and has had destabilizing effects on countries in the region. It poses significant risks to peace and democracy.

How would Liberia’s first statesman feel to know that his country’s top ally was compelled to sanction members of Liberia’s government just to preserve rule of law and the democracy he helped establish?’ The US Ambassador to Liberia statement widely circulated added.





BREAKING NEWS: President Weah Opens Liberia’s 1st Dialysis Center, Naming It In Honor of Ex-President SirleafMonrovia, L...

BREAKING NEWS: President Weah Opens Liberia’s 1st Dialysis Center, Naming It In Honor of Ex-President Sirleaf

Monrovia, Liberia - President George Manneh Weah has dedicated Liberia's first Dialysis Center and named it in honor of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

Efforts to acquire the critical facility began a decade ago during the regime of former President Sirleaf to provide access to much-needed dialysis care in Liberia.

In a statement at the formal opening ceremony, President Weah acknowledged difficulties Liberians had endured in accessing advanced dialysis-related medical services outside of the country.

The President recalled: “For too long, Liberians have had to travel out of the country to seek dialysis treatment. No one needs to tell you how costly that is. Not only would you have to worry about the cost of treatment in a foreign country, there is airfare, accommodation, and so many other associated costs which make the overall cost of this lifesaving treatment unaffordable for many.”

President Weah expressed optimism that with the opening of the first Dialysis Center, “anyone and everyone can get affordable dialysis treatment right here in Liberia.”

He described the ten-bed facility as a good beginning, which he insisted is insufficient to address the needs of the entire country.

“I therefore wish to call for the early expansion of this facility, and its replication in other counties in order to provide easy access for our citizens who reside in the rural areas,” the Liberian Leader asserted.

President Weah stressed the need for appropriate budgetary support for the operation and maintenance of the facility, including the adequate supply of consumables and medications, and training.

President Weah reflected how he was briefed in 2018 upon taking office by the then newly-appointed Minister of Health, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah who told him that there was an urgent need for dialysis facilities in Liberia.

Dr. Jallah had told the President about efforts that had been in the pipeline since 2011 under the previous administration for the establishment of a National Dialysis Center.

The President said he quickly instructed the Minister to exert every effort to bring the project to fruition, giving her his every encouragement and support.

“And so today, four years later, I am pleased to be here to participate in the Opening Ceremony of the first Liberia National Dialysis Center,” the President said.

President Weah emphasized the importance of the National Dialysis Center, describing it as a major milestone in the Government's effort to provide comprehensive and modern health facilities to the People of Liberia. He particularly acknowledged the efforts of former President Sirleaf and ex- Health Minister Dr. Walter Gwinegale.

Dr. Weah also extolled the extraordinary role played by former Liberian Ambassador to Japan, Madam Youngor Telewoda, who is now accredited to Germany.

The President added: “I would also like to express my thanks and appreciation to all of those who, under my Administration, have worked tirelessly to complete the Liberia National Dialysis Center, including the Minister of Health, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah and her able team, as well as the administrative and medical leadership of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center.”

He extended profound thanks and deep appreciation to Dr. Tokuda Torao, the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Administrators of the Tokushukai Medical Corporation for what he termed "his kind philanthropy, without which this project might have taken much longer to realize."

The President thanked the Chairman of Tokushukai, Dr. Afuso Hisaaki, for his continuing support to the project, while also acknowledging the strong support and important contributions of international partners, particularly the World Bank, ECOWAS, and the World Health Organization.

Liberia’s Chief Executive named the dialysis center “Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf National Center”.

He urged the Ministry of Health and the Management of the JFK Medical Center to urgently engage the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning as well as International Partners, to secure recurring operational support.

BREAKING NEWS: SISTERS WITH MISSION - VOICE OF HOPE lunch her first Vocation School in Liberia.This all important progra...

BREAKING NEWS: SISTERS WITH MISSION - VOICE OF HOPE lunch her first Vocation School in Liberia.

This all important program was held Saturday the 26 of Feb. 2022 in the Weasay Community, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia.
During the occasion, representatives from various communities most especially the Weasay Fiamah Community were fully happy and expressed their gratitude to the Organizers, Sponsors and the entire team for such an opportunity brought to their doorsteps.

Mr. P. Andrew Vaye who is the National Coordinator of the Program also spoke on the great work that Sisters with Mission - Voice of Hope has been doing in Liberia for the past years, He also encouraged the community dwellers to take advantage of the opportunity and empower themselves.

News & Photo Credits: Exploit TV



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Ganta City, February 28,2022.
President Weah Empowers Interior Leaders.

Over the weekend, statutory superintendents, commissioners, and paramount chiefs of Nimba County were seeing in a jubilant mood as they received 65 motorbikes 🏍 from the President of the Republic of Liberia, H.E Dr. George Mannah Weah.
Making the presentation to the County Administration on behalf of the President, Senator Jeremiah Kpan Koung Chief of Office Staff, Mr. Prince Menkaloe Gbeiu said the donation is as a result of the chief’s request during President Weah county tour.
“You told president Weah you needed mobility during his tour, when Senator Koung came to thank you for his election, you told him the same thing; your request was heard by the president”~Gbieu added.

In response, the chiefs thanked President Weah for his prompt response to their quest.

BREAKING NEWS: LIVE UPDATES https://youtu.be/1gVvSfBxdEQ

BREAKING NEWS: LIVE UPDATES https://youtu.be/1gVvSfBxdEQ

Russia-Ukraine war LIVE Updates: Russia Ukraine Border Tensions Live | Ukraine Crisis Live | Wion WION LIVE :Russia-Ukraine Conflict Live Updates | Latest Up...

Breaking News!!!The House of Representatives has Passed the New Elections Law (NEL) thus making it compulsory for 30% of...

Breaking News!!!

The House of Representatives has Passed the New Elections Law (NEL) thus making it compulsory for 30% of either gender for Political Parties and candidates' registration at the National Elections Commission.

The House's decision was triggered by a report from the Joint Committee on Elections and Inauguration, Judiciary and Good Governance.

A motion for reconsideration on the passage of the Bill was raised by Nimba County District 5, Representative, Hon. Samuel Kogar, in which he mentioned that parts of the NEL amendment contradict the 1986 constitution.

Following intense discussions, 1 person voted in favor of the motion while 22 voted against the motion for reconsideration, thereby granting the passage of the bill.

The Bill which was introduced by Montserrado County District 11 Representative Richard Koon among other things pointed out the age limit for contesting for the House of Representatives, Candidates Registration fees and as well as the 30% of either gender compulsion for Political Parties.

Section 4.5 amended version states: A list of candidates submitted to the Commission for an election shall have no less than 30% of the candidates from each gender.
Section 4.5 Paragraph (1) of the New Elections Law (1986) is hereby amended by adding counts d, e, and f as follows:
Section 4.5 (1d) shall read as follows: A political party or coalition shall have at least one woman contestant for the primary at the convention for each constituency it nominates a candidate. Section 4.5 (1e) shall read as follows: A political party or coalition whose list from its convention or primary does not satisfy the required quota for gender, such list shall be rejected by the NEC upon submission and the affected party may be entitled to re-submission within the required period", the bill added.

Under section 7.3 (2)of the NEL on limitation of Elections expenses, registration fees for candidates have been increased with the amended version.

"Section 7.3 (2) of the New Election Law (1986), which reads
Application and Registration fees of aspirants and candidates shall amount to Liberian dollar equivalent of the following:
a) For the President, two thousand five hundred United States dollars (US$2,500.00);
b) For the office of the Vice President, one thousand five hundred United States dollars (US$1,500.00);
c) For the office of Senator, seven hundred fifty United States dollars (US$750.00);
d) For the office of member of the House of Representatives, five hundred United States dollars
e) For any other elective public office, the amount shall be determined by the Commission and shall not exceed the Liberian dollar equivalent of fifty United States dollars (US$50.00).
All application and registration fees shall be paid to the National Elections Commission, and shall form an integral part of its budget.
Is hereby amended as follows
Application and Registration fees of aspirants and candidates shall amount to Liberian dollar equivalent of the following
(a) For the office of President, fifteen thousand United States dollars (US$15,000.00)
(b) For the office of Vice President, ten thousand United States dollars (US$10,000.00)
(c) For the office of Senator, seven thousand five hundred United States dollars (US$7,500.00)
(d) For the office of Member of the House of Representatives, five thousand United States dollars (US$5000.00)
(e) For any other elective public office, the amount shall be determined by the Commission and shall neither be less than the Liberian dollar equivalent of one hundred United states Dollars ($100.00) nor more than one thousand United States dollars (US$1000.00)
All application and registration fees shall be paid to the National Elections Commission, and shall form an integral part of its budget".

There were series of consultations from around the country with stakeholders on the bill while the Women Legislative Caucus and UN WOMEN facilitated most of the round table meetings.




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