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Environmental Protection Agency Chief Technical Advisor, Benjamin S. Karmorh challenge his dismissal!!On 25th January 20...

Environmental Protection Agency Chief Technical Advisor, Benjamin S. Karmorh challenge his dismissal!!

On 25th January 2024, the EPA through its Head of Media and Corporate Communications issued a Press Release on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Liberia social media page and also shared same with media institutions in the country announcing my dismissal from the EPA as Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) due to criminal misconduct. In the release, it is asserted that I led a group of persons to disrupt normal operations and orchestrated an unauthorized take over of power at the Agency on Tuesday January 23, 2024. Let me in categorical terms rubbish and term as unfounded and baseless my dismissal which is mentioned in a Press Release issued by the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia, through its media and corporate communications head which in my opinion was written based on the instructions of Wilson K. Tarpeh based on his desperate quest to continue holding unto public office at the EPA in complete contravention of the Act establishing the agency as outlined in section 16 which gives him no tenure powers. Wilson K. Tarpeh has no legal authority to dismiss me at Chief Technical Advisor of the EPA and whoever advised him, advised him wrongly to proceed.My bogus and illegal dismissal by Wilson K. Tarpeh including his attempt to silence and get at many more staffers at the agency is a way of cleverly silencing professionals and technocrats at the Agency who are reading the EPA Act with a clear understanding. This character of a man called Wilson K. Tarpeh must have no space in the New Liberia that is been built on the pillars of Transparency, Accountability, Integrity, Professionalism, Rule of Law, and meritocracy. As far as we are concerned his so-called dismissal letter issued us is a clear sign of witch hunt against us and we want strongly state that we’ve taken immediate legal redress on this matter and pending the outcome of our legal engagements we will proceed with the further steps required as enshrined in the laws of Liberia. As enshrined the Executive order 123 Section 9 issued by former President George M. Weah on November 22, 2023, as of 22nd January 2024 “non-tenured presidential appointees shall be presumed to have resigned as of the date of the inauguration. Accordingly, the most Senior Civil Servant at all Ministries, Agencies, Commissions and State-owned enterprises, shall act as Officer-In-Charge pending appointment of their successors”We have worked with the EPA since its founding in 2003 with an impeccable and notable character which is an inalienable fact based on the record both nationally and Internationally. The records of our service to the EPA and our nation cannot and will never be tainted by an individual like Wilson K. Tarpeh who’s only desperate to stay on at the EPA even without legitimacy. The negative characterization of our person is a complete fallacy and as such Wilson K. Tarpeh needs to rethink his witch strategy and naive tactic employed against us. We also want to call on the Government of Liberia that in the last 72 hours or more, the developments at the EPA instigated by a power tasty individual like Wilson K. Tarpeh necessitates an immediate action by the Government of Liberia to appoint or nominate an Acting Executive Director at the Agency to instill calm and order so that normal functions of the entity goes unhindered. I want to state for the record, that EPA is on the verge of a complete collapse if nothing is done to salvage the current situation. We now have a divided and completely shattered EPA under the aegis of Wilson K. Tarpeh’s who continues to perpetuate himself at the EPA in complete contravention of the law.

Signed: Benjamin S. Karmorh, Jr.

Interment at Gbengbar town cementery over the remains of the late Mr.and Mrs.SEI W.ZawoloRobert field high way

Interment at Gbengbar town cementery over the remains of the late Mr.and Mrs.SEI W.Zawolo
Robert field high way


Funeral service in glorious celebration of the home going of the late

Deacon and Brother SEI W.Zawolo and Mrs.Anna D.Zawolo held at the courage independent Baptist Church..


Wake keeping over the remains of the late SEI Zawolo and Anna D.Zawolo held at their Thinker village residence.

H.E. Mr. Yin Chengwu,Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of L...

H.E. Mr. Yin Chengwu,Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Liberia Writes ✍️

The building of a community with a shared future for mankind is the noble goal pursued by China in conducting major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics for the new era.
By H.E. Mr. Yin Chengwu,Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Liberia

Not long ago, the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs was held in Beijing, which is the most authoritative on of its kind in China. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, attended the conference and delivered an important address. In his address, President Xi presented a systematic review of the historic achievements and valuable experience of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, gave a profound exposition on the evolving trend of the international environment, and made comprehensive plans for China’s external work for the present and coming periods. The conference clarified the main lines and noble goal pursued by China in conducting major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, namely building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Building a community with a shared future for mankind is the core tenet of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy and a Chinese program to promote the improvement of the global governance system. The Chinese nation has long established a unique view of the world. Building a community with a shared future for mankind has the genes of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and is in line with the Chinese people's traditional concepts of being gentle with others, harmonizing all nations, and bringing the world into harmony. Since the dawn of the new era, building a community with a shared future for mankind has responded to the universal aspirations of people from all countries, developed from a Chinese initiative to an international consensus, from a promising vision to substantive actions, and from a conceptual proposition to a scientific system. It has served as a glorious banner leading the progress of the times. Within the framework of building a community with a shared future for mankind, President Xi has also put forth the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, further responding to the universal aspirations of people of all countries for peace, development and cooperation, and providing Chinese solutions to the common problems faced by mankind. At present, China has built various forms of communities with a shared future with dozens of countries and regions. During the fight against the Ebola epidemic and the COVID-19, China and Liberia had stood by each other and shared weal and woe, reflecting a brotherly friendship that was a true reflection of joining hands to build a community of common health for mankind.

Building a community with a shared future for mankind is a theoretical system that is rich in connotation, systematic and highly practical. Since it was put forth by President Xi in 2013, the building of a community with a shared future for mankind has gone through a gradual, step-by-step development process, and has now become a rigorous theoretical system. In summary, in building a community with a shared future for mankind, the goal is to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity, the pathway is promoting global governance that features extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, the guiding principle is to apply the common values of humanity, the basic underpinning lies in building a new type of international relations, the strategic guidance comes from the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and the platform for action is high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. On this basis, we seek to bring countries together to meet challenges and achieve prosperity for all, and usher in a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress for our world.

Building a community with a shared future for mankind, the voice of the "global South", including those of China and Liberia, need to be listened. At a time when the world's unprecedented changes are accelerating, the voice of the "global South" is growing in strength, with a growing sense of solidarity and collaboration, which has a profound impact on world history. A few days ago, President Joseph Nyuma Boakai mentioned in his inaugural speech that ‘we also will foster South-South cooperation to address mutual developmental issues in the global South’, which coincides with China's proposition. The international community should listen more to the voices of the "global South", especially the legitimate aspirations of African countries, and work together to find the right solutions to the backward currents of globalization, the recurrence of geopolitical conflicts, and the sluggish recovery of the world economy. As a developing country, China has always been a member of the "global South", and has always shared the same destiny with the vast number of developing countries, including Liberia, and firmly safeguarded the common interests of developing countries. To this end, China calls for an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. An equal and orderly multipolar world is one in which all countries, regardless of size, are treated as equals, hegemonism and power politics are rejected, and democracy is truly promoted in international relations. A universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization is one that meets the common needs of all countries, especially the developing countries, and properly addresses the development imbalances between and within countries resulting from the global allocation of resources.
The year 2024 is an important year in the history of China-Liberia relations. Mr. Bateer, special envoy of President Xi and Vice Chairman of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), has just been invited to attend the inauguration ceremony of President Boakai and met with him. The two sides jointly expressed their desire to enhance bilateral relations and deepen cooperation between the two countries, which will certainly vigorously promote the development of relations between the two countries. Although separated by thousands of miles, China and Liberia share a common future, with many similar positions and ideas and a wide range of common interests. As common members of developing countries, China and Liberia should continue to support each other, unite and collaborate, and continuously promote new achievements in China-Liberia cooperation, so as to write a new magnificent chapter for building a community with a shared future for mankind!

This should claim the immediate attention of the Liberia National Police!The white vehicle captured here belong to the L...

This should claim the immediate attention of the Liberia National Police!
The white vehicle captured here belong to the LNP, but it is being scrubbed off the Police identity by an unscrupulous individual for private use!
This is happening now at a garage in the vicinity of the Telecom Community in Red Light.
A concern citizen sent us this !!


This should claim the immediate attention of the Liberia National Police!
The white vehicle in this video belong to the LNP, but it is being scrubbed off the Police identity by an unscrupulous individual for private use!
This is happening now at a garage in the vicinity of the Telecom Community in Red Light.
A concern citizen sent us this !!

The Principle of Separation of Powers in Liberia: A Look into the President’s Role in the National LegislatureCapitol Hi...

The Principle of Separation of Powers in Liberia: A Look into the President’s Role in the National Legislature

Capitol Hill - In Liberia, the President doesn’t sit in the joint chambers of the national legislature during sessions, adhering to the principle of separation of powers, a fundamental aspect of democratic governance. This practice is more of a tradition rather than a specific law, as the Constitution outlines the roles and functions of each branch of government. In this article, we will discuss the importance of this tradition in maintaining the independence of the executive and legislative branches, as well as the role of the President in delivering the State of the Nation Address.

The principle of separation of powers is a fundamental concept in democratic governance, which divides the functions of government into distinct branches to prevent the abuse of power and ensure checks and balances. In Liberia, this principle is applied by having three branches of government: the executive, led by the President; the legislative, consisting of the bicameral National Legislature; and the judiciary, headed by the Supreme Court.

While the President doesn’t actively participate in the legislative sessions, they are required to deliver the State of the Nation Address to the legislature. This annual event serves as an opportunity for the President to outline their administration’s achievements, discuss ongoing issues, and propose new legislation. By delivering this address, the President can influence the legislative agenda and promote their policy priorities.

However, the President’s role in the legislative process is limited to this annual event, as they do not actively participate in the law-making process or vote on legislation. This practice is rooted in the tradition of maintaining the independence of the executive and legislative branches, as well as preventing any potential abuse of power.

The tradition of the President not sitting in the joint chambers of the national legislature is essential in maintaining the separation of powers in Liberia. By not participating in the legislative sessions, the President ensures that their branch remains independent from the legislative branch, allowing each branch to function without interference from the other. This separation of powers is crucial in preventing the abuse of power and promoting democratic governance.

In Liberia, the President’s role in the national legislature is limited to delivering the State of the Nation Address, while they do not actively participate in the law-making process or vote on legislation. This practice is rooted in the tradition of maintaining the independence of the executive and legislative branches, as well as preventing any potential abuse of power. By adhering to the principle of separation of powers, Liberia ensures that its democratic governance remains strong and effective.

By: Gibson Gibson




The National Essay Competition 2024 Organized by AspireNext.h


Program marking the Commissioning of the Research Vessel for the Fish-Stock Assessment in Liberian Waters

President Boakai Makes More Appointments in GovernmentJanuary 26, 2024President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. has nominated a...

President Boakai Makes More Appointments in Government

January 26, 2024

President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. has nominated additional officials to positions in government.

According to an Executive Mansion release, the nomination affecting the Ministries of Finance Development Planning, Justice, Information, Cultural Affairs & Tourism, Youth & Sports, Gender Children & Social Protection, Public Works and Transport as well as the Liberian Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC).

The nominees include:

1. Cllr. Jeror Cole Bangalu, Minister, (MOYS)
2. Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah, Minister, (MOJ)
3. Mr. Jerolinmek M. Piah, Minister (MICAT)
4. Madam Gbeme Horace Kollie, Minister (MoGCSP)
5. Mr. Roland Giddings, Minister, (MPW)
6. Mr. Sirleaf Tyler, Minister, (MOT)
7. Mr. Bill Mcgill Jones, Deputy Minister for Administration (MFDP)
8. Mr. Dehpue Zuo, Deputy Minister for Economic Management (MFDP)
9. Mr. Anthony Myers, Deputy Minister for Fiscal Affairs-(MFDP)
10. Madam Tanneh Branson, Deputy Minister for Budget & Development Planning (MFDP)
11. Mr. Elwood T. Nettey, Comptroller & Accountant General (MFDP)
12. Mr. Amos Tweh, Managing Director, (LPRC)

These nominations are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.

Additionally, the President has named Mr. Emmanuel N. Reeves, Sr. as Officer in Charge of the Liberia Maritime Authority and Mr. Jake Kabakole as Officer in Charge of the National Oil Company of Liberia.

These Officers In Charge will oversee the institutions until their official heads are named and it takes effect immediately.

By: Figo Mansaray Sr.

BREAKING NEWSFormer Speaker Bhofal Chambers defeated again in District  #2 Maryland County Rerun.Maryland County Distric...

Former Speaker Bhofal Chambers defeated again in District #2 Maryland County Rerun.

Maryland County District #2 rerun result.
Polling Place #1
Chambers =73 votes
A. Williams = 350 votes

Polling Place #2
Chambers = 47 votes
A Williams = 321 vote

PUNCH BREAKFAST SHOW presents @ Prophet Key as it’s lone guest @ 8-9am on the Friday’s edition. He wants to be Cultural ...

PUNCH BREAKFAST SHOW presents @ Prophet Key as it’s lone guest @ 8-9am on the Friday’s edition. He wants to be Cultural Ambassador of Liberia.

Join the conversation tomorrow on PUNCH FM 106.7 @ 8-9am.



Delivered on 25th January 2024

The Honorable President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate;
Distinguished Members of the Senate Leadership; and other Distinguished Members of the Liberian Senate;
The Secretary, Chamber Officials, Directors and Staff of the Liberian Senate;
Our International Partners and Friends of Liberia;
Esteemed Members of the 4Th Estate;
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:

I remain grateful to the Almighty God and humbled by the extraordinary honour today, to converge in this sacred Chamber and address this august body in a new capacity as Vice President of the Republic of Liberia and President of the Honorable Liberian Senate. I owe a debt of gratitude for this new capacity to the Liberian people who would not sleep to make this change possible. Over the last few months, the survival of our Nation’s democracy was tested through a competitive Presidential and Legislative elections; while these elections were not void of attending challenges, our people exhibited a character of resilience in testament to their belief in the ideals of democracy, peace, and national development. Let me congratulate all of you for a hard-fought campaign and welcome our newly elected Senators who have joined us to continue the legacy of service to the Liberian people.

Today, our Nation has once again ushered in its second successive post-war democratic transition from one Government to another. These transitions are marks of our country’s preparedness for democracy. During the conduct of our elections and the attending transition of state power, we have, as a Nation, demonstrated our commitment to peace and the credibility of our democratic aspirations and institutions. Permit me to seize this opportunity to express profound thanks and appreciation to former President George Manneh Weah and my predecessor, former Vice President, Jewel Howard-Taylor for their stewardship of our beloved Nation over the last six years; I believe that the ultimate winners in these elections are the Liberian people who are the true custodians of our peace and democracy.

As we commence our deliberations, we must perform our collective responsibilities with a deep sense of patriotism, bearing in mind that the true PROTECTORS of the political power we possess are the PEOPLE; thus the welfare of the Liberian People should constitute the overarching focus of our developmental agendas and attending debates.

Now, I stand here to remind this August Body that Our People are demanding a drastic change in our leadership paradigm; Our People are yearning for accountability and the respect for the rule of law, they are seeking opportunities for employment and investments, they are demanding the rebirth of the merit-based system, where competence and results are the primary focus of Our public sector, they are anticipating that we will enact laws and implement policies which address their socio-economic needs, and they are in a state of high expectation that we will strengthen our Nation’s relationship with international partners. Distinguished Senators, these are the enormous responsibilities which confront this noble body, and we must embrace it without any degree of doubts.

Honorable Pro Tempore, Distinguished Senators, Ladies and Gentlemen, this 1st Regular Session of the 55th National Legislature is not only historical because it climaxes the constitutional responsibilities of the 54th National Legislature, but it also sets the platform for the emergence of a new era of a smooth political transition which has enhanced our Nation’s democratic credentials. As we take pride in the many commendations received from friendly Nations across the world, we must be reminded that the ultimate goal of our service is not in the victory which comes during elections, but in the crafting and ex*****on of laws and policies which have a positive transformative effect on the lives of our people.

Our recent elections results point to the diversity of our political views and aspirations. We have a shared responsibility to promote reconciliation and demonstrate true leadership in bringing our people together under the umbrella of peace and national development. Let us embrace a new mindset now that elections are over, eliminate the idea of a Green or Blue Liberia, and give every Liberian the opportunity to contribute his or her quota to nation-building. This is the assignment we have chosen, and our performance will be judged by it.

I sat in this chamber with an understanding that the 103 Lawmakers who represent the Liberian people have an uncommon privilege; we carry the burdens, dreams and aspirations of our people, and their survival depend on the decisions that we make. We must remain conscious that the urgent responsibility which comes with this assignment gives no room for excuses; all of us are required to deliver on our promises. Today, I am very humbled that our people have entrusted me with this new assignment; I shall exert all of my efforts to live up to this confidence reposed in me!

In closing, it would be remiss of me, if I were to ignore the enormous contributions and sacrifices of all our supporters at home and abroad; and reaffirm my undiluted confidence in the leadership and stewardship of His Excellency, Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Sr., our President and Leader of this great nation. We also express gratitude to Our international partners and friends of Liberia, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, religious institutions, the youth, the media, the people of Liberia and all other stakeholders who continue to work to protect our fledgling democracy and contribute to our Nation’s growth and development.

As we strive to enhance our Nation’s place amongst the comity of Nations, may we never forget that the most important ingredient for Nation building is PEACE. I remain optimistic that we will continue to pursue the path of true reconciliation and National unity, in the interest of the People of the Republic of Liberia.

I thank you.

E-mansion Release!The President of the Republic of Liberia, H. E. Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. has appointed Ms. ...

E-mansion Release!

The President of the Republic of Liberia, H. E. Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. has appointed Ms. Kula Bonah Nyei Fofana as Presidential Press Secretary.

The appointment made Thursday, January 25th, 2024, takes immediate effect.

Ms. Fofana comes to the position with deep knowledge in public relations and communication.

The New Energy Policy for Liberia: A Fresh Start for the Next 6 YearsAs Liberia enters a new era of governance under the...

The New Energy Policy for Liberia: A Fresh Start for the Next 6 Years

As Liberia enters a new era of governance under the leadership of President Joseph Boakai and VPee Jeremiah Koung, the country’s energy sector faces a pivotal moment. The challenges of the past six years, including the “Same Old Electricity Challenges,” must be addressed through a new energy strategy that aims to build capacity and increase connection to TRANSCO-CLSG. This will ultimately eliminate the recurring “Dry Season” problems.

Senior Policy Advisor & Energy Expert, Elkanah Al-Philips has advised, suggested, and recommended to the new government that their policies, projects, and programs for development heavily depend on the appointments of those in the energy sector. These appointments must be in line with the vision of improving the energy sector and ensuring a stable and reliable electricity supply for the nation.

In this new administration, the individuals heading the energy sector, including the CEO of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), managers, and the Minister of Mines and Energy, should possess extensive knowledge, Experience and understanding of the energy and Business sector. This knowledge will be crucial in implementing effective policies and strategies to address the challenges faced by Liberia’s energy sector.

One of the key steps the new administration must take is to prioritize investments in renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower. These sources have the potential to provide a more sustainable and reliable electricity supply, while reducing the country’s reliance on imported fossil fuels.

Additionally, the government should focus on improving the transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as increasing access to electricity for rural communities.

The new administration faces several challenges in addressing the energy sector, including improving the existing power infrastructure, increasing energy access, and ensuring a sustainable and reliable energy supply.

Investment in Renewable Energy Sources: Liberia has abundant solar, and hydro resources that can be harnessed to meet the country’s growing energy needs. The new administration should prioritize the development of renewable energy projects, such as solar farms, wind turbines, and small-scale hydroelectric plants, to diversify the energy mix and reduce the country’s reliance on imported fossil fuels.

Improving Grid Infrastructure: The existing power grid in Liberia is outdated and inefficient, leading to frequent power outages and voltage fluctuations. The new government should focus on upgrading and expanding the grid, including investing in smart meters, advanced distribution networks, and energy storage systems to improve overall efficiency and reliability.

Energy Access for All: Ensuring that all Liberians have access to electricity is a crucial goal for the new administration. This can be achieved by implementing targeted programs to connect rural communities to the grid, as well as promoting off-grid solutions such as solar home systems and microgrids in remote areas.

Energy Efficiency Measures: Improving energy efficiency is an essential component of a sustainable energy policy. The new government should work to implement energy-efficient building codes, promote the use of energy-efficient appliances and vehicles, and invest in public awareness campaigns to encourage Liberians to adopt energy-saving practices.

Public-Private Partnerships: To effectively address the challenges facing Liberia’s energy sector, the new administration should actively seek partnerships with domestic and international private sector entities. These partnerships can help attract investment, share expertise, and accelerate the development of new energy projects.

The new Liberian administration, under Joseph Boakai and Jeremiah Koung, has an opportunity to transform the country’s energy landscape by embracing a new energy policy that focuses on renewable energy, grid modernization, energy access, efficiency, and public-private partnerships. By doing so, Liberia can overcome the “same old electricity challenges” of the past and build a more sustainable, reliable, and equitable energy future for all its citizens.

By: Gibson Gibson


Impact Africa summit


Impact African summit!

Newly Commerce Minister Designate, Amin Modad wants the Liberian Government to revisit concession agreements entered wit...

Newly Commerce Minister Designate, Amin Modad wants the Liberian Government to revisit concession agreements entered with Bea Mountain, ArcelorMittal, and several other makeshift Chinese and Indian mining companies operating in the country.

Modad is strongly convinced that these companies are operating under the radar beyond the scope of their permits and licenses.

He emphasized that his quest is to ensure that the exploitation of the country's resources is done in a fair manner that benefits the Liberian people.

The commerce minister designated further that such a move would support the long-term development goals of the country.

Harris S. Gballey ✏️

Unity Party Clarifies Allegations: National Chairman Uninvolved in District Fund DeductionMonrovia, Liberia - In respons...

Unity Party Clarifies Allegations: National Chairman Uninvolved in District Fund Deduction

Monrovia, Liberia - In response to recent claims published by FrontPage Africa, the Unity Party vehemently denies accusations against National Chairman Rev. Dr. J. Luther Tarpeh. The party clarifies that the decision to deduct $1,000 from district inauguration funds was collectively proposed by all 15 County Chairs during a pre-disbursement meeting.

Contrary to insinuations, Rev. Dr. Tarpeh did not issue any directive for the deduction. The party urges fair reporting and encourages publishers to seek comments from key party officials before disseminating such stories. The National Chairman is described as an esteemed figure, a devoted clergyman, and a staunch advocate for a corruption-free society.

The Unity Party emphasizes the National Chairman's commitment to principles, values, and ethics and assures that he would not compromise on these. In a move toward transparency, all County Chairs are instructed to submit comprehensive expenditure reports to the National Secretariat by January 31, 2024.

According to a release, the Unity Party remains steadfast in its commitment to fair governance and accountable leadership.

By: Gibson Gibson




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