Barbu Foundation Fans Page

Barbu Foundation Fans Page Former Senatorial candidate 2023 in B**g Co. CEOs of the Barbu Foundation, Not Too Young To lead. TBA


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Hello. As Russian troops advance in Ukraine's Donetsk region, residents must decide whether to flee or stay. James Waterhouse meets those confronting that dilemma. In Ghana, where a new law sets prison terms for identifying as LBGTQ+, Favour Nunoo, and Thomas Naadi talk to people who fear the bill will legitimize homophobic attacks. Finally, Mark Poynting explains how February 2024 broke another temperature record, and scientists find out why some dogs are chunkier than others.


MONROVIA – An audit conducted by the General Auditing Commission (GAC) to reconcile the net account balances of the government’s consolidated accounts as of January 17 and 19, 2024, has revealed discrepancies in the figures claimed by former President George Weah. Despite his assertion that he left US$40,044,305.90, the audit found that he actually left US$3,378,848.89 and US$6,918,142.97 on January 17 and 19, 2024, respectively.

By Lennart Dodoo, [email protected]

Former President Weah, in his farewell message, claimed a balance of US$40,044,305.90, while President Boakai asserted a balance of US$20.5 million during his State of the Nation Address.

This prompted the Joint Committees of the Liberian Senate comprising Public Accounts Audits and Expenditure Committee (PAC) and Banking and Currency Committee to request the Auditor General to perform a Special Reconciliation Audit on the net account balances of the Consolidated Fund Accounts as at January 17 and 19, 2024.

In addition to the huge disprepancies in the amounts mentioned by both the former and current Presidents as balances in the consolidated accounts, the audit also discovered liabilities amounting to US$16,526,121.90 and US$16,526,842.58 on the same dates, indicating a net commitment left by the former administration for President Boakai to finance. These amounts were to be settled within 90-day period as at the end of the Budget Year 2023.

The audit found that the former administration left net commitments of US$9,608,699.61 for President Boakai to finance, contradicting Weah’s assertion that he left US$40,044,305.90 in the national coffers.

Section 4, count 10, of the Public Finance Management Act of 2009 as Amended and Restated 2019 defines commitment as “an undertaking to make an expenditure following the conclusion of a binding agreement that will result in public outlays/payments”. Also, under the cash basis of accounting, revenues and expenses are recognized at the time cash is received or paid out. Unlike accrual accounting, which recognizes income at the time the revenue is earned and records expenses when liabilities are incurred regardless of when cash is received or paid.

Further more, the GAC established that there were issuances of checks beyond the statutory six-month period totally US$9,144,138.95 and L$457,680,522.71 as of January 17, 2024, and US$11,836,676.49 and L$457,680,522.71 as of January 19, 2024. Such actions are in violation of Regulation R.6 of the PFM Act of 2009.

Regulation R.6 of the PFM Act of 2009 as Amended and Restated 2019 states, “Checks issued by the Republic of Liberia shall be valid for a period of six months from the date of issue. The Minister is authorized to have printed or stamped on government checks a legend stating that each cheque must be cashed within six months of the date of issue”.

There was also no evidence that cash receipts in the transitory accounts were reconciled to bills raised by the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), the revenue sharing agreement with entities and the sweep/amounts remitted to the Consolidated Accounts; and Revenues collected in Transitory Accounts at commercial banks were not swept timely in accordance with the Regulation H.9 of the PFM Act of 2009 as Amended and Restated 2019.

Additionally, the GAC noted that on November 30, 2023, the Central Bank of Liberia financed the Government of Liberia Payroll Account with US$50.2 Million for salary payments, lacking evidence of legislative approval, which violates Article 34 d (iii) of the 1986 Constitution of Liberia and Section 46.2 of the CBL Act of 1999.

Furthermore, on December 23, 2023, the Government of Liberia acquired an additional US$32.85 Million from the CBL to cover extra salary disbursements and maintain commitments to commercial banks, again without legislative approval, contravening Article 34 d (iii) of the 1986 Constitution of Liberia and Section 46.2 of the CBL Act of 1999 as Amended and Restated 2020.

Moreover, upon reviewing the loan documents, the GAC found that the repayment schedule for the loan principal was set from 2029 to 2044, which is not in compliance with Section 46.2 of the CBL Act of 1999 as Amended and Restated 2020.

In response, the CBL told the CBL that On December 11, 2023, the Bank received a communication from the Office of the President requesting the Bank to work with the Ministry of Finance and pay salaries of civil servants. The President request cited low revenue collection due to the impact of the electoral process and intended to prevent national security risk to the transition process. The CBL Management referred the President’s request to the Board of Governors and received an approval through a resolution to work with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) and honored the President’s request.

According to the CBL, its Management, in line with the Board of Governors’ resolution, worked with the MFDP and the Ministry of Justice, to consummate a loan agreement due to the financial constraints cited by the President and the loan was granted. Considering the urgency expressed by the President, the MFDP is expected to seek the necessary ratifications in line with the Public Financial Management (PFM) Act.

We are committed in directing our supporters.

We are committed in directing our supporters.


Thanks to all supporters for the continued love & support given me through social media. 💞

Greetings! This is to inform you all that we are now thinking of changing the foundation into a registered organization ...


This is to inform you all that we are now thinking of changing the foundation into a registered organization with a concentration on several development programs in the country.

Hence, this will create employment for several of our brothers and sisters in the various counties.

Therefore, please provide your WhatsApp number to be added to the chat room

Note: This is the proposed name:


Besides, you are encouraged to nominate or suggest a suitable name.

Thank for your understanding!
D S BarbuJr
WhatsApp me : +231881408305

Please vote us  #1 for senator in B**g County.

Please vote us #1 for senator in B**g County.

We are place at the first place! Vote  # 1

We are place at the first place! Vote # 1

Greetings Sir / Madam.  I am Amos D. S. Barbu, Jr.  I write to ask for your full and committed support to vote, or elect...

Greetings Sir / Madam. I am Amos D. S. Barbu, Jr. I write to ask for your full and committed support to vote, or elect me as the next B**g County senator comes October 10, 2023, in the B**g County election.

Thanks for always supporting my vision and ambition. I'm the #1

Best Regards,
Amos D. S. Barbu, Jr.
B**g County 2023 Senatorial Candidate

As we await the B**g County Senatorial candidates Debate on Thursday, August 10, 2023, let me register something in choo...

As we await the B**g County Senatorial candidates Debate on Thursday, August 10, 2023, let me register something in choosing a valuable leader like Hon. Amos D. S. Barbu Jr.

Over the decades, there have been recurrent and sustained arguments, about B**g's lack of development, and elected individuals not adding value to the livelihood of the people.

We have been experiencing this under-development because of a lack of capacity to deal with the contemporary complexities of governance. How can these factors militating against the promotion of public and effective service delivery B**g be resolved?

We eminently need a value-adding leader like Hon. Amos Barbu Jr., someone who is highly vested with the politics hovering within the hinders and the modern.
When we talk of lack of value, or failure of leadership in our contemporary society, as we do so often these days, we are apt to point fingers at those who have taken high-profile office and to criticise their performance.

The scenario we all face in B**g County for ages now is abysmal, it is time for a total re-direction, a total rethinking of the need to collectively choose a value-adding leader. Hon. Barbu has done marvellously well in trying to add value to our society today, this has been achieved through his tremendous service to mankind and as an administrator.

We don't need popularity, we don't need a household name, over-familiarity always breeds contempt, and popularity is not leadership! We must reiterate the fact that leadership is meant to add value, not to diminish or demolish it.
Someone like Hon. BARBU has a good understanding of this, and the face of our leadership performance would change dramatically. Honest people would be humble enough, and brave enough to refrain from taking on leadership responsibilities for which they know they cannot deliver the desired results.

Those who choose leaders would also be more careful in making realistic assessments of the capacity of those chosen men or women to meet the desired objectives. Hon. BARBU is aware of the fact that; the best contribution of leadership is to build people up so that they attain their full potential of productivity, and read

As we await the B**g County Senatorial candidates Debate on Thursday, August 10, 2023, let me register something in choo...

As we await the B**g County Senatorial candidates Debate on Thursday, August 10, 2023, let me register something in choosing a valuable leader like Hon. Amos D. S. Barbu Jr.

Over the decades, there have been recurrent and sustained arguments, about B**g's lack of development, and elected individuals not adding value to the livelihood of the people.

We have been experiencing this under-development because of a lack of capacity to deal with the contemporary complexities of governance. How can these factors militating against the promotion of public and effective service delivery B**g be resolved?

We eminently need a value-adding leader like Hon. Amos Barbu Jr., someone who is highly vested with the politics hovering within the hinders and the modern.
When we talk of lack of value, or failure of leadership in our contemporary society, as we do so often these days, we are apt to point fingers at those who have taken high-profile office and to criticise their performance.

The scenario we all face in B**g County for ages now is abysmal, it is time for a total re-direction, a total rethinking of the need to collectively choose a value-adding leader. Hon. Barbu has done marvellously well in trying to add value to our society today, this has been achieved through his tremendous service to mankind and as an administrator.

We don't need popularity, we don't need a household name, over-familiarity always breeds contempt, and popularity is not leadership! We must reiterate the fact that leadership is meant to add value, not to diminish or demolish it.
Someone like Hon. BARBU has a good understanding of this, and the face of our leadership performance would change dramatically. Honest people would be humble enough, and brave enough to refrain from taking on leadership responsibilities for which they know they cannot deliver the desired results.

Those who choose leaders would also be more careful in making realistic assessments of the capacity of those chosen men or women to meet the desired objectives. Hon. BARBU is aware of the fact that; the best contribution of leadership is to build people up so that they attain their full potential of productivity, and readily contribute their best to do the task of today while working together with everyone else to build a platform of greater achievements in the future.

Once again, the pool of leadership talent has made our principal unique, this pool hinges on four imperatives of good performance namely;
1. Character -The leader's ethical standards, integrity and authenticity.
2. Personal capability-The leader's intellectual, emotional and skills profile.
3. Results-The capacity for getting things done to the specifications of good values, standards and discipline; and
4. Teamwork-The ability to combine one's efforts with those of other people, with a focus on the interest of the; whole body, not on self.

How, then, should we go about identifying leaders who will come into office with a desire and eagerness to add value? We should have the wisdom to choose only people who have received appropriate development, exposure and working experience that gives us the confidence that they will know their way around the new responsibility. We should require leaders to show, at least that they have successfully managed an identifiable responsibility in the past; and that they have won a reputation that is worth protecting and defending in public. A value-adding leader at any level should possess attributes such as competence, courage, the right values, a passion for high standards and high quality, discipline and stamina.

Finally, if capacity is the measure, Hon. Barbu is it! If experience is the best teacher, Hon. Barbu is it! If welfare is what we desire, Hon. Barbu is it! The man is tireless and is offering to serve us at the highest level. Let's keep party affiliation aside, and individuals' popularity, and work with this value-adding leader! Hon. Amos D. S. is the real deal!

Vote Hon. Amos D. S Barbu Jr. For Senator!

Today July 26, 2023, my call to the young people and people of B**g County is to let you know that; Whatever you do will...

Today July 26, 2023, my call to the young people and people of B**g County is to let you know that; Whatever you do will come back to you in some way, Somehow, someday. Think before you act. Think before you speak.

Motto: "Not Too Young To Lead".

Happy July 26 Independence Day 🇺🇸 celebrations 🎄.

October 10, 2023 #1...

Icon for change and full deliverable for the people of B**g County.  The face you will see on  October 10, 2023.

Icon for change and full deliverable for the people of B**g County. The face you will see on October 10, 2023.

We are here to encourage B**g county young people to see us as their own.  Please do  away with short term benefits in t...

We are here to encourage B**g county young people to see us as their own. Please do away with short term benefits in the October 10,2023 senatorial election.

Let us make history 🏰, the issue of unemployment, empowerment, quality education, good healthcare system and security are major challenges we face.

Motto: "We are not too young to lead".


Hi, I'd really appreciate it if you could share or donate to this GoFundMe campaign.Barbu's Foundation


The Barbu’s Vision for B**g County is to ensure a participatory and inclusive leadership for the people of B**g County where every c…

Read more here

Forward this message to your contacts to help this campaign reach its target!

Wow!  October 10,2023 here we go!!

Wow! October 10,2023 here we go!!

Good morning class: 1). June 17, 2022. Master's Degree in Public Sector Administration (MPA)  Cuttington University in t...

Good morning class:
1). June 17, 2022. Master's Degree in Public Sector Administration (MPA) Cuttington University in the oldest Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia.

2). June 30, 2018... Bachelor of Science Degree Natural Resources Management (NRM) @ CUTTINGTON University in Suakoko District B**g County.

3). September 2005 - 14,2008 WAEC, DIPLOMA certificate from Dolokelen Gboveh High School City, B**g County

4). 2001 -2005 Junior High School in Totota Luthern High School Grade 9 WAEC Certification

5. 1999 Elementary Dorothy Cooper School on Lofa Road Gbarnga City, B**g County.

This morning, I am pleased to ask all of my various classmates and schoolmate from junior high school and freshman class to graduate with a BSc Degree. Additionally, my Masters's class is to completed in June 2022 class of we did it together. Please support us..

We have completed the basic requirements set up by the National Election Commission (NEC) that have put us in the possible lead to seek your full support to serve as a senator for B**g County comes October 10, 2023.

us, us, on us us make history together.


Entering into the role of leadership isn’t the easiest thing to do. Most of the time it’s a hard road to follow. But trust us and support you will never regret it, our ambition is because we know that, old people are going to bed without food, students are starving to get to school, and the youth are not empowered and employed.

Don't take short-term benefits to give your vote to failed politicians.

our team 🏉 this time around. Reject petite cash 🏧, T-shirts 👔 and bags of rice 🍣.
Support the Amos D S BarbuJr vision for B**g county and Liberia..
*we move on October 10, 2023.


We are potential, prepared and qualified youth, women, and children leaders for the best future of B**g county!

Hello, supporters of B**g County!We are excited to introduce you to Barbu's Vision, a transformative initiative aimed at...

Hello, supporters of B**g County!

We are excited to introduce you to Barbu's Vision, a transformative initiative aimed at fostering participatory and inclusive leadership for the people of B**g County. Our goal is to create a community where every citizen has equal opportunities and access to essential social services. We believe that by working together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of individuals and families in our county.

We are committed to addressing the pressing needs of our community. We have identified several key areas where we will focus our efforts:

1. **Health and Education:** We understand the importance of quality healthcare and educational support. By investing in these areas, we can ensure that our citizens have access to the resources they need to thrive.

2. **Law Making, Representation, and Full Oversight:** We aim to provide strong and effective representation for the people of B**g County. We will work diligently to pass legislation that supports our community's interests while also ensuring transparency and accountability in governance.

3. **Youth, Women Development, Entertainment, and Sport:** We recognize the potential within our youth and women. Through targeted programs and support, we will empower them to reach their full potential, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community.

4. **Legislative Scholarship :** Education is a pathway to success. Our legislative scholarship program will provide deserving students with the financial support they need to pursue higher education and fulfill their dreams.

5. **B**g County Own Farm/Agriculture:** Agriculture is the backbone of our community. We will establish a sustainable and productive farm that will not only generate income but also create job opportunities for our citizens.

6. **Legislative Support to People Living with Disability:** We are committed to promoting inclusivity and supporting individuals with disabilities. Through dedicated initiatives, we will ensure that they have access to resources and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

We met with progressive discussions @ Barbu Foundation   TV Page meeting point and agree for our senatorial aspirant Amo...

We met with progressive discussions @ Barbu Foundation TV Page meeting point and agree for our senatorial aspirant Amos D S Barbu Jr. registration to commence soon.


Executive Drive Gbarnga City B**g County, Liberia �





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