DJI Dock 2. Buche jetzt deine Demo!! Du wirst erstaunt sein, welche Kosten- und Aufwandseinsparungen das DJI Dock 2 für deine Organisation mit sich bringt!!
Inspection missions for solar farms and wind farms anywhere in the world.
Aerial flies industrial drones and uses the most advanced tools and software. Our AI system enables detection of issues and defects and categorizes them. We empower you with full understanding of your assets.
Get a full, detailed report on edge erosion and edge splits, bird strikes, suction side defects, bonding erosion and delamination, and even internal structural defects.
The drone delivers much higher-resolution images than inspection from the ground, combines hi-res data with thermal capability and there is no need for your team to ascend the turbines. Keep your people safe and let our drones do the work.
We guarantee you up to 50% lower inspection costs compared to the way you inspect now climbing the turbines and observing from the ground.
We get your cost of ownership down!
For large solar or windfarms we install local teams, trained by us, who have their drones and software ready to go. Anywhere in the world, and always at the same high standards that we are known for.
Contact us and get a free competitive offer without any obligation.
𝐌𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐬 𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐬!
Unsere Enterprise-Drohnen sind echte Alleskönner:
Aerial überfliegt deine Baustelle wochentlich oder monatlich, damit du mit unseren ultra-detaillierten Bildern alles im Griff behältst. Und oft braucht das nur Minuten Flugzeit!
Aerial fliegt auch gerne für zentimetergenaue Landvermessung, Search & Rescue, Landwirtschaft, und thermische Inspektionen von Photovoltaik Modulen und Industrieanlagen. Unsere Drohnen fotografieren auch nach oben (Ideal für Tunnel, Brücken und Viadukte!
Mit Pilot Fr. 190 pro Stunde oder Fr. 1'500 pro Tag
Lieber selber fliegen? Fr. 700 pro Tag.
The most advanced cinema drone in the world
(2 min. video)
When you shoot a movie, what matters is getting the shot.
Watch our Matrice 600 Pro heavy lifter: we fly your professional cinema camera (Arri, RED, Blackmagic). Anywhere in the world, we'll be there when you need us. And you as the DOP, Camera Man or Director, will have full control over camera and gimbal.
The only professional cinema drone in Liechtenstein!
This is Hollywood's go-to drone. Now you can have it on set too! Wherever you need us, we fly. Our rate is 2000 Fr. per day including a licensed pilot, permits, a second controller that gives you full control over gimbal and camera, SDI and HDMI livestream to feed a Director's Screen, enough batteries for a whole day of shooting, and our vast experience in movies and cinematography. Request our great rates for multi-day shootings.
You need a camera under our drone as well? No worries. From a simple Canon 850D that shoots in 4K to an Arri Alexa Mini or, like in this exciting video a RED Raven or Komodo, we'll bring it, we'll bring the glass, and we'll fly it for you with this amazing cinema drone.
Because: what matters is getting the shot!
Now in Liechtenstein: the world's most rugged industrial drone
Now in Liechtenstein: the world's most rugged, professional drone platform for any kind of mission. Rain or frost, we take off to serve you. Watch this one-minute introduction to our aircraft and contact us at Eagle Drone Service in Schaan, to book the Matrice 210 V2 with pilot.