Brand recognition is often paired with brand recall, which is why it's also known as aided brand recall. Aided brand recall is the ability of customers to think of a brand name from their memory when told to think of a category of products or service. Brand recall tends to indicate a stronger connection to a brand than brand recognition. For example, people tend to think of more brand names when prompted by a product than by a category.
Here are a few ways they can do this:
-Customers tend to remember brands that reach them on a personal or emotional level.
-Another way to build and maintain brand recognition is to provide exemplary customer service. Customers are more likely to recommend and buy products from a company they believe values their patronage.
-Businesses should also aim to exceed their customers' expectations and educate them at the same time.
-Small businesses and large companies should use social media to make sure their names, products, and services are in constant circulation.
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