In 1904, Simon Zavarian, the most remarkable figure of the ARF visits all parts of Cilicia for a whole year to collect information about all features of th (Tashnag Party) Zavarian Student Association was founded in Beirut in 1904 during Simon Zavarian’s field mission in Cilicia. Before heading back to Europe, Zavarian’s last station was Beirut. During that period, Armenian university students, bo
th in the American University of Beirut (AUB) and the Saint Joseph University (USJ) constituted the pounding heart of Armenians living in Beirut. Their first task was to establish a non-party based organization at AUB through which they had to pass on national awareness to the Armenian students. Considerable literature and articles were sent to Beirut. Thus, the students managed to establish the basis of the Tashnag Party in Lebanon. The years 1904-1914 witnessed many revolutionary secret endeavors, besides organizational and educational activities. In this context, marches, meetings and strikes were organized in the American University of Beirut (AUB), a series of actions which lead to the interference of the Ottoman police forced to stop the movement. In 1934, female students were allowed to enter the ranks and to participate in Z.S.A. activities. The period 1942-1946 witnessed the beginning of the active participation in the Armenian daily reality in Lebanon, while organizing various activities and public gatherings. In 1944, Z.S.A. created the “Zavarian Students Union”, which aimed at raising social, political and national awareness within Armenian youth in secondary schools. From 1951 to 1971, Z.S.A. founded an evening school in Bourj Hammoud. Volunteers from the Z.S.A. taught languages (Armenian, Arabic, English and French) and mathematics in this establishment. Each year, nearly 70-100 students took courses in this school. From 1961 to 1969, “Brag” (leaflet) was published for internal audience, followed by the publication, of the “Mehian” magazine, in 1969. Z.S.A.’s “2001” magazine, published in 1970-1971, created mass interest among young readers. Since then, Z.S.A. started publishing compilations of books and writings of important Tashnag leaders, in order to make the Armenian youth acquainted with the legacy of Tashnag ideology. In addition to these publications, the “Zavarianagan Etch” (Zavarian’s Page), which appears in “Aztag” daily (Armenian newspaper in Lebanon), aims at bringing out political, social and ideological issues. In 1970, the A.R.F. formed its Armenian Cause Committee, which took action in order to keep Lebanese as well as other societies aware of Armenians’ deprivation from their rights and homeland due to the Armenian Genocide perpetrated in 1915. In 1971, Z.S.A. established the Zavarian Student Consulting Office, through which Z.S.A. members, based on their experience, provide support to secondary students in their university applications and help them choose their field of study. In 1973, Z.S.A. members along with other student association members organized demonstrations in front of the UN headquarters in Lebanon and the Turkish Embassy to protest against a meeting session held by the Human Rights Subcommittee, which deals with the protection of minorities and the prevention of discrimination. In 1974, the A.R.F. and Greek Cypriots protested against the invasion of Cyprus by Turkey in front of the Turkish Embassy and the UN headquarters in Lebanon. In 1979, Z.S.A. started publishing “Zavarian Monthly” as a means to promote the Armenian Cause. In 1983, “Zavarian Monthly” became “Zavarian Review”. “Zavarian Review” continues to tackle issues concerning the Armenian Cause, international and national affairs as well as issues related to youth and students. In 1986, a seminar organized at “La Sagesse” Hall, entitled “The Armenian Cause: Yesterday and Today”, gathered important political figures who expressed their impressions and opinions concerning the Armenian Cause. Starting 1991, Z.S.A. members started visiting Armenia to teach computer, science and language courses within secondary schools. gave financial support to the Aram Manoukian School in Shushi, which was built with the efforts of the A.R.F. Nigol Aghpalian Student Association of Armenia. In 1994, Z.S.A. organized an event entitled “Karabakh, Victory through Bloodshed” and prepared special stickers to support the Karabakh aid fund. Some 200 Armenian students participated in the seminar entitled “The role of Lebanese-Armenian students in helping Armenia and Karabakh”. Over a certain period of time, the Association successfully became represented in Armenia and Karabakh, mainly during conferences and youth camps. Thanks to fund raising concerts, Z.S.A. contributed to the restoration of the sports and culture hall of the Simon Zavarian School, in Lori (Armenia). In 1996-1997, the “Office of Research on Turkey” was founded. The Office analyses political issues and keeps archives and different types of data related to Turkey’s national and external policies, information about its army and political parties. In 1997, Z.S.A. co-founded the Lebanese Youth Union (Ittihad Shabeb Lebnen) and still continues to organize activities and meetings on a regular basis. In the same year, in order to protest against the events organized by UNESCO to commemorate the 1700th anniversary of the Ottoman Empire, the Z.S.A. published protest letters, which were signed both by Armenian and non-Armenian students, and sent to UNESCO. In 1998, the Z.S.A. organized a round table entitled “Arabs and Armenians between pan-Turkism and Zionism”. During this event, lecturers included ministers and university professors. In 2001, Z.S.A. made the official opening of the Mher Tchoulhadjian library within its headquarters. Also in 2001, Z.S.A. started its own radio show on Voice of Van (94.7 F.M.), the local Armenian radio station in Lebanon. The program, “Proontsk” (“Fist”, symbol of Z.S.A.) invites Zavarian members, professors, party members as well as Armenian and Lebanese students to share their opinions and tackle different topics related to youth, students as well as politics. In 2002, on the occasion of the French government’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide, Z.S.A. along with other student and youth associations, organized a recognition event in the Saint-Joseph University (USJ) in the presence of the French Ambassador’s representatives. In 2004, Z.S.A. organized a week-long conference in Beirut with the participation of 42 worldwide student and youth organizations of Armenian descent, to discuss the changes facing the Armenian youth in the 21st century. The delegates of the conference were greeted in Baabda palace by the Lebanese President Emile Lahoud who highly praised the achievements of Z.S.A. Throughout the years, Z.S.A. has also developed international relations by taking active part in international youth conferences such as World Students Conference (Cyprus, 1975), International Youth Festival (Algeria, 2001), World Youth Festival (Spain, 2004), Towards a Shared Future workshops (Denmark, 2007 and 2009)...
"Proontsk" radio show on Voice of Van (94.7 F.M.), the local Armenian radio station in Lebanon. #/group.php?gid=296362495454 #/group.php?gid=13601411682
Founded in 1979, "Zavarian Review" is the official periodical of A.R.F. Zavarian Student Association based in Lebanon (
Mher Choulhadjian