People forget as a child forgets...Sheikh Hawidi..
If you don't understand Bosnia, you don't understand Gaza, understand Bosnia first, Muslims, so that you understand Gaza and what's going on in it, so that you don't wonder
Read the full article in order to understand well.
Do not be surprised by what is happening in Gaza and Palestine
The war of extermination waged by the Serbs against the Muslims of Bosnia.. 300 thousand Muslims were martyred in it ..
60 thousand women and children were r***d there..
A million and a half were abandoned ..
- Do we mention it? -... Or have we forgotten about it.....Or don't you even know anything about her!!
★ CNN's Christiana Amanpour comments on Bosnia anniversary :
- It was a medieval war, killing, siege and starvation of Muslims, and Europe refused to intervene
★ The Holocaust lasted about 4 years, during which the Serbs demolished more than 800 mosques, some of which date back to the sixteenth century AD..
★ They burned the Sarajevo Historical Library ..
★ - The United Nations intervened and put two gates at the entrances of Islamic cities
Such as gorajda, Srebrenica, Ziba،
But she was under siege and under fire..
- The Serbs put thousands of Muslims in concentration camps, tortured them, starved them, until they became skeletons..!
When a Serbian leader asked: 'why?'He said: they don't eat pork!
★ The Guardian published the days of the Bosnian massacres, a full-page map, showing the locations of r**e camps for Muslim women، 17 huge camps, some of them inside Serbia itself ..
- _Serbs r***d children .. A 4-year-old girl, blood running from between her legs..
★ The Guardian published a report about her titled :
The child whose fault is that she is a Muslim ..
- Butcher Mladic invited the leader of the Muslims of Ziba to a meeting .. He gave him a cigarette, laughed a little with him, then pounced on him and slaughtered him..
★ But the most famous crime was the siege of Srebrenica،
The international soldiers (Crusaders ) were partying with the Serbs, dancing, and some of them were bargaining with the Muslim for her honor, for a bite of food ..
The Serbs besieged Srebrenica for two years .. The shelling did not stop for a moment
The Serbs were taking a significant part of the aid arriving in the town..
★ Then the West decided to hand it over to the Wolves: the Dutch battalion protecting Srebrenica conspired with the Serbs،
They pressured Muslims to surrender their weapons in exchange for safety..!
Muslims succumbed after exhaustion and torment..
Reassured, the Serbs pounced on Srebrenica،
They separated her males from her females
They gathered 12,000 males (Boys and men )...They killed them all
The Serb was standing over the Muslim man and drilling on his face
( From a report by Newsweek or Time magazine)..
★ As for the women, their honor was attacked and some were burned to death.. Others were displaced on the horizon..
- The slaughter lasted days in Srebrenica..
Her fall was at the end of July 1995
It was the last chapter of the war of extermination of our brothers
It was their fault that they were Muslims like us ..
- Mother was holding the Serb's hand.. She begs him not to slaughter her child, and he cuts off her hand, and then He cuts his neck in front of her eyes..!
The massacre was taking place..
And we could see, hear, eat, have fun and play ..
- And after the slaughter of Srebrenica .. The butcher Radovan Karadzic entered the city, conquering and declaring :
Srebrenica has always been Serbian and is now back in the arms of the Serbs ..
- The Serbs were ra**ng the Muslim woman .. And they lock her up for 9 months until she gives birth
A Serb told a Western newspaper
We want Muslim women to give birth to Serbian children ( Serbian babies )
- We remember Bosnia…