Short life story of 2024
Experience life while admiring dolphins at Chrouy Pros Bay in Koh Kong, Cambodia.
seagrass plays many essential roles in the marine environment by providing ecosystem services. Seagrass is one of the most productive nursery habitats, feeding grounds, and food sources for marine life. Seagrass mitigates climate change and supports overall ecosystem health.
seagrass in kep have largest areas in Cambodia
Although they only make up 0.2% of the world's oceans, coral reefs are extremely significant since they support human well-being and the ocean.
- Protector of the coast
- A million marine creatures rely on healthy coral for cover, nursery, spawning, and hiding
- Provide 25% of habitats for marine life.
- Create habitats for over 4,000 different species of fish.
- Tourism
- Economic for the nation and the community
#Cambodia #coral #conservation
Relaxed with ocean
#nature #ocean #oceanview
#Cambodia #sea
Ocean healthy, planet healthy
#love the ocean
Save our ocean
Marine habitat
Under Blue of Cambodia sea
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