88.3FM Radio Samaritan

88.3FM Radio Samaritan The Samaritan FM is a Christian Radio Station that mainly broadcasts in Swahili.

Karibu wcw Wednesday Loyce AmukowaSospeter Joseph NamukongoPsalms 103:2-5[2]Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not al...

Karibu wcw Wednesday
Loyce Amukowa
Sospeter Joseph Namukongo

Psalms 103:2-5
[2]Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
Ee nafsi yangu, umhimidi BWANA, Wala usizisahau fadhili zake zote.
[3]Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
Akusamehe maovu yako yote, Akuponya magonjwa yako yote,
[4]Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
Aukomboa uhai wako na kaburi, Akutia taji ya fadhili na rehema,
[5]Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
Aushibisha mema uzee wako, Ujana wako ukarejezwa k**a tai;

  iko ON na Loyce Amukowa akiwa na Sospeter Namukongo.   lIVESTREAM: https://zeno.fm/radio/samaritan-fm/Isaiah 65:19-24[...

iko ON na Loyce Amukowa akiwa na Sospeter Namukongo.
lIVESTREAM: https://zeno.fm/radio/samaritan-fm/

Isaiah 65:19-24
[19]And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.
Nami nitaufurahia Yerusalemu, nitawaonea shangwe watu wangu; sauti ya kulia haitasikiwa ndani yake tena, wala sauti ya kuomboleza.
[20]There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.
Hatakuwapo tena mtoto wa siku chache, wala mzee asiyetimia siku zake; kwa maana mtoto atakufa mwenye umri wa miaka mia; bali mtenda dhambi mwenye umri wa miaka mia atalaaniwa.
[21]And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.
Nao watajenga nyumba, na kukaa ndani yake; watapanda mizabibu, na kula matunda yake.
[22]They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
Hawatajenga, akakaa mtu mwingine ndani yake; hawatapanda, akala mtu mwingine; maana k**a siku za mti ndivyo zitakavyokuwa siku za watu wangu, na wateule wangu wataifurahia kazi ya mikono yao muda wa siku nyingi.
[23]They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.
Hawatajitaabisha kwa kazi bure, wala hawatazaa kwa taabu; kwa sababu wao ni wazao wa hao waliobarikiwa na BWANA, na watoto wao pamoja nao.
[24]And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
Na itakuwa ya kwamba, kabla hawajaomba, nitajibu; na wakiwa katika kunena, nitasikia.

  Mzee analalamika kuwa mama watoto hanunui chakula cha kutosha kwa nyumba licha ya kuachiwa hela za kutosha. Unadhani m...

Mzee analalamika kuwa mama watoto hanunui chakula cha kutosha kwa nyumba licha ya kuachiwa hela za kutosha. Unadhani mama watoto ana shida gani? Na tabia hizi zaweza komeshwa vipi??
Sms/Simu- 0768 946 252

Habari ya Asubuhi? Karibu ndani ya    makala ya Jumatatu nao Loyce Amukowa na Sospeter Namukongo. Wikendi yako ilikuaje?...

Habari ya Asubuhi? Karibu ndani ya makala ya Jumatatu nao Loyce Amukowa na Sospeter Namukongo. Wikendi yako ilikuaje??

Isaiah 55:7-11
[7]Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Mtu mbaya na aache njia yake, Na mtu asiye haki aache mawazo yake; Na amrudie BWANA, Naye atamrehemu; Na arejee kwa Mungu wetu, Naye atamsamehe kabisa.
[8]For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Maana mawazo yangu si mawazo yenu, wala njia zenu si njia zangu; asema BWANA.
[9]For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Kwa maana k**a vile mbingu zilivyo juu sana kuliko nchi, kadhalika njia zangu zi juu sana kuliko njia zenu, na mawazo yangu kuliko mawazo yenu.
[10]For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
Maana k**a vile mvua ishukavyo, na theluji, kutoka mbinguni, wala hairudi huko; bali huinywesha ardhi, na kuizalisha na kuichipuza, ikampa mtu apandaye mbegu, na mtu alaye chakula;
[11]So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
ndivyo litakavyokuwa neno langu, litokalo katika kinywa changu; halitanirudia bure, bali litatimiza mapenzi yangu, nalo litafanikiwa katika mambo yale niliyolituma.

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

 Kunapo tokea mgogoro katika ndoa, ni nani inafaa akimbiliwe wa kwanza k**a njia Moja wapo ya kutafuta suluhu mwafaka ya...

Kunapo tokea mgogoro katika ndoa, ni nani inafaa akimbiliwe wa kwanza k**a njia Moja wapo ya kutafuta suluhu mwafaka ya mogogoro husika??

Good Morning Brethren, It's a new dawn and the Lord is still faithfull. How was your weekend??   is ON. Delvis olinga   ...

Good Morning Brethren, It's a new dawn and the Lord is still faithfull. How was your weekend?? is ON. Delvis olinga
Livestream: https://zeno.fm/radio/samaritan-fm/


Is it wrong for a parents to have a favorite child?
lets Connect on Youth fellowship with Sir Nelson Mwereza

Ni wakati wa   na MR. Ruff Kenya hadi saa nne kamili. Upoo?? Good Morning

Ni wakati wa na MR. Ruff Kenya hadi saa nne kamili. Upoo?? Good Morning

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

  na MR. Ruff Kenya Upooo??

na MR. Ruff Kenya Upooo??

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

Karibu ndani ya   na Luka Dhee Great 2-5pm. Upoo??

Karibu ndani ya na Luka Dhee Great 2-5pm. Upoo??

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

Furahiday is here! Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen.     imeanza nao Luka Dhee Great akiwa na Vincent Ayoro hadi 6pm....

Furahiday is here! Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. imeanza nao Luka Dhee Great akiwa na Vincent Ayoro hadi 6pm.

It's Friday edition Samaritan kazini Loyce AmukowaSospeter Joseph NamukongoMark 11:24[24]Therefore I say unto you, What ...

It's Friday edition Samaritan kazini
Loyce Amukowa
Sospeter Joseph Namukongo

Mark 11:24
[24]Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
Kwa sababu hiyo nawaambia, Yo yote myaombayo mkisali, aminini ya kwamba mnayapokea, nayo yatakuwa yenu.

Philippians 4:9[9]Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of ...

Philippians 4:9
[9]Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Mambo mliyojifunza kwangu na kuyapokea, na kuyasikia na kuyaona kwangu, yatendeni hayo; na Mungu wa amani atakuwa pamoja nanyi. Shukrani kwa Zawadi za Wafilipi

Good afternoon!! Karibu ndani ya Vijana na Christ show ikiwa ni msanii wa wiki Wednesday, Leo hii tukiwa naye Eve Claire...

Good afternoon!! Karibu ndani ya Vijana na Christ show ikiwa ni msanii wa wiki Wednesday, Leo hii tukiwa naye Eve Claire. Ungana nao Luka Dhee Great na Ayoro kila siku ya Jumatatu hadi Ijumaa kuanzia saa nane hadi kumi na mbili jioni. Unategea ukiwa wapi? 0768946252 studio line

Karibu katika     nao Loyce Amukowa akiwa na Sospeter Namukongo hadi saa nane mchana.   2 Corinthians 5:17-18[17]Therefo...

Karibu katika nao Loyce Amukowa akiwa na Sospeter Namukongo hadi saa nane mchana.

2 Corinthians 5:17-18
[17]Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Hata imekuwa, mtu akiwa ndani ya Kristo amekuwa kiumbe kipya; ya kale yamepita tazama! Yamekuwa mapya.
[18]And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
Lakini vyote pia vyatokana na Mungu, aliyetupatanisha sisi na nafsi yake kwa Kristo, naye alitupa huduma ya upatanisho;

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

 Ndoa za kulazimishwa bado zipo kweli ama ziliisha?? Na ni nini kinaweza chochea ndoa hizi kuwepo?

Ndoa za kulazimishwa bado zipo kweli ama ziliisha?? Na ni nini kinaweza chochea ndoa hizi kuwepo?

Our News Presenter Nelson Mwereza  was born today. Wish him a happy birthday 🎉

Our News Presenter Nelson Mwereza was born today. Wish him a happy birthday 🎉

Good morning 🌞 Karibu ndani ya   na Delvis olinga

Good morning 🌞 Karibu ndani ya na Delvis olinga

  na MR. Ruff Kenya

na MR. Ruff Kenya

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

Karibu katika Samaritan kazini be ready to do Lords workLoyce Amukowa2 Timothy 2:15[15]Study to shew thyself approved un...

Karibu katika Samaritan kazini be ready to do Lords work
Loyce Amukowa

2 Timothy 2:15
[15]Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Jitahidi kujionyesha kuwa umekubaliwa na Mungu, mtenda kazi asiye na sababu ya kutahayari, ukitumia kwa halali neno la kweli.

 Ni vizuri mtoto anapokua mkubwa kumkana mzazi wake  eti sababu labda alikosa kumwajibikia ipasavyo?? Wewe unaweza mkana...

Ni vizuri mtoto anapokua mkubwa kumkana mzazi wake eti sababu labda alikosa kumwajibikia ipasavyo?? Wewe unaweza mkana mzazi wako kwa njia yeyote Ile?

  Mbunge wa Emuhaya Omboko Milemba Jumatatu ya leo ameweka jiwe la msingi almaarufu (Laying a stone) wa ghorofa ya shule...

Mbunge wa Emuhaya Omboko Milemba Jumatatu ya leo ameweka jiwe la msingi almaarufu (Laying a stone) wa ghorofa ya shule ya msingi ya Essunza ipatikanayo katika kata ndogo hio ya Essunza iliyoko katika eneo bunge hili la Emuhaya .

Kiini cha ujenzi wa Ghorofa hio ni kutoa nafasi za madarasa yatakayo tumiwa na wanafunzi kwa shughuli za masomo. Mradi huo mzima unatarajiwa kugharimu takriban shilingi millioni 14.4.

Kando na hayo, Mheshimiwa Omboko amezuru sehemu za Ebumbuya na Mumboko mtawalia alikoendeleza shughuli ya upanzi wa miche ikizingatiwa kuwa siku ya leo ilitajwa na waziri wa masuala ya ndani prof. Kithure Kindiki kuwa siku kuu ya wakenya kupanda miti. Amewasihi wakaazi wa maeneo hayo tofauti kujihusisha pakubwa na ukulima ili kuepusha janga la njaa. Umepanda miti ngapi leo?

Welcomed to new week Loyce AmukowaSospeter Namkongo Romans 5:3-4[3]And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: k...

Welcomed to new week
Loyce Amukowa
Sospeter Namkongo

Romans 5:3-4
[3]And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
Wala si hivyo tu, ila na mfurahi katika dhiki pia; mkijua ya kuwa dhiki, kazi yake ni kuleta saburi;
[4]And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
na kazi ya saburi ni uthabiti wa moyo; na kazi ya uthabiti wa moyo ni tumaini;

Ni kikwetu Friday karibu Samaritan kazini

Ni kikwetu Friday karibu Samaritan kazini

ni   ndani ya   na Loyce Amukowa akiwa na Sospeter Namukongo hadi saa nane mchana. Unategea ukiwa wapi??    Livestream: ...

ni ndani ya na Loyce Amukowa akiwa na Sospeter Namukongo hadi saa nane mchana. Unategea ukiwa wapi??

Livestream: https://zeno.fm/radio/samaritan-fm/
Ephesians 6:10-12
[10]Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Hatimaye, mzidi kuwa hodari katika Bwana na katika uweza wa nguvu zake.
[11]Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Vaeni silaha zote za Mungu, mpate kuweza kuzipinga hila za Shetani.
[12]For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Kwa maana kushindana kwetu sisi si juu ya damu na nyama; bali ni juu ya falme na mamlaka, juu ya wakuu wa giza hili, juu ya majeshi ya pepo wabaya katika ulimwengu wa roho.

  Unadhani ni kwa nini vijana wengi sikuizi hawajengi nyumba zao mapema?Na je,Kuna wakati mwafaka wa kijana kujenga?

Unadhani ni kwa nini vijana wengi sikuizi hawajengi nyumba zao mapema?Na je,Kuna wakati mwafaka wa kijana kujenga?

  na Moses Oluko kuanzia saa kumi na mbili hadi saa nne Usiku.

na Moses Oluko kuanzia saa kumi na mbili hadi saa nne Usiku.

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

Good Afternoon! Ni wakati wa   nao Luka Dhee Great na  Ayoro hadi saa kumi na mbili jioni. Unategea ukiwa wapi??     Liv...

Good Afternoon! Ni wakati wa nao Luka Dhee Great na Ayoro hadi saa kumi na mbili jioni. Unategea ukiwa wapi??
Livvvvestream: https://zeno.fm/radio/samaritan-fm

Ni wakati wa      na Loyce Amukowa akiwa na  namukongo hadi saa nane mchana. Unasikiliza ukiwa wapi??

Ni wakati wa na Loyce Amukowa akiwa na namukongo hadi saa nane mchana. Unasikiliza ukiwa wapi??

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

 Bado Kuna wanaume huku nje wanaowapiga wake zao au wanawake wanaowapiga waume zao? Swala hili wewe hulichukulia vipi?  ...

Bado Kuna wanaume huku nje wanaowapiga wake zao au wanawake wanaowapiga waume zao? Swala hili wewe hulichukulia vipi?


Habari ya Jioni karibu katika     na Moses Oluko . Unamtukuza Kristo ukiwa sehemu gani ya Kenya??

Habari ya Jioni karibu katika na Moses Oluko . Unamtukuza Kristo ukiwa sehemu gani ya Kenya??

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

  is ON nao Luka Dhee Great na  Ayoro Hadi 6pm. Je upoo??

is ON nao Luka Dhee Great na Ayoro Hadi 6pm. Je upoo??

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.

Karibu tuipige kazi ndani ya   na Loyce Amukowa hadi saa nane kamili. Uko sehemu gani ya Kenya, iitaje tuitambue.    Heb...

Karibu tuipige kazi ndani ya na Loyce Amukowa hadi saa nane kamili. Uko sehemu gani ya Kenya, iitaje tuitambue.

Hebrews 5:9
[9]And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
naye alipokwisha kukamilishwa, akawa sababu ya wokovu wa milele kwa watu wote wanaomtii;

 Wakati shamba linanapeanwa kwa watoto na wazazi wao k**a sehemu ya urithi,ni yupi kati ya kijana mkubwa na mdogo (kitin...

Wakati shamba linanapeanwa kwa watoto na wazazi wao k**a sehemu ya urithi,ni yupi kati ya kijana mkubwa na mdogo (kitinda mimba) labda anafaa kupewa shamba kubwa na kwa nini??

Halooo! Ni wakati wa     NA MR. Ruff Kenya hadi nne Usiku. Unasikiliza ukiwa wapi>>??

Halooo! Ni wakati wa NA MR. Ruff Kenya hadi nne Usiku. Unasikiliza ukiwa wapi>>??

Listen to Samaritan FM for the best Swahili Religious radio. Listen live, catch up on old episodes and keep up to date with announcements.




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THE SAMARITAN FM is a 24 Hour Christian Radio Station that Mainly Broadcasts in Swahili on 88.3 FM Studio Line- 0768 946 252, SMS or Call

News alerts and correspondents via [email protected] REACH/COVERAGE The Samaritan FM broadcasts from Ebuyangu-Emmwatsi Junction and has listenership in Western region of Kenya including ; Vihiga, Kisumu, Siaya, Kakamega, Uasin Gishu, Trans-Nzoia, Busia and Bungoma Counties. BROADCAST LANGUAGES The Samaritan FM broadcasts in Kiswahili for 18 continuous hours from 5am to 12 Midnight. TARGET AUDIENCE The Samaritan FM covers a population of about 5 million people, effectively reaching all Christian communities with a variety of programming that suits the elderly and the youth.