Jayne M Vost

Jayne M Vost Creating Financial Freedom Lifestyles for Women ..


"Curious about affiliate marketing?

It's a powerful way to earn passive income by promoting products or services you love.

Learn the ropes and unlock the potential of this lucrative opportunity with our free webinar.


How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Embrace Your Inner Strength After 50Self-doubt can be a powerful barrier, especially as w...

How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Embrace Your Inner Strength After 50

Self-doubt can be a powerful barrier, especially as we navigate new chapters in life after 50.

But it's never too late to discover and embrace the inner strength that's been within you all along.

Here are some gentle steps to help you overcome self-doubt and step into your power:

💥 Acknowledge Your Accomplishments:

Reflect on all the incredible things you’ve achieved so far. Write them down and celebrate your successes, big and small.

💥 Challenge Negative Thoughts:

When self-doubt creeps in, question those negative thoughts. Are they based on facts or just fears? Replace them with positive affirmations.

💥 Surround Yourself with Positivity:

Connect with supportive friends and family who uplift you. Being around positive influences can reinforce your belief in yourself.

💥Set Realistic Goals:

Start with small, achievable goals. Each success will boost your confidence and help you tackle bigger challenges.

💥Practice Self-Care:

Taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial. Find activities that relax and rejuvenate you, whether it’s a walk in nature, reading a good book, or simply taking a few moments to breathe deeply.

Remember, you have a wealth of wisdom and experience.

Embrace it!

Every day is a new opportunity to grow and shine.

If you're ready to take a step towards financial freedom and discover how to turn your strengths into a source of income, consider exploring the world of affiliate marketing.

By leveraging your skills and knowledge, you can create a new stream of income that offers both flexibility and the potential for true financial independence.

Imagine a life where you can spend precious time with your family, go on beautiful holidays, and live without the stress of bills.

This isn't just a dream; it's possible with the right guidance and support.

Join my upcoming masterclass to learn more about how affiliate marketing can help you achieve your financial goals while overcoming self-doubt and embracing your inner strength. Let’s explore together how to unlock your full potential and live a life of confidence and fulfillment.

I am looking forward in sharing with you a very safe and supportive way to live a better life.. if you are curious, message me and I can share more information..

Have you ever asked yourself what your dream life looks like? Many people don't, because they’re caught up in the daily ...

Have you ever asked yourself what your dream life looks like?

Many people don't, because they’re caught up in the daily grind—waking up early, working a 9-to-5 job, five or six days a week, just to make ends meet.

If they’re lucky, they might save enough for a holiday.

With the rising cost of living, many people are cutting back on their spending, this economy is affecting everyone—whether you're married with children, young and single, or a pensioner.

I'm approaching retirement age myself, and I don’t want to rely on a pension. I have spoken to a lot of people who have worked all of their life and are now struggling to live on a pensioner allowance.

I’ve worked the same job for 30 years, and while it’s paid the bills and I’ve enjoyed it, I’ve realized it’s time to stop being loyal to a life that keeps me stuck.

A few years ago, I was terrified at the thought of coping without a financial safety net.

I knew I didn't want to be working into my 70s.

I wanted the freedom to control my own life and schedule.

Then, out of the blue, I discovered an online business .

This business supports the environment and offers an excellent compensation plan.

Although I had no experience in digital marketing, I decided to dive in because I knew it was the path for me.

This business is designed for people with no experience in digital marketing and the training is fantastic.

Automation makes everything easier. All the hard work has been done..

You learn about creating positive mindset. Our mindset is crucial in determining where we want to go, even if we’re unsure how to get there.

I was once asked to describe my perfect day.

Try it..

Close your eyes and think about where you are now and where you want to be.

Create that perfect day in your mind.
💫 Who are you with?

💫Where are you ?

💫What can you see, hear, and smell?

💫How does it feel?

What ever you dream, can be your reality.

If you’re curious and want to learn more about this amazing opportunity, drop your favorite emoji, and we can have a chat..

I’d be happy to show you a webinar where you can learn how this business can work for you.

Feeling the pinch lately? It's hitting hard out there.😔 Last month alone, over 1000 businesses had to close their doors....

Feeling the pinch lately?

It's hitting hard out there.

😔 Last month alone, over 1000 businesses had to close their doors.

Can you believe it? That's 5000 jobs lost if we do the math – a staggering number.

It hits close to home when you hear stories like the one from a local business here. Seventeen dedicated staff showed up on a Monday morning, only to be told to go home because the doors were shutting for good.

It's not just about making ends meet for regular folks anymore. Businesses are taking a hit too.

That's why I took matters into my own hands and ventured into the world of online business.

It's about having control over how I earn, shaping my own destiny.

My goal?

Retirement with financial independence.

And I'm making it happen through my own Affiliate Marketing business.

Yes, you heard that right – aiming for legacy level.

Imagine leaving a legacy of wealth for your loved ones. That's the dream, right?

Partnering with a reputable 50-year-old company in High Ticket affiliate marketing, I've found the perfect blend of automation and educational support.

Everything you need to kickstart your journey, and guess what?
No prior experience necessary!

If you're eyeing a secondary income and ready to take charge of your life, all it takes is tuning into a free webinar to see if this opportunity aligns with your goals.

Ready to step into your power?

Send me a msg as I'm happy to chat with you... its so easy..

Being a single woman supporting myself, finances were a constant juggle, with every penny dedicated to the essentials. A...

Being a single woman supporting myself, finances were a constant juggle, with every penny dedicated to the essentials.

After 30 years in the same job, retirement was on the horizon, but questions lingered—would I have the income, the time, or both?

Enter my newfound path as an affiliate marketer.

Nestled in a cozy corner with two horses and two dogs on my small property, I discovered a way to blend financial and time freedom seamlessly.

The worries about post-retirement vanished.

I joined a diverse group of amazing women, all seeking the same balance of time and financial freedom.

A webinar sparked excitement, and I thought, why not explore this opportunity?

Despite having no prior experience in affiliate marketing, the educational program covered all aspects comprehensively.

For those wondering about affiliate marketing—it's leveraging other companies' products and earning commissions.

This business goes beyond that, offering education, automation, and a high-ticket offer with a unique commission structure.

I witnessed incredible stories—women quitting jobs to work from home, retiring husbands, and young women securing their future.

Yes, it's a business that requires effort, but the rewards far surpass the work involved.

If you can dedicate 5 to 7 hours per week, you're on your way to transformative results.

Curious to learn more?

We have just had the most amazing Masterclass which covers all aspects of this amazing business.

This business is built for people that have never explored affiliate marketing..

Once you see what is available to you in the Masterclass , you cannot unsee it.

This business is changing lives.

If you have the desire to live your best life and want to explore further, click the link below.


Mention my name, JAYNE, for approval, and I look forward to seeing you there.

Let's bring those dreams to life!

Embracing Change: Pivoting Towards a Thriving Online Business Life is all about evolution, isn't it? And sometimes, that...

Embracing Change: Pivoting Towards a Thriving Online Business

Life is all about evolution, isn't it?

And sometimes, that means pivoting – changing course to pursue a path that aligns more closely with our goals and aspirations.

For years, I've explored various avenues, including low-ticket marketing ventures like party plans.

While they offered glimpses of potential, I realized that to truly secure the retirement I desire, I need to pivot towards a more lucrative opportunity.

That's why I've embraced change and shifted my focus towards a ready-made online business platform.

Within this platform, everything is set up for success – from high-ticket offers to automation and a generous compensation plan.

The best part?

All the hard work is done for us.

Why the shift?

Well, for starters, this platform offers unparalleled potential for financial stability and freedom.

With high-ticket offers and a robust compensation plan, I can build a sustainable income stream that will support me comfortably in retirement.

But I'm not navigating this journey alone.

I've discovered the "Pivot" 2 Day Masterclass," a transformative resource that's helping me maximize my success within this platform.

And the best part?

It's completely free to watch!

Join me in unlocking the secrets to successful pivoting and leveraging this incredible online business opportunity.

Together, let's embrace change, take risks, and pave the way towards a brighter future.

So, jump on the live , this Tuesday and Wednesday . If the times don't suit you , there will be a replay.

Just click the link below and mention my name.. Jayvo..


See you on the inside.

Embrace Life's Nudges: Stepping into Your Fears Ever felt those gentle (or sometimes not-so-gentle) nudges from life, ur...

Embrace Life's Nudges: Stepping into Your Fears

Ever felt those gentle (or sometimes not-so-gentle) nudges from life, urging you to step out of your comfort zone? They're like cosmic whispers, nudging us towards growth, pushing us to confront our fears.

It's fascinating how life orchestrates these nudges, isn't it.

Maybe it's that persistent thought in the back of your mind, urging you to take that leap of faith.

Or perhaps it's a series of unexpected events, gently guiding you towards a path you never thought possible.

But here's the thing: these nudges are not random. They're purposeful.

They're the universe's way of saying, "Hey, there's something incredible waiting for you on the other side of that fear."

And sometimes, that something incredible comes in the form of an opportunity – an opportunity that not only supports your financial stability but also benefits your health and the environment.

Imagine stepping into a venture that not only nourishes your bank account but also nourishes your body and soul. Picture yourself making a difference, not just in your own life but in the world around you.

Sure, it's scary to step into the unknown. Fear has this sneaky way of holding us back, convincing us that staying put is safer.

But what if I told you that magic happens when you confront those fears head-on?

Think about it. Every time you've pushed past your comfort zone, what happened?

You grew. You evolved. You discovered strengths you never knew you had.

So, the next time life gives you one of those nudges, don't ignore it. Embrace it.
Lean into the discomfort.
Trust that the universe has your back.

Because here's the truth: the greatest adventures, the most profound transformations, they all begin with that first step into the unknown.

When I found my online business, I knew that this was the path I needed to go to change my life.

If you are looking to make a change from your 9 to 5 grind, and are feeling the nudges towards the online space, drop an emoji and I will reach out to you and we can have a chat to see if this aligns with you, and it feels right for you. You will know..

So go ahead, my friend.

Take the plunge.

Your future self will thank you for it.

Are you ready to turn your passion into profit? It's time to kick-start your journey to success with your very own onlin...

Are you ready to turn your passion into profit?

It's time to kick-start your journey to success with your very own online business!

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, now is the perfect time to harness the power of the internet and create a thriving business from the comfort of your own home.

With endless opportunities in e-commerce, digital services, consulting, and more, there has never been a better time to take the leap and build the business of your dreams.

Here's why starting an online business is the ultimate game-changer:

1️⃣ Flexibility:
Say goodbye to the 9-5 grind and hello to the freedom of setting your own schedule. Work when and where you want, whether it's from your home office, a cozy coffee shop, or even while traveling the world.

2️⃣ Low Overhead Costs:
Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar businesses, starting an online venture requires minimal overhead costs. Say goodbye to expensive rent, utility bills, and inventory storage fees.

3️⃣ Global Reach:
With the power of the internet, your business has the potential to reach millions of customers worldwide. Break free from geographical limitations and tap into markets around the globe.

4️⃣ Unlimited Growth Potential:
The sky's the limit when it comes to scaling your online business. With the right strategy and ex*****on, you can rapidly expand your reach, increase sales, and maximize profits.

Ready to take the first step towards financial independence and entrepreneurial success?

Don't let fear hold you back – start your online business today and join the ranks of successful digital entrepreneurs!

Drop a $$ in the comments below if you're ready to embrace the world of online business and take control of your future!

"Are you tired of being just another face in the crowd? It's time to break free from the ordinary and pave your own path...

"Are you tired of being just another face in the crowd?

It's time to break free from the ordinary and pave your own path!

For years, I've been a follower, going with the flow and avoiding making waves.

But not anymore.

Since diving into my online business venture and connecting with driven individuals, everything's changed.

I've stared down my doubts and insecurities – from dodging cameras to feeling inadequate.

But guess what?

Surrounding myself with positivity has transformed me.

No more living the same day on repeat.

With a clear purpose, I'm ready to retire this year knowing my online business will have my back.

If you've ever dreamt of ditching the 9-5 grind to truly live life on your terms, this could be your chance too.

Join me in carving out a life of freedom and fulfillment.

If you keen to learn more, drop me an emoji

Let's make waves together!"

"The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Be the one who walks alone and finds her own...

"The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Be the one who walks alone and finds her own path."

Reflecting on my journey, I've often found myself simply going with the flow, avoiding making waves.

But stepping into my online business world and connecting with like-minded individuals seeking change has shifted my perspective.

I've confronted my insecurities, from avoiding photos to feeling inadequate in certain areas.

Surrounded by positivity, I'm gradually feeling more confident and purposeful.

No longer stuck in the daily grind, I now have a clear purpose.

As I prepare for retirement this year, I'm confident that my efforts in building my online business will support me.

If you've ever felt trapped in the 9-5 routine, wondering how to truly live your life and enjoy your time, perhaps exploring new paths, like I have, could be your answer too.

If you would like to learn more, let me share with you the amazing benefits within this online business..

Just click the link below and join our free FB group , mention my name, Jayvo to gain approval..


See you on the inside..

Exciting Announcement! 🌟Are you ready to make a splash in the world of affiliate marketing? Join us for a transformative...

Exciting Announcement! 🌟

Are you ready to make a splash in the world of affiliate marketing? Join us for a transformative two-day masterclass on February 29th and March 1st, aptly named


In this intensive workshop, we'll dive deep into all areas of high ticket affiliate marketing, unlocking the secrets to success in this rapidly growing industry.

Why high ticket affiliate marketing, you ask?

Because it's not just about earning a paycheck—it's about building a sustainable income stream that truly works for you.

People everywhere are realizing that there's a better way to create wealth, and high ticket affiliate marketing is leading the charge.

During the "MAKE IT RAIN" masterclass, you'll learn:

🌟 Proven strategies for maximizing your affiliate commissions
🌟How to identify high ticket products with massive earning potential

🌟 Insider tips for building a profitable affiliate marketing business from scratch

🌟 Techniques for effective sales and conversion optimization

🌟The keys to scaling your affiliate business to new heights

Whether you're a seasoned affiliate marketer or just getting started, this masterclass is designed to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and resources you need to succeed.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your affiliate marketing game and start making it rain!

Spaces are limited, so secure your spot now:

Its easy, message me and I can send you the link..

Hurry, the LIVE starts TODAY..

If you can't make the Live, I have you covered, you can catch the REPLAY..

See you there!

I've received 200 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

I've received 200 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

Ready to Retire with Financial Freedom? Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck, with mounting bills and no end in ...

Ready to Retire with Financial Freedom?

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck, with mounting bills and no end in sight?

As a single woman in my 60s, I faced the daunting prospect of retirement without enough savings to enjoy life on my terms.

But I refused to settle for a future of financial uncertainty.

I discovered a community of everyday people like me who are transforming their lives through social media, embracing attraction marketing, high-ticket offers, and automation to create a sustainable income stream.

Imagine having the freedom to design your days exactly as you want them – spending quality time with family, exploring new destinations, and pursuing your passions without worrying about money.

It's time to make a change and take control of your retirement plan.

Reach out to me now to learn how you can join our movement toward health, wealth, and happiness.

Click the Message button and let's chat.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Here's to happy days ahead!

Embrace the Power of Choices Every day, we are presented with choices that shape our lives.  The decisions we make impac...

Embrace the Power of Choices

Every day, we are presented with choices that shape our lives.

The decisions we make impact our health, wealth, and happiness, leading us down paths of growth and fulfillment.

Prioritize Your Health: Choose nourishing foods, exercise, and self-care. Your body is your lifelong companion—invest in its well-being for a life of vitality.

Pursue Financial Independence: Make choices that lead to financial freedom. Invest wisely, save diligently, and explore opportunities that pave the way for a secure and abundant future.

Seek Happiness in Every Choice: Happiness is found in the journey, not just the destination. Choose joy, gratitude, and positivity. Your mindset shapes your reality.

Time is Your Most Valuable Asset: By making intentional choices, you gain the freedom of time. Spend it on what truly matters—family, passions, and experiences that bring you joy.

Let's celebrate the incredible power of choices!

I have made a choice to create an online biz that will bring all my values into to line.

To live my life with true freedom and abundance..

You can too.

Share one positive choice you've made recently that has impacted your life.

Comment below.

Together, let's inspire and uplift each other on this journey of transformation.

Beautiful sunrise this morning.. Have a wonderful day 🥰

Beautiful sunrise this morning..
Have a wonderful day 🥰

We are all our worst critics , it's what's on the inside that counts.As you are Kind to others , also be Kind to yoursel...

We are all our worst critics , it's what's on the inside that counts.
As you are Kind to others , also be Kind to yourself.

If your mind can conceive it..And your Heart can Believe it..Then you can Achieve it...

If your mind can conceive it..
And your Heart can Believe it..
Then you can Achieve it...

Embrace the Power of Choices Every day, we are presented with choices that shape our lives.  The decisions we make impac...

Embrace the Power of Choices

Every day, we are presented with choices that shape our lives.

The decisions we make impact our health, wealth, and happiness, leading us down paths of growth and fulfillment.

Prioritize Your Health: Choose nourishing foods, exercise, and self-care. Your body is your lifelong companion—invest in its well-being for a life of vitality.

Pursue Financial Independence: Make choices that lead to financial freedom. Invest wisely, save diligently, and explore opportunities that pave the way for a secure and abundant future.

Seek Happiness in Every Choice: Happiness is found in the journey, not just the destination. Choose joy, gratitude, and positivity. Your mindset shapes your reality.

Time is Your Most Valuable Asset: By making intentional choices, you gain the freedom of time. Spend it on what truly matters—family, passions, and experiences that bring you joy.

Let's celebrate the incredible power of choices!

Share one positive choice you've made recently that has impacted your life.

Together, let's inspire and uplift each other on this journey of transformation.

Embrace the Power of Choices Every day, we are presented with choices that shape our lives.  The decisions we make impac...

Embrace the Power of Choices

Every day, we are presented with choices that shape our lives.

The decisions we make impact our health, wealth, and happiness, leading us down paths of growth and fulfillment.

Prioritize Your Health: Choose nourishing foods, exercise, and self-care. Your body is your lifelong companion—invest in its well-being for a life of vitality.

Pursue Financial Independence: Make choices that lead to financial freedom. Invest wisely, save diligently, and explore opportunities that pave the way for a secure and abundant future.

Seek Happiness in Every Choice: Happiness is found in the journey, not just the destination. Choose joy, gratitude, and positivity. Your mindset shapes your reality.

Time is Your Most Valuable Asset: By making intentional choices, you gain the freedom of time. Spend it on what truly matters—family, passions, and experiences that bring you joy.

Let's celebrate the incredible power of choices!

Share one positive choice you've made recently that has impacted your life.
Comment below
Together, let's inspire and uplift each other on this journey of transformation

Its all in our mind set.. Are you a, 'the glass is half full' girl?Or , half empty????

Its all in our mind set..
Are you a, 'the glass is half full' girl?
Or , half empty????

Our wish is our inner dreams coming to life..

Our wish is our inner dreams coming to life..

Feeling so excited for all of these amazing women and Jimmy who are receiving a acknowledgement for their level in our A...

Feeling so excited for all of these amazing women and Jimmy who are receiving a acknowledgement for their level in our Affiliate Marketing Business .

All of these people started their business with no online entrepreneur experience.

🥳Carmen ,who is our leader and mentor, was a natural Horsemanship coach.

🥳Kiley, worked in a family produce store for 30 years.

🥳Glenys, ran 3 produce farms.

🥳Danielle, entertainment industry..

🥳Lisa, was a midwife.

🥳Fran, Horsemanship coach.

🥳Jimmy, well ok, he did work in a high corporate job. He quit that job 3 years ago and now look at what he and Danielle his wife have achieved..

By reaching this level they all receive bonus cheques and a major payrise. 🥳

All of these people started this biz by first being curious, then watching a free webinar.

Its that easy to find out if this would be a good fit for you.


MSG ME, Im happy to chat.

Happy days 💙

Step by step , and you will be where you have been dreaming about..Step by step.Have an awesome day💙

Step by step , and you will be where you have been dreaming about..

Step by step.

Have an awesome day💙


Why not let people see your joy..

SMILE.. It's magnetic..

Who is excited about 2024? I know I am…I started my online business to create a bit of extra income to pay the bills and...

Who is excited about 2024?

I know I am…

I started my online business to create a bit of extra income to pay the bills and maybe have a holiday.

As I am a single woman supporting myself, all of my finances would go on just living week to week.

For those that don’t know, I am now an affiliate Marketer. I live on a small property with two horses and two dogs
I have had my day job for 30 years with the same company and getting close to retirement.

Before I found this business, I was becoming very concerned about how I would survive without a regular income.

All I could see was that I have the INCOME, but not the TIME ..


I retire that will give me the TIME, but not have the INCOME to enjoy my life and do all the things I had been dreaming about.

That’s when I came across this business that would allow me to have my TIME freedom as well as FINANICAL freedom.

By joining a group of everyday women, of all ages, who were all looking for the same reasons as myself, and watching a webinar, I started to feel excited.

No harm in having a look and seeing if this was going to be a good fit for me as I have had NO experience in Affiliate Marketing before.

I then checked out the educational program, which covers all aspects of of the business, everything you need is on the plateform..

You may ask, ‘What is Affiliate Marketing?”

Affiliate marketing is where you leverage other companies’ product and get paid a commission.

With this particular business, we also get Education, Automation and a High Ticket Offer . Which in turn means higher commissions. This is a patent commission structure, which means there is no other structure like it.

💫I have seen women being able to quit their jobs and work from home so they can support their children.

💫Women that have been able to retire their husbands.

💫Young women set themselves up for life.

💫So many life changing scenario’s.

This is a business and there is work to be done. But the results will far out way the work. If you can dedicate 5 to 7 hours per week to get started.

Does this sound like something you would be interested in?

If you would like to learn more for yourself, we have a Free Masterclass you can watch, which will give you an overview.

If you are unsure what this is all about but interested to know more and have a desire to live your best life.

Msg me and I will send you the link..

Happy days..❤️

Would you love to bring all your dreams to life?As we start into our New Year, lets get started in a positive way. Jump ...

Would you love to bring all your dreams to life?

As we start into our New Year, lets get started in a positive way.

Jump into our free 5 Day Manifesting Workshop.

Learn how we can change our mindset to very positive way of thinking,which in turn, will bring your dreams alive.

Simple little steps each day, makes all the difference.

Click on the link below and mention that I invited you. JAYNE . or Jayvo 🤠




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