Bible scripture quotes.

Bible scripture quotes. The purpose of this page is to help each other understand bible, encouraging each other and helping tackle bible topics that are challegious.


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To See the King
Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off. Isaiah 33:17.

If we desire to see the King in His beauty we must here behave worthily. We must outgrow our childishness. When provocation comes let us be silent. There are times when silence is eloquence. We are to reveal the patience and kindness and forbearance that will make us worthy of being called sons and daughters of God. We are to trust Him, and believe on Him, and rely upon Him. We are to follow in Christ’s steps. “If any man will come after me,” He says, “let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23).... It may be a heavy cross to keep silent when you ought to. It may be a painful discipline, but let me assure you that silence does much more to overcome evil than a storm of angry words.

Here in this world we are to learn what we must be in order to have a place in the heavenly courts. We are to learn the lessons that Christ desires to teach us, that we may be prepared to be taken to the higher school in the courts above, where the Saviour will lead us beside the river of life, explaining to us many things that here we could not comprehend.... There we shall see the glory of God as we have never seen it here. We get but a glimpse of the glory now, because we do not follow on to know the Lord.

Every right principle, every truth learned in an earthly school, will advance us just that much in the heavenly school. As Christ walked and talked with His disciples during His ministry on this earth, so will He teach us in the school above, leading us beside the river of living waters, and revealing to us truths that in this life must remain hidden mysteries because of the limitations of the human mind, so marred by sin. In the heavenly school we shall have opportunity to attain, step by step, to the greatest heights of learning. There, as children of the heavenly King, we shall ever dwell with the members of the royal family; there we shall see the King in His beauty, and behold His matchless charms.

Long have we waited, but our hope is not to grow dim. If we can but see the King in His beauty we shall be forever blessed. [366]


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Mwangi Alvin, Gregory Kayumba, Real Zii, Rose Muthoni, Netk Mvula


The Latter Rain
Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field. Zechariah 10:1.

Our heavenly Father claims not at our hands that which we cannot perform. He desires His people to labor earnestly to carry out His purpose for them. They are to pray for power, expect power, and receive power, that they may grow up into the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus.

Not all members of the church are cultivating personal piety; therefore they do not understand their personal responsibility. They do not realize that it is their privilege and duty to reach the high standard of Christian perfection.... Are we looking forward to the latter rain, confidently hoping for a better day, when the church shall be endued with power from on high and thus fitted for work? The latter rain will never refresh and invigorate the indolent, who do not use the powers God has given them.

We are in great need of the pure, life-giving atmosphere that nurtures and invigorates the spiritual life. We need greater earnestness. The solemn message given us to give to the world is to be proclaimed with greater fervency, even with an intensity that will impress unbelievers, leading them to see that the Most High is working with us, that He is the source of our efficiency and strength....

God has given us talents to be used in the upbuilding of His kingdom.... Do we ask ourselves the question, How am I using the talents my Lord has given me? Have you given ... to God only a feeble, diseased service? ...

Are you using all your powers in an effort to bring the lost sheep back to the fold? There are thousands upon thousands in ignorance who might be warned. Pray as you have never prayed before for the power of Christ. Pray for the inspiration of His Spirit, that you may be filled with a desire to save those who are perishing. Let the prayer ascend to heaven, “God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations” (Psalm 67:1, 2). [33


Good morning


Just like a dead **MORNING DEVOTION**


Brother Clifford made it a duty upon himself that come sunshine or rain, he will be at the Train Station distributing Gospel Tracts to passengers as they board or leave the train! This he did faithfully for several years!
One day at the church service after a rendition by the choir members in church, the choir was appreciated, praised and given a standing ovation. Brother Clifford, instead of being happy for them was very sad. He thought his soul winning efforts was not being acknowledged, rewarded and recognised by the church members and ministers.
He also noticed that nobody from the station has met him to say thank you for what he has been faithfully doing over the years.
Brother Cliffird decided to abandon the trips to the Train Station. Instead he joined the choir and started singing with them. To his surprise he was warmly welcomed. He discovered also that very soon he was singing and receiving standing ovations. He concluded in his mind he has just made the right decision.
One day, he sang Psalm 23 as a solo and by the time he finished singing, the whole church including the pastoral team and the elders were on their feet clapping and giving him a standing ovation.
Suddenly there arose an old man, a stranger in the midst of the congregation who asked to sing the same song while the church was still on their feet clapping for the soloist.
Against protocol, the pastor cynically allowed the old man to sing.
By the time the old man finished singing, the whole church was on their knees, some weeping, others praying in repentance.
That day, there was no more sermon but an altar call. With sinners giving their lives and backsliders returning to their first love and the whole church rededicating its life.
Brother Clifford, the evangelist in choir robe, felt a deep hole in his heart. He felt empty. He saw the difference between entertainment for the appreciation of men and the ministration for the appreciation of heaven. He left the church with a heavy heart.
Without thinking of removing his choir robe, he headed for the Train Station empty handed as if in a trance. Getting there he met a man in the same spot where he used to stand to distribute gospel leaflets before. The man was distributing gospel tracts and handed him one. The Tract read "I WILL BE A FAITHFUL SOLDIER, I WILL DIE AT MY POST". It ended asking, "are you a faithful witness of the WORD?"
With tears in his eyes and a shaky voice, he asked the man how he came to start distributing the tracts at the spot in the Train Station. The busy man, not looking at him, told him of a dead man who used to come there come sunshine and rain to distribute tracts. That for months the man has not been there. He told him that he believed and concluded the man must be dead. He said the dead man once gave him a tract before that changed his commitment to Christ. And since the man was dead, he felt God wanted him to replace the dead man to continue the good work in the memory of the dead man.
The man kept emphasising, "The Dead Man, The Dead Man" which further sent Brother Clifford back to his knees weeping and asking for God's forgiveness.
If you are still reading this believe me, God has set you up to read it because He has a purpose for your life.
Have you left your assignment because of some discouragements from cynics and critics?
Have you abandoned the unheard, unseen and unsung praise of heaven for the standing ovation of men?
Are you like the evangelist in choir robe? Or are you like the singer singing to entertain in church - the place of entertainment is in the theatre not the church.
The church is for ministration in the Spirit by Worshiping God in The Spirit and The Truth.


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Zipporah Nyabuto, Megha Tron, Ambrosovic Riaman Loktari, Martin Mugambi, Bernard Ochieng, Con Koskinas, Wanjiku Hotensia, Darvan Arvan


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Bill Superboey, Samwel Kemboi, Kqrens Ivy, Mike Delco, Tîñå Tèsß, Beatrice Mogeni


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Gimapartners Biz, Stacy Vargas Mendoza, Wambui Mbugua, Japheth Keith


Jesus Lights the Way
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7.

Do not take your troubles to human beings. Take them to the Lord. You may think that others ought to sympathize with you in your trials, but you will sometimes be disappointed. Jesus never disappoints the one who comes to Him for help. He is saying to you today, “Come unto me, ... and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). He will give you rest in Him. No one who comes to Him goes away unhelped. Take your burdens to the divine Burden Bearer and leave them with Him, knowing that He will carry them for you....

Act your part in helping yourselves, as all must do who would be blessed. Do not dwell upon the hardships of the Christian life. Do not talk of your trials.... Do not utter one despondent word, for such words please Satan. Talk of Christ’s goodness and tell of His power. Words of hope and trust and courage are as easily spoken as words of complaint....

When the enemy tells you that the Lord has forsaken you, tell him that you know He has not; for He declares, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). Dismiss the enemy. Tell him you will not dishonor the Lord by doubting His love....

There is no limit to the help that the Saviour is willing to bestow on us. He asks us to bring into our lives the grace that will keep us from sin. From the cross of Calvary there comes to us liberty, hope, and strength. Do not dishonor your Redeemer by doubting His power. Trust Him all the time. Take hold of the riches of His grace, saying, “I will believe; I do believe that Jesus died for me.” The way before you may seem dark, but Jesus can make it light.

Be joyful in God. Christ is light and in Him is no darkness at all. Look toward the light. Accustom yourselves to speak the praise of God. Make others happy. This is your first work. It will strengthen the best traits of character. Throw the windows of the soul wide open heavenward and let the sunshine of Christ’s righteousness in. Morning, noon, and night your hearts may be filled with the bright rays of heaven’s light. [276]




Strength for Today
And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God. Zechariah 13:9.

By trial the Lord proves the strength of His children. Is the heart strong to bear? Is the conscience void of offense? Does the Spirit bear witness with our spirit that we are the children of God? This the Lord ascertains by trying us. In the furnace of affliction He purifies us from all dross. He sends us trials, not to cause needless pain, but to lead us to look to Him, to strengthen our endurance, to teach us that if we do not rebel, but put our trust in Him, we shall see of His salvation....

Christ’s love for His children is as strong as it is tender. It is a love stronger than death, for He died for us. It is a love more true than that of a mother for her children. The mother’s love may change, but Christ’s love is changeless. “I am persuaded,” Paul says, “that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38, 39).

In every trial we have strong consolation. Is not our Saviour touched with the feeling of our infirmities? Has He not been tempted in all points like as we are? And has He not invited us to take every trial and perplexity to Him? Then let us not make ourselves miserable over tomorrow’s burdens. Bravely and cheerfully carry the burdens of today. Today’s trust and faith we must have. But we are not asked to live more than a day at a time. He who gives strength for today will give strength for tomorrow....

Nothing wounds the soul like the sharp darts of unbelief. When trial comes, as it will, do not worry or complain. Silence in the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. “Then are they glad because they be quiet” (Psalm 107:30). Remember that underneath you are the everlasting arms. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him” (Psalm 37:7). He is guiding you into a harbor of gracious experience. [270]


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Mc Tash, Norman Murithi


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Messenger Aron, Sarah Magara, Martin Muthii Karani, Alex De Maxwell, Mjukuu Wa Virginia, Wesh Gillow, Maris Chuks, Linet Malei, Iron Ladi


Good morning and happy Sabbath everyone @




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