A letter to teachers.
Growing up as a kid teachers were our mentors,icons,yes still they are,I mean can you forget the numerous poems and songs we would sing for teachers during closing day.
Teacher for most of us was like another friend,another parent,I mean they occupied so many gaps of even guardians,I still recall the discipline and knowledge they passed accross to Me even years later.
I remember the first early lessons of menstruation, adolescent,and the changes were first taught in school then you had to go confirm from parents,the humour from the teachers as they taught us made us understand the lessons even better.
Who is like a teacher,I respect teachers alot,I have tried applying for jobs,one day i landed one as a teacher,don't get it wrong is not like I specialized in that area,it was an urgent replacement since the main teacher was going on a maternity leave.
I still recall how it went down I arrived at ten am and by lunch time I had resigned myself 😂 I had to google later how to calm my nerves, because that pp2 class was not a joke,what am I saying the "noise" as I viewed it that day,I honestly respect teachers the work is alot.
This team plays a big role in naturing a child even to adult hood,now here is where I come in today,s*x education is it a teachers job,parents job or the church role,,a teacher plays a very big part in this conversation but parents it should be a cooperation between the teacher and the parents.
I mean the most important thing is giving this information to the children in the right manner lest they will learn about s*x from Po*******hy,and yes some teachers not all may be victims of this drug,it's your duty as a teacher first to recover from this weird ideas,and addiction.
Children learn from observing,and for parents p**n is not just bad for kids no,even you how you conduct yourself in the house,and relate with matters s*x ,today's parents and teachers we are missing the mark,we preach water we drink water,not wine.