As we promised.
We are happy to present to you, one of the biggest platform for models in the country at the moment.
This is new
This is big
This is what you were waiting for.
The cash prize edition, money on the line.
Monetize your talent and win with us, every Saturday starting this 18th September, at diaspora club Siron place hôtel.
The mini competitions have been made easier for you since it's only 4 Gentlemen, 4 Ladies and 4 categories, there's nothing better than that.
Can you model, if yes, then never go broke, never again and you have this opportunity.
This is what you need. You owe it to your talent, you owe it to your self, so do this for you.
Visit .is_dynasty page for your registration or send a message on +254742339597
Come and show us what you got.