Who was on the wrong here?
Road carnage will only be resolved if all road users became sane and caring NTV Kenya
South African president loses iPad
Alaa!! Rais wa Afrika Kusini aporwa
Rais Cyril Ramaphosa aliwachwa na bumbuwazi baada ya kipatalishi chake aina ya iPad kuporwa na watu wasiojulikana. Hii ilikuwa muda mfupi kabla ya rais huyo kuhutubia kongamano. Ama kweli kuna vimbwanga Afrika Kusini!
Police assaulted by public in Kisumu
Police hunt for men who assaulted colleagues
Police in Kisumu are hunting for a group of men including matatu touts who attacked and assaulted officers on duty. In the video that is doing rounds on social media an officer was punched and landed on ground as he struggledd to maintain his cool despite the fact that he was armed with a rifle.
Rais wa Ufaranza ashambuliwa
Rais wa Ufaranza Emmanuel Macron alizabwa kofi iliyomwacha na mshtuko eneo Kusini Mashariki mwa taifa lake akiwa kwenye harakati ya kukutana na wananchi. Walinzi na wasaidizi walikuwa na kibarua cha kumwokoa rais huku mshambuliaji akinyanyuliwa juu juu
Kidd Promise new video
Koffi back in a bang
Maestro musician Koffi Olomide has made a comeback with a new beat and style and energised as it can be seen in his moves. In 2019 the leading Lingala musician did a collabo with Bongo musician Diamond. Their song Waa has been topping the charts ever since it hit the market.
Volcanic mountain erupts in Congo
Panic as volcanic mountain erupts
Volcanic Mt Nyiragongo in DR Congo erupted on Saturday evening sending shock wave in the country. Thousand of people living near the mountains spent their nights in cold as they called for government support
Ugandan women fight over MP
Co-wives fight on podium over MP
An incoming Ugandan MP was embarrassed after his two wives fought on the podium at his swearing-in ceremony.
The co-wives jostled to stand next to him to be captured on TV cameras during a televised event.
Kimilili MP attacked
Didmus Barasa beaten up in funeral
Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa was roughed up and thrown off the podium in his backyard while addressing mourners in Kimilili. A man who could not hold back his anger shoved off his fellow mourners and wrestled the shaken MP before his guards rescued him.
Luhya version...Boflo soja
Reggae will continue...but the Luhya way
The trending child actor
He is back again. This is pure talent
Kenya's youngest comedian
Kenya's youngest comedian?
TT Comedian, the youngest entertain has taken the stage with by a storm with his hilarious jokes.
The online platform is currently a wash with his videos that touch on social current issues affecting the society.
Soap opera to replace Maria
New show on Citizen TV as Maria ends
Is this a replacement to the popular Maria program on Citizen TV that is coming to an end? The latest lest Swahili Show which will start airing soon is full of drama and emotions. "Our viewers will like it, they will be glued to their screens more than it has been with Maria," said one of the producer at RMS. Maria has been one of the popular Kiswahili soap operas airing at 7.30pm on Citizen for the last two years