Harry's Publications

Harry's Publications We are a publications company located in Nairobi Kenya.

Everyone of us has faced some setbacks in life. But we hardly like to talk bout those scars. I used to feel the same way...

Everyone of us has faced some setbacks in life. But we hardly like to talk bout those scars. I used to feel the same way It was until 2007 when I started to talk and share those past pain and how they propelled me to be the person am pursuing to become. Anytime I shared my story on my page I would receive messages from several people who were on the verge of giving up sharing with me on how the post has encouraged them. We don’t share our scars for self pity but to help someone else facing the same predicament heal.

Am quite sure the challenges that you are facing today if you were to face them 10 years ago they could have overwhelmed you. Those challenges are not meant to destroy you but to build your mental toughness.

The reality about life is you will never live a stress free life. I think life could be boring if everything we wanted was handed to us on a silver platter. It’s through those struggles that life becomes beautiful.
Many people on social media always want to present a happy and a perfect human being. The big mistake we make as mentors and people that they are looking up to is we like to show them medals when they are looking for scars.

I have heard people say trust the process which is okay but it would have been more beneficial if we were to share the process itself. The formula/process of a mathematical question has more marks than the answer itself. They want as to share how we got those medals. It's even through sharing the process that our success story become inspiring.

My life story is a true definition of success cover with thorns

Crime can be interpreted as any violation of law. From theft to robbery, extrajudicial killing, corruption and r**e, thi...

Crime can be interpreted as any violation of law. From theft to robbery, extrajudicial killing, corruption and r**e, this problem manifests itself in various ways in the society and is the central idea of this story. The origins, levels, types and far-reaching effects of crime are exposed through the life of a young boy who abandons his education to pursue wealth and fame.

Though raised by a protective and caring mother, Faridi Mwema is introduced to criminal activities by his peers, especially one Sadaka whose affluent lifestyle and ways of thriving in illegal pursuits nets his attention. When he is finally kicked out of school as a result of indiscipline, Faridi lands into a sea of afflictions and loses contact with his girlfriend, Molly. He is, thus, obsessed with finding Molly and weaving a solution to his woes.

This book contains the mind of man, the state of god, and the way of logic as opposed to the way of faith. It depicts go...

This book contains the mind of man, the state of god, and the way of logic as opposed to the way of faith. It depicts god as a creation of man with his own image and likeness. It exposes the human mind as the birthplace of god.

God is a work of poetry and has been discovered to exhibit the behavioral patterns of man, misogynistic, infanticidal, megalomaniac, genocidal, gullible, slave enthusiast, poor decision-maker, anger issues, and schizophrenic.

God as the basis of religion is the reason the world is chaotic and is divided across religious affiliations. It has caused divisions and unexplainable pain among the human race. Religion is irrefutably worse than cancer and ought to be nipped off the bud. This is a descriptive account, extrapolated and crystal clear about the character of god. The detrimental nature of religion, faith, and god has been delved into herein. These are descriptive accounts of religion and the delusional state of man.

Having a morbid fascination with the contemporary warfare between the light and the darkness, Vivian scampers for the li...

Having a morbid fascination with the contemporary warfare between the light and the darkness, Vivian scampers for the light at the end of the tunnel, her back brimming with the wants of her people.

The stairway she walked along in with her people to the other end of dismay is a feeble footbridge that staggers them in their attempts to gain balance. It is sloppy as they escape to cheer up a new dawn in the crystal wonderland of independence from eerie cults. The stairway isn't a path lit by crimson sunlight. It is a feeble overpass that drifts into the woods of death, through the ravines of tears, and dives into the depths of drowsiness.

Barreling along the feeble stairway were gales. There were tears like torrents and thorns that devoured their feet. Some snakes spat venom in their eyes to extirpate their sight from seeing what dragged them into the underworld.

Vivian was the rapier shining in front of them and whose words were wrapped in a profound sheen of fondness, saying that their castle was only a stone’s throw, until its face shone before them— a castle whence mysteries were unveiled.

We all can change the world if we do little things in a great way. We proliferate your dream. Others whittle it away.

We all can change the world if we do little things in a great way. We proliferate your dream. Others whittle it away.

Always us💯

Always us💯

We are all about books❤

We are all about books❤

Sivuno, an excommunicated soldier scrambles for leftovers in a battered garbage truck. He is a man with a powerful will ...

Sivuno, an excommunicated soldier scrambles for leftovers in a battered garbage truck. He is a man with a powerful will to live no matter the circumstances he finds himself in. He is determined to rise above a curse that lurks in his world. In his endeavors to fend for himself, something remarkably redeeming happens. A chance to salvage his life from the dogs shows itself in the most unlikely manner. He was digging up in the mound of trash when he locates a bag with bundles of cash stashed inside.

After hopping out of the garbage truck, he was certain someone could be watching. He knew that this was someone's treasure in camouflage as garbage. Once his rubber touched the road, he was on his way scampering to turn around his life. From the blues, he discovered that je was now surrounded by three men, one armed with a pistol he could not even use like expected. He faces them head-on in a scuffle that leaves his tormentors on the ground gasping for breath, writhing in pain. He was a trained soldier whose fighting expertise was out of this world. In that conundrum, Sivuno decides to hand over the bag of money. This is how he gets recruited into a gang. The Durienge brothers were a notorious gang terrorizing people in the heart of Nairobi city. They were professional carjackers and bank robbers. It doesn't take long before the gang is scattered by roaming death. All of them perishes in a botched carjacking spree except Sivuno a.k.a Zack. He swears with his mother to pick a vendetta for his fallen brothers deserve to be avenged. He was dangerous and full of vengeance. It is after this mission that he swears to change his ways for good.

But how easy could that be?

In his years, Zac has been involved in dangerous endeavors. A series of murders of high-profile people has been recorded in the past. He's been contacted by various people who discovered his expertise to work as a Sicario. And what dominates his life is a bizarre syndicate of bloodshed and mysterious deaths.

And not just this...

His love life seemed perfect after meeting Sheryl, a pulchritudinous damsel who lived next door. They propagate a beautiful love story and creates a beautiful family.

His philandering affairs cannot be overlooked. He was a man of mixed values, an example of what it means to be a complicated human being.

The novel is a perfect crime thriller that will leave you breathless with the steamy romance in tinctures of extremely mesmerizing episodes.

From the luck of locating a fortune, slim luck, a double life, and escapism. In a twist of fate, Zac is a man in the run. In a foreign country, he is back on the streets, homeless, and a vagabond. But luck finds him once more. He is back on track in a rich woman's house. From marriage to a second secret family to graduating from Makerere University to becoming a prominent lawyer.

How does Zac's life end?

Find out in this epic thriller which will be out soon. Stay tuned.

Sivuno, an excommunicated soldier scrambles for leftovers in a battered garbage truck. He is a man with a powerful will ...

Sivuno, an excommunicated soldier scrambles for leftovers in a battered garbage truck. He is a man with a powerful will to live no matter the circumstances he finds himself in. He is determined to rise above a curse that lurks in his world. In his endeavors to fend for himself, something remarkably redeeming happens. A chance to salvage his life from the dogs shows itself in the most unlikely manner. He was digging up in the mound of trash when he locates a bag with bundles of cash stashed inside.

After hopping out of the garbage truck, he was certain someone could be watching. He knew that this was someone's treasure in camouflage as garbage. Once his rubber touched the road, he was on his way scampering to turn around his life. From the blues, he discovered that je was now surrounded by three men, one armed with a pistol he could not even use like expected. He faces them head-on in a scuffle that leaves his tormentors on the ground gasping for breath, writhing in pain. He was a trained soldier whose fighting expertise was out of this world. In that conundrum, Sivuno decides to hand over the bag of money. This is how he gets recruited into a gang. The Durienge brothers were a notorious gang terrorizing people in the heart of Nairobi city. They were professional carjackers and bank robbers. It doesn't take long before the gang is scattered by roaming death. All of them perishes in a botched carjacking spree except Sivuno a.k.a Zack. He swears with his mother to pick a vendetta for his fallen brothers deserve to be avenged. He was dangerous and full of vengeance. It is after this mission that he swears to change his ways for good.

But how easy could that be?

In his years, Zac has been involved in dangerous endeavors. A series of murders of high-profile people has been recorded in the past. He's been contacted by various people who discovered his expertise to work as a Sicario. And what dominates his life is a bizarre syndicate of bloodshed and mysterious deaths.

And not just this...

His love life seemed perfect after meeting Sheryl, a pulchritudinous damsel who lived next door. They propagate a beautiful love story and creates a beautiful family.

His philandering affairs cannot be overlooked. He was a man of mixed values, an example of what it means to be a complicated human being.

The novel is a perfect crime thriller that will leave you breathless with the steamy romance in tinctures of extremely mesmerizing episodes.

From the luck of locating a fortune, slim luck, a double life, and escapism. In a twist of fate, Zac is a man in the run. In a foreign country, he is back on the streets, homeless, and a vagabond. But luck finds him once more. He is back on track in a rich woman's house. From marriage to a second secret family to graduating from Makerere University to becoming a prominent lawyer.

How does Zac's life end?

Find out in this epic thriller which will be out soon. Stay tuned.

Book done by 👇

Harry's Publications



Andrew was a mere teacher with a dream. It was so huge he could only imagine. Determination made it possible. He found h...

Andrew was a mere teacher with a dream. It was so huge he could only imagine. Determination made it possible. He found himself at the pinnacle of VISIONLINE, a tech company that thrived during its time.

On the other hand, Mwende his wife was intentional about becoming a serpentine Jezebel, a thorn in the flesh. She propagates an intimate affair with one of the managers in her husband's Tech company. There, a plan was hatched to defraud Andrew, to rip him off his empire. Mwende was a fiddle, a shameless sadist who was determined to finish off her husband without an iota of guilt.

Albert, the manager was the biggest scam of all time, a con. In the help of Mwende, he had drugged Andrew in a syndicate to coerce compliance. In an eye blink, he had signed the documentation that saw the transfer of his company in a successful forgery scheme.

In the courts, Andrew turned out to be the offender. The gaping truth could not be defied. How could he prove that it was a conspiracy to rip him off?. The jury concluded that he was guilty of forgery and impersonation. It was proved beyond considerable doubt and this is why he was sent parking for five years in prison.

Something happens later after a conundrum of events. Will Andrew deliver himself from this wild circus?. How does this story unfold? Who reaps the wages of sin in the end and how?

Tighten your safety belt as you cruise in a Ngumbau's world that will leave you perched at your seat's edges.

This book, apart from being Christian themed has a lot to teach the world. The protagonist introduces to the world a lit...

This book, apart from being Christian themed has a lot to teach the world. The protagonist introduces to the world a little girl who turns up to be someone she never thought she could be. In the roller coaster of life, she is lost in a threatening conundrum, in a mayhem that seemed impossible to pull out from. She was wallowing in a valley of self-pity and detrimental vices.

I'm awed to see how the story unfolds. I was anticipating an imminent ending. But the plot takes us into an unbelievable twist. The protagonist comes out a victor after a successful conquest.

It doesn't matter how we all start off. Where we come from should not thwart our growth. Our destinies should not be tied to the ghosts of our past, and or our source but we should be guaranteed jubilation proportional to our resilience and will to conquer.

You will never go wrong, as a person. There will always be hints and stars to guide you. You will always see the future in the dusty recess of your dreams.

This book's launch was successful in Egypt.

THE DOGS MUST BE CRAZY is a scintillating narrative exploring the extremities of life in the Lakeside city of Kisumu. Th...

THE DOGS MUST BE CRAZY is a scintillating narrative exploring the extremities of life in the Lakeside city of Kisumu. The narrator lets the world catch a glimpse of his sojourn to Lakeside City where he meets his late father's friend, Okello.

It is his entertaining reception that gives the reader a sneak peek at life in that part of Kenya. Okello is a humorous fellow and his perspectives on issues leave the reader in stitches. Their visit to Unguja leaves the reader extremely tickled. It is the narrator's experience that sheds more light on the systems on the ground.

The narrator returns to Nairobi and before he could visit the Lakeside City once more, the unexpected happens. He receives the news of Okello's demise.
Okello partakes of the blue pill and dies in the line of duty.

Crazy world!

Recently, I hinted about the current Fasihi set books availability at Harry's Publications. We have so far worked hand i...

Recently, I hinted about the current Fasihi set books availability at Harry's Publications. We have so far worked hand in hand with the best brain I could find in the brooks. It has taken us time and dedication to ensure that we bring forth purely comprehensible guides for our children.

We have worked hand in hand with Mwalimu Isaac Wambedha who is a teacher in one of the Kenyan high schools. He has the ingenuity and has been approved by the ministry of education. He knows that your child who is a candidate needs a guide that will enhance them to tackle their examinations. We needed someone who knew all the tricks they might use when setting these examinations. We needed someone who's got a hint about all the trickery and was sensitive and understood all there is to do with Fasihi. We needed someone who has at heart the affairs of children, someone who has moulded a bunch other children who turned out to be great men and women in society.

That person is Mwalimu Isaac Wambedha.

As a publisher of little books, I have the mental capacity to discern what is brilliant and what is not. The guides are extremely audible and comprehensive. These guidebooks are so important to your candidate kid.

Even though Mwalimu created these for his students, I might ask him to consider others too.

May be you might want to gift value to your child, your niece or a loved one who is a candidate. Do not hesitate to order a copy of these and you will have made the world a better place, for a bright tomorrow of the children❤

UDURUSU WA FASIHI SIMULIZI ni uwasilishi wa kazi ya Fasihi simulizi kwa njia sahili au rahisi zaidi kumwezesha mwanafunz...

UDURUSU WA FASIHI SIMULIZI ni uwasilishi wa kazi ya Fasihi simulizi kwa njia sahili au rahisi zaidi kumwezesha mwanafunzi uwelewaji hasa anapojitayarisha kwa duru nyingine ya KCSE. Vipera vyote kuu na tanzu yazo zimeangaziwa huku yakitiliwa maanani maneno ambayo hutokea katika mtihani mara kwa mara. Ni matini ambayo mwanafunzi akijengea usuhuba, hawezi kutatizika kamwe. Pamoja na haya, mwelekeo umetolewa vyema kwa maswali ya utafiti. Mwanafunzi mbona usifanye usuhuba na kitabu hiki ili upate ufanisi?

Wema hukuza mema. Mikosi na tufani za maisha zilimnyang'anya Stella wazazi. Huyu yatima alijikuta katika mikononi mwa wa...

Wema hukuza mema. Mikosi na tufani za maisha zilimnyang'anya Stella wazazi. Huyu yatima alijikuta katika mikononi mwa walalahoi wa mji wa Matopeni waliotajika kwa wema wao. Nao wakamuauni kwa matumaini makubwa kupitia kijana ombaomba.

Hatua kwa hatua alipanda ngazi kutoka hali ya uokote na uchochole hadi maisha yake yakatengenea.

Kijana Ombaomba naye hakuachwa nyuma. Alilipwa hapa papa duniani kutokana na wema wake alomtendea Stella kupitia talanta yake ya uanamuziki. Talanta aliojariwa na Mungu. Akawa anawika k**a mwanamuziki tajika ndani na nje ya nchi.

We are all born to win. Inside each one of us, there is a shimmer that no obstacle can barricade. All we need to do is l...

We are all born to win. Inside each one of us, there is a shimmer that no obstacle can barricade. All we need to do is listen to ourselves and believe that we can reach our destination without having to worry that something is going to stop us.

With determination, grit, and resilience, we are bound to reach our destination, by discovering ourselves and working day at a time to proliferate who we really are.

People will try to dim our light. Situations will discourage us. But we ought to remind ourselves that we are amazing and that we can do everything with the right approach no matter how hard it seems to be.

A routine for each one of us, we are all works in progress. It is our actions and routines that will enhance success in our lives. Do you feel you are on autopilot mode? A book to unlock your locked potentials👌

THE SECRET IS OUTGENRE: Semi-autographical memoir.The protagonist introduces the reader to the world of a little girl gr...


GENRE: Semi-autographical memoir.

The protagonist introduces the reader to the world of a little girl growing up with her parents in the village of Othaya in the interior of colonial Kenya. Even though her parents were still around, they could not satisfactorily cater to her emotional needs, and this crumbled her life and stifled her future.
Unwanted pregnancy in her teenage years cripples her life. With sheer grit, she completes high school. In the roller coaster of life, she finds herself at crossroads in the quest to cater to her family's needs due to her selfless nature. She ends up in the streets and engages herself in commercial s*x that was never forthcoming. The hand-to-mouth life was not eliminating her family's devastating situation. She gets trapped in a web of illicit s*x in a quest to acquire dirty monies and even graduates to drugging her victims to rob them. It lands her in hot soup, and she finds herself in prison.
Her newfound lover sacrifices himself to save her from those predicaments. He breaks the law when he engages in a robbery with violence spree where he is nabbed and convicted for robbery with violence.
The narration revolves around a girl's life that turns dramatic due to bottled trauma and devastating home situations caused by poverty and neglect. It is a clear account of how someone trapped in the same web of victim mentality can switch to masterpiece mentality once and for all through prayers and submission of oneself to God. The theme in this narration includes poverty, love, betrayal, and family. Diverse topics from the bible have been delved into and incorporated into this story as derivatives that invoke fundamental thematic aspects.

Does the protagonist rise above it?

Find out👌

For all your low content books. Diaries, journals e.t.c. printing, contact us👍

For all your low content books. Diaries, journals e.t.c. printing, contact us👍

This is one of the most remarkable reads that I laid my hands on last year. I'm an avid reader, and not from yesterday b...

This is one of the most remarkable reads that I laid my hands on last year. I'm an avid reader, and not from yesterday but from eons ago. I can assure you something. Without reading, how will you know things? Information is in books. That's why I read. I came with a reading app inbuilt. This is why this book found me.

"DIVINE SUCCESS" is a book engulfed with deep reflections, experience, and resolve about the real things each one of us craves for. We all live for something. We all have desires to achieve. And we can NEVER achieve anything without understanding, manifestation and trekking on a certain path. We cannot become if our purpose is not aligned with desire and action.

This is what this book is all about. It delves into a deeper explanation as to why some people might succeed while others might not. I did not consider this book to be motivational as such. I could relate with every word to what happened in my own life.

What is success?

To me,it is the ability to achieve my heart's desires. For example, when I'm able to feed, house and clothe myself without struggle, I have succeeded. This is what success is. When I'm able to survive the adversity of life and rise above my tribulations as a person. I have succeeded.

For example, each one of us has big craving for wealth. And most times, we are confused because we do not know the right path towards achieving it. This book is a comprehensive guide about that. How do you plan, initiate and achieve these goals?

An excerpt from the book.

"Every morning the lion, the king of the jungle knows pretty well that it has to run faster than the fastest antelope for it to secure something to feed on and survive in the jungle, otherwise it starves to death.

Similarly, the antelope when the day breaks knows pretty well that it has to run faster than the fastest lion in the jungle for it to escape sure death and survive for a longer period in the jungle and give rise to the next generation, otherwise, if the lion preys on it, then that marks the end of its lineage.

Life in the jungle is that of “The winner takes it all" so the jungle is a place not meant for a casual attitude towards life. Hence the saying,
“Survival for the fittest”
The fit survives the ravages of hunger or that of being preyed on. The bottom line is sustained effort to outdo such ravages. Every fete in either’s effort is an attempt to achieve and sustain a certain level of success.

This allegory equally applies to human life. The universe indeed aligns you with the people, things, and situations that match the energy you put out. The more you improve yourself and raise your vibration, the more you will see things that are beneficial to your well-being. If one doesn't, the reverse takes the center stage and reigns rendering one a failure.
Critical thinking points out that we are literally living in the jungle; our attitude towards life in this awesome jungle determines our survival the following day. The total of that survival is literally success. Failure to become successful results in depression, sometimes with fatal consequences and this is the reality.

Sue Whitaker(2012) notes that,

"I alone cannot change society for the better
but I can radically transform my own
consciousness, overturning the conditioning
that limits my potential. We can all do this,
one by one, over time we can change ourselves
to the degree that society changes from
inside out giving birth to a new way of being,
Manifesting our birthright of living in a
peaceful and abundant world…trust yourself.
Live your full potential”

However, success is such a sweet word but really demanding. We cannot rule out the fact that there are other funny routes to success. Short cuts but short-cuts rarely last hence confirming the fact that cheap is always expensive. In case one forges a university degree certificate and manages to secure a job using that fake certificate, it happens ultimately when the truth comes calling that after all the certificate is fake.

The hard-cold fact is that success can be a function of several factors, but here the focus is on the traditional route. Hard work! Some of the factors that have been identified to determine success but on a rare basis are:

The kind of family connections one has, the sort of "do you know somebody to survive here" mentality. The linkage might have been established by parents and those who came after them only to do their best to protect those linkages for the benefit of their younger generations, holding their hand as they rise up the ladder with the sole purpose that when they get to the top they hold hands of the younger ones belonging to this club. Any attempt to do otherwise is seen as a betrayal. This is actually what drives the political class to want to cling to power at the expense of the citizens even when the end of their regime has come to an end. What if you don't have these linkages?

Inheritance; a few lucky ones get to inherit the wealth that their parents had made during their youth, but the danger is... If the children do not know how to manage and preserve the wealth left behind by the departing parents, then it is all useless. Cases abound of siblings mismanaging the hard-earned wealth and blowing it up within a very short period. Once rich kids end up being paupers or beggars on the streets, sometimes one is left wondering whether it is even worthwhile leaving behind an inheritance for the children. Sometimes the siblings fight over the wealth to the extent of eliminating each other because they want it easy. A story goes about a son who inherited business premises worth forty-eight million Kenyan shillings. The son on his part sold out the building for six million Kenyan shillings. What was the urgency or crisis that influenced this erratic decision? The interesting part of this narrative is that the six million drove him into uncalled-for excitement and he would hire vehicles to es**rt his hired cab because he was now a VIP, a Very Important Person. In a short while, your guess is as good as mine.
Luck, some people are just lucky, theirs had been predestined and with a little or null effort, they get to succeed in whatever field they venture into. What if you are not the lucky type? You got to sweat it out, dude!

Political patronage, with the "blessings of some god-father, maybe after being in his campaign trail, a few get to secure headways. In this exists the principle of punishment and rewards. Those who happen to support a given politician get rewarded with plum positions in companies or institutions even if they don't qualify for it. The sad part is that this kind of practice denies deserving individuals their rights. Once these beneficiaries get to those positions, they fail to deliver because they were not qualified. This drains down development.
Corruption is blatant thieving of public resources for personal gain. A society where a position given is a chance to eat,

“Man eateth where he worketh” syndrome.

As mentioned earlier, supposing one does not have access to these success predisposing factors? One must just work hard and that's not debatable, every human being strives to achieve success because everyone deserves a good life, in any case, you only live once. It is not a rehearsal.

This book is an undiscovered treasure, due to our own ignorance. But in the end, whoever gets lucky to access it, to be touched by it will be able to walk along that path to the destiny of his/her desires.

We are all about books💯

We are all about books💯

This is one of the books that broke my heart. It is a sweet love story that reflects the life of the Madinka people of S...

This is one of the books that broke my heart. It is a sweet love story that reflects the life of the Madinka people of South Sudan. It is a brilliantly penned piece that exposes the complications and the complexity of the world's cultures, the sting of love and the uncertainties encountered in it's terrain.

I learned of ghost marriage here. In the Dinka culture, a dead man has a right to get married. An alive relative of his marries him a wife to keep his bloodline going. The children borne out of that marriage will be named after the dead man.

In the Dinka community, a girl is viewed as a source of wealth in form of cows obtained from dowry. Education and the evolving world have rendered this culture not only uncouth but extremely barbaric. But still, the conflicting ideologies are a threat.

In this story, we encounter the character Makuer, an Engineering student who falls in love with a girl named Aluel. Makuer was poor, and had an education. Aluel was the daughter of a rich man and was educated too. Her father, Mapurdit was a real wealth hunter. He anticipated getting heads of cattle after selling her daughter off to a wealthy man.

Two wealthy men competed to pay bride price to Aluel's father. It was against her will but her opinion was not needed. Before she could be handed to the winner, she elopes with her boyfriend, Makuer. This earns the boy imprisonment. When he comes out of prison, the gurl had been married off already. She comes to see him that day he arrives from prison.

Makuer, returns to school without even saying goodbye to her since she is now married. Both were heartbroken. It was against his wish but they both could not do anything.

Later, something tragic happens.

This is one of the most romantic stories that I have ever laid my hands upon. The story takes a dramatic twist and this left my heart completely shattered I had to shed a tear before I was snapped back to my senses by a caterwauling cat.

Harry's Publications✅

Harry's Publications✅


Harry's publications. Where your dreams are proliferated💯

Harry's publications. Where your dreams are proliferated💯

I don't know much, but I know all about life. From stifling in school and straining to live. Everything fell into place ...

I don't know much, but I know all about life. From stifling in school and straining to live. Everything fell into place when I mastered who I really I am. I was living someone else's life. That's why it felt like a struggle.

I did not know who I was until I became self-aware. Somehow, it was delayed. It came late because of who I was as a person. I did not have anybody to guide me in life. I wandered in the ocean for a long time. I did not have a compass. I had to find my way on my own. I could either find it or perish.

This is why I pity others who are growing up like me. And I believe I have an obligation to guide them and tell them the truth. So many got it, but a few will come through to this other end. Many are going to sink.

The grave is the richest of all places of earth. This is where great ideas are buried. This is where the world's best-selling novels are buried. Ideas to start great companies are beneath there.

And I believe in talent. Each one of us is gifted exceptionally. And this is why I'm doing this with conjunction to Harry's Publications

If you are there and you feel you have a way with words. Your texts come out artistically when you chat with your girlfriend. That's who you are. Your words are just the power you need to crawl away from the masses.

And this master class is your breakthrough.

To enroll, whattsap 0720031293

Services that will be offered in that class include:

*Mentorship on writing
*Advice on book publishing
*Marketing strategy
*Book publishing


Let's meet there.

All your questions will be answered.




Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00




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