1. Aechin iwot ak kemei – Flood and drought seasons have cancelling effects.
2. Ame chi tugul kitab kuiyandanyin – A person must enjoy the fruit of his sweat and toil.
3. Ameiiku kiptoben kuto – Be always quick to exploit any available opportunity to avoid future regrets.
4. Aechin kibananoi ak kipkunyuk – All proffesions are of equal importance in society.
5. Chepkisas ko tatun kechome – The despised one will be liked later.
6. Kiseten tai ak katam – Try all means to ensure that you achieved what you want.
7. Amat korobon ole imi – Be vigilant and work hard so that your position is not threatened.
8. Mabenen bei tororot – Suffering is not everlasting, therefore one should never despair.
9. Kibegune nyakan ter – Correct situation earlier to ensure success.
10. Nyokor konda – Never make anything to be difficult before trying.
11. Bitos suswek en olekokiyengyi aran – People in a place where good things are shared always benefit.
12. Chu kibo chepitoch amolin, amoli – donot be jack of all trade and a master of none.
13. Kerge kapkoulyo ak kakimori – selfish people are not any better than generous people.
14. Kibire mat koloo – Solve your problems when there is still time.
15. Kibendi ban chepkokoch – It is good to be slow and sure in approach to life.
16. Kibendi mutyo mochei kel – Humility is a good virtue in life.
17. Kerge tich en akwot – Good things have the same value everywhere.
18. Kiamei ngui kotagai kengetji olemi bany – saying of advising poor man to work hard and be patient until he becomes rich and be in position to afford good things.
19. Kigong'en met bo talam tagat/sugulum nebo ei – A thousand miles starts with a single step. Simple man needs to be patient for prosperity.
20. Kigeito chei bo aran kotatun koyam boriet ak oret – A wise man can develop his small resources until they will be enough to benefit his fellow men.
21. Maechin ainosiek – people's resources are never equal.
22. Mabenyege bondet ak muren – saying quoted of the most effective medicine for treating a particular disease.
Kipsigis Heritage