Kitengela Police who were sent out to beat and disperse protesting Gen Z crowds were escorted back to the station by peaceful wananchi who rode on the police trucks.
Even as they carried guns, they knew deep in their hearts that the Gen Z were only having phones, bottles of water and handkerchiefs.
Whoever said power, ultimately, belongs to the people must be turning in his grave with satisfaction. The prediction could not have been more accurate and relevant to Kenya than it was yesterday, and will increasingly become in the coming days.
Violence has a limit. Police are trained to exercise all manner of barbaric violence against oppressed people. But the power of moral introspection and conscience belongs to the police, as a human beings. In that case they are the people, not 100 per cent tools of dehumanization and terror.
The power of seeing the wrongs and the fact of feeling compelled, as a reasonable thinking being, to right those wrongs is in the police as human. They cease to be animals, which police are trained to be, and begin to restore the use of reason as human.
More and more police will wonder why they must fight unarmed people. People armed with phones being shot at? Why? Why should I shoot them just to obey an order? Are all orders moral? Is it right to injure, maim or kill just because it is an order? To achieve what?
Police will ask such questions. It will slowly raise their conscience to reach a higher level of reasoning, beyond crude instructions manufactured and imposed on us by colonial enemies and the elite in power.
They will join the masses as fellow human beings to reason along the same principles.
It will mean that, as seen in Kitengela, enlightenment is not only dawning on the youth or Gen Z; it is coming to all people in all living generations, and across many sectors including the police.
Police may, as it happened in Kitengela, leave the the people alone to demonstrate and refuse to be pa
Kill us;leave our children in peace
Francis Gaitho is one of the courageous freedom fighters of the 2020s. We need to support our heroes . Soon we will see change.