African Partriot Poet

African Partriot Poet This a personal page meant to publish inspiration ,love,and political poems and songs that are meant



Lower food price
High cost of living
We are hardly surviving
Only cheap oxygen for breathing
Only the rich making a killing
And the politician just smiling
Day by day tax hiking
High price of the rice
in this pandemic crisis
High food prices
From day and night
Unable to make both ends meet
Empty stomach walking in the street
like we have no right
yet we have been quite
for government to fix it
all they say is to unite

Single meal a day
That's real poverty
Eating our society
we struggle to gamble
but nothing we assemble
hustlers are still humble
we need food as basic need
we have families to feed
Lower food price
Lower food price
lower food price
lower food price


It was acted by Muriki Meeme featuring other students from Chuka University


They enforce innocence
But in real sense
There's absence of patience
Only intolerance commence
in above their common sense
reflect invisible outlooked lense
Judging by the physical appearance
one would call them saints
they harm like ants under pants
pretty but hearts hard as nuts
Have gentle smile but hostile
they take over from bandits
break necks like sugarcane
words sweeter than sugar
They match like chicken
mistaken with a glance of friendliness
until they lead you to the darkness
like a ram to the slaughter
They defile someone's daughter
They end with a laughter
Sixty seconds of lifetime scar
They walk among us
and live among us
Have big bodies with zero brains
They are people to substitute with dogs
who plug beautiful flowers and leaves them to wither.
sucking nectar prematurely
Dismantle the hope of innocent soul
craving for pleasure to destroy treasure
causing wounds that never heal
Physical comma and mental trauma
Feelings of self-hate and social stigma



what's love
is when you are blinded by someone
that you can't look another side
when they're soul healer
your stress reliever
they are your only choice
their opinions are yours
deserve your attention
free you from tension

what's love
is it the source of joy
that gives you peace mind
that reminds your worthiness
that brings you gladness
that keeps you strong
that lift you when down
that companion greater than company
that you treasure than money

what's love
Is it that brings you together
makes you cherish
that reminds you of someone
that you feel you care
someone's dreams becomes yours
their pain becomes yours too
when they're next to you
they are significant in your world
when they hold you
they bring down heaven to you



I'm back to work of mind,pen and paper.Welcome all those who love reading my poems.


All Africa Poetry Symposium in Celebration of 100 Thousand Poets for Change 10 year Anniversary. You’re welcome and we look forward to have a exciting , dynamic and vibrant Poetry Symposium ,where …


Kenya and Kenyan poets remain our literary arts cordial friends. I cannot exhaust to account names. The likes of author Omwa Ombara, Waithera James, Jerusha, Tigress Nancy Ndeke and more more comra…


Life in you
Love in you
Truth in you
Happiness in you,
Hope in you
Strength in you
Choices in you,
Decisions in you
Determination in you
Dreams in you,
Destiny in you
Freedom in you,
Wisdom in you,
Knowledge in you,
Courage in you
Spirit in you,
Soul in you
Power in you
Potential in you,
Conscious in you,
Common sense in you,
The future in you,
Identity in you,
Personality in you
Morality in you
Humanity in you
Values in your
Virtues in your
Talents in you
Skills in your
Thoughts in you
Mindset in you
Success in you
Prosperity in you
Fertility in you
Generation in you
Desires in you
Satisfaction in you
Behavior in you
Character in you,
What's in your
That's you
Be yourself
Live your life
Be the reality
Defend who you are
You are who you are
of Love.


By Muriki Meeme Many people ask me Who I am and where I come from But when I explain to them It is like I entertain people But I have to be easy and simple Since I am a man of low profile Born in a…


By Patrick Ngugi Is it you? Or my eyes? Bewitching me? Or Anxiety in my heart Spinning my dazed head Every time I see you In the eyes of mind Every time I stride Into the inner chamber Of imaginati…


By Marxie Douglas, Bungoma, Kenya Rough, rugged and mind blowing.. Swift with untamed speed.. Overshadowing the realism undetected.. Every aspect creating unlimited confusion..   Absolutely ou…


We've flattened the curve;
With reasoned resolve.
We've feasted on the fattened calf
Coz it's our time to serve

We've flattened the curve
After bagging the treasure trove:
The received help from "above"
See us spread the love!

We've flattened the curve;
We've farted as you starve-
But we all rode the wave-
See we are out of the cave;
After flattening the curve!

©️Bony The Poet


Mari Evans was an African-American poet, writer, and dramatist associated with the Black Arts Movement. Evans received grants and awards including a lifetime achievement award from the Indianapolis Public Library Foundation, and her poetry is


By Muriki Meeme-The Poet The pirates of terror You fight the new error Kill by sword die by sword For evil and not for good You will get the same reward Upon reaching Judgement Yard For you are foo…


AFRICAN WRITERS CARAVAN and MODERN AFRICAN POETRY present their debut special Afrikan JOURNAL of selected poets from across the African continent in this year 2020. The nine poets are prolific, fas…



Commemorating the celebration of International Humanity Day 2020, The Waheed Centre for Humanity and Humanitarian Development and Partners.


IHD-International Literary Writing Competition 2020

The International Humanity Day—International Literary Writing Competition is open to all writers and poets around the world at the time of the closing date last 30th July, 2020.

Entries must be original and entirely your own work. Any evidence to the contrary will result in immediate disqualification.

Entries must not have been published, self-published, published on any website, blog, broadcast, have won any other competition.
Submissions should be written in English and without visible grammar mistake.
Writers are allowed to submit two entries only for the IHD—International Literary Writing Competition.
Entries submitted posthumously are not eligible.

Write a poem with the theme:


"Reflecting the impact, how it can touch lives, transform societies, unite nations and change the world, advancing Sustainable Human Development in achieving Peace, Unity, and Justice in the World."

Open to all and the deadline is on 30th July, 2020.

Submit 1 or 2 poems.(20-40 lines)
Short bio (not more than 4 lines)
and your picture to [email protected]

The Awards:

Humanity Literary Royal Award
Humanity Literary Platinum Award
Humanity Literary Gold Award
Humanity Literary Diamond Award
Humanity Literary Silver Award
Humanity Literary Bronze Award

Join the revolutionary contest to add your voice in the Advocacy of Humanity's sustainability for a better and peaceful world.

Our juries will screen through all submissions to make sure everything is authentically original.

Highly Commended Entries will be featured in the World Humanity Magazine and anthology and other journals of the Waheed Centre for Humanity and Humanitarian Development
All submitted Poem Entries will be published first on the International Humanity Day-IHD Official page with writers information.

Follow the official Page International Humanity Day - IHD for more updates, results and awards.


Insight information:

INTERNATIONAL HUMANITY DAY (IHD) also known as WORLD HUMANITY DAY (WHD) is a Flagship Initiative declared by the "Waheed Centre for Humanity and Humanitarian Development (WCHHD) to promote, protect, and sustain the consciousness, dignity and integrity of Humanity for the Sustenance and development of Peace, Unity and Harmony to achieve, and promote Sustainable Human Development in the 21st century and beyond.

International Humanity Day (IHD) is celebrated annually across the world on 30th June every year to Celebrate Humanity, commemorating the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union (AU) Agendas for the sustenance of the Human Consciousness, Dignity, Freedom, Justice, Unity, and Integrity for the Development of Humanity.

The creation of the world was the beginning of Humanity. Humanity has gone through different stages and levels of civilizations, from centuries to centuries, Humanity has witnessed different trends of Human Revolution. The founder and CEO of Waheed Centre for Humanity and Humanitarian Development (WCHHD) Dr. Waheed Musah (Ghanaian youngest Multi Awards Winning Humanity Scientist, Revolutionary Poet, Humanitarian, Peace Activist, SDGs, Youth and Community Development Advocate) declared 30th June INTERNATIONAL HUMANITY DAY (IHD) on 3rd October, 2017 to Sustain and to protect the Consciousness, Freedom, Dignity and Integrity of Humanity. IHD is a hope to liberate life, emancipate the world and to stimulate the growth of Humanity which will go a long way to touch lives, transform societies, Unite Nations to Change the World, for the advancement of the Human Race against Social, Political and Economic Intolerance for the sustenance of humanity.
A special day of every year declared for the whole wide world to celebrate and also to appreciate the existence of Humanity. This is the day declared for us to celebrate and also to promote the true concept of Humanism and Humanitarianism. A day to show the world that without the existence of Humanity there is no existence of Life. A special day for humans to celebrate their existence as human beings.
Peace, Love and Unity we need now to make our society a better place for us and for our generations. If you are indeed a true human being then show your love and appreciation by celebrating International Humanity Day on every 30th June of every year.

Show love to your neighbours, have time with the less privileged people, share food, cloths, gifts and anything valuable for sustaining life to the needy. Help the less privileged people, Feed the needy, Give beautiful gifts, Plant more trees, Teach your pupils and children the true consciousness of Humanism and Humanitarianism, Spend quality time with friends and families, Write beautiful poems and articles for Humanity, Visit the streets, orphanage homes and prisons to celebrate with them and share words of transformation, encouragement, goodness and hope with them. Do great and great things to celebrate, appreciate your existence as a human being. Show your greatest love and care to encourage, heal, inspire and motivate someone. You are the humanity we are celebrating. Let’s make this day a part of our ways of living the life. The power of giving is that, it can heal, transform and satisfy the lives of the needy. The True Nature and Culture of Universal Love, Peace, Harmony, Unity, Respect, Justice, Morality, and Tolerance are fading away from our society which is very dangerous and serious problem to deal with. While Greed, Selfishness, Poverty, War, Hunger, Hatred, Disrespect, Immoralities, Abuses, Humiliations, Corruption, Slavery, Racism, Nuclear Weapons, Mass Destruction etcetera, are over dominating our society and making Humanity unsafe for us and for our generations. In order to heal and secure the future of Humanity we must make sure that we try to dissolve all negativeness, atrocities, unsustainable, and unrealistic attitudes that are threats to the existence of Humanity. Let’s make this day a memorable day for the peacefulness, Brotherhood, Sisterhood and betterment of the social transformation, advancement, development and sustainability of Humanity.

Let’s make this day a global holiday to heal the wounds of Humanity and restore the dignity and integrity of the Human Existence.
Are you a true believer of peace, unity and justice for Humanity, then show it on every 30th June of every year, a day declared to celebrate and also to appreciate the existence of Humanity.
 A day for all Global Humanists and true Ambassadors of Humanity to organize all kinds of life transforming activities to promote - The True Nature And Culture of Humanity,
 A day for International Coexistence, Presidents, States leaders, and Institutions to show their Commitment and Integrity towards the promotion of Universal Peace, Unity and also their loyalty towards the fight against Nuclear Weapons, War, Abuses, Social, Political and Economic un-sustainability to re-establish and ignite hope to dissolve universal fear and threat that will lead to War and Injustices in the world.
 A day for all kings, Chiefs and Elders to promote communal tolerance and also to organize community based Peace activities to establish tribal Tolerance, Unity and Peace in the community.
 A day for Journalists, Writers, poets, Artists, Teachers, Bankers, Lawyers and all kinds of profession all over the world to ignite their voices to spread the gospel of Unity, Friendship, Peace, Tolerance at work place or at home for the advancement of Humanity.
 A day to show true love for the less privileged.
 Special day to plant more trees to sustain nature for the sustenance of Humanity.
 A day to unite, eats, and plays together as true Human beings.
 A day to teach children how to love and how to care unconditionally.
 A day to celebrate Freedom, Justice, Tolerance and Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood.
 A day to play and share deepest love with the less privileged people.
 A day to reach out and save souls.
 A day for all educationalists all over the world to organize a special activities in schools for their pupils and students to appreciate, educate, inspire and encourage them to be products of Social, Political and Economic transformation.
 A day for all Ambassadors of Humanity to preach the gospel, culture and tradition of Humanity to the World
Every 30th June Declared International Humanity Day to celebrate and also to appreciate the existence and strength of Humanity for Unity, Peace, Tolerance, Justice and Freedom to be part of our lives and never to depart from us, as true Human beings. It is very important that we set aside a special day to celebrate Humanity. The reason is to encourage the spirit of patriotism, love, peace, unity, justice, and socio-culture, political and economic tolerance in the world. 30th June, 2020. Let’s Celebrate International Humanity Day (IHD) to appreciate the existence of Humanity, It is indeed the time to heal and time to free Humanity from the dark side of uncertainties. We have set aside International Humanity Conference- a life transforming conference to develop strategic solutions to solve the most pressing problems facing humanity. The conference is to support the celebration of the International humanity Day with real bases and fundamentals of the True Nature and Culture of Humanity to establish strong pillars that will indeed provide enough practice for strategies in combating the threats of Humanity. International Humanity Day - IHD


Multi Awards winning Waheed Centre for Humanity and Humanitarian Development (WCHHD) was established on 3rd October, 2014 as a think tank providing comprehensive strategies and solutions to protect and sustain the consciousness and integrity of humanity and Humanitarian development via educational empowerment and avenues of diplomatic relations. With the vision to be an exemplary world class Centre for Humanity and Humanitarian Development, Sustainability, Integrations, Research, Teaching and Learning Centre, highly oriented in finding solutions to the most pressing problems facing Humanity in the 21st century and beyond.

Waheed Centre for Humanity and Humanitarian Development (WCHHD) UN Volunteer Roster NO: 1921156, UN ECOSOC SCS SDC Registration NO: 0439.250420, SDGs Partnership Registration NO: 3650, Member of UNESCO World Heritage Centre. WCHHD is affiliated and associated to Logos University International - Unilogos (Louisiana, USA), The Talk of San Diego Network (America), World Humanity Commission (New York, Florida), International Organization for Peace and Security (IOPSH) To Activate International Humanitarian Law For Peace, World Peace Education (WOPE), UN Economic and Social Council Special Advisory Council Social Development Committee (UN ECOSOC SCS SDC), Instituto Educando Para A Paz International (Brazil), UN Volunteers, Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman (Indonesia), United College of Brazil, GlobaStorm Foundation, World Humanitarian Project International, Humanity Protection Trust (Nigeria), International Forum for Creativity and Humanity (Morocco), UN Economic and Social Council (UNDESC), Sustainable Development Goals Partnership Platform, Lumazio Global Aid Mission International, Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform, Global Research and Development Association for Journalists (India), International Council of Journalists (Ireland), kiwanis Global Children Empowerment, Pentasi B World Friendship (Philippines), Visual Art Students Empowerment Project VASEP, World Academy of Literature, History, Art and Culture (Mexico), World Literary Forum for Peace and Human Right (Bhutan), Center for Peace and Humanitarian Studies (Philippines), Humanitarian Order of the Southern Cross (OSC) (Australia), Africa Peace University (APU), Cholan World Book of Records, Don’t Give Up Motivational Foundation (DGUMF), School of Martial Arts International, (India), Citizens International School (Yeji), Human Right Council & Crime Intelligence Force (India), International Foundation for Friendship and Peace among Peoples (Egypt), Motivational Strip, World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity, World University of Human Rights and Human Sciences, International Diplomatic Council, Union Mundial De Poetas Por La Paz Y La Libertad (Cuba), Young World Leader for Humanity, and many more working together to stimulate the growth of Global Peace and harmony, creating a safer and a better world for the advancement of the human race against Social, Political, and Economic Intolerance for the transformation of Humanity.

We would like to say a big thank you for the Participating Literary Groups around the world.

The League of Poets, World Literary Forum for Peace and Human Rights (Bhutan), Ink With the Magic (Nigeria), English Poets™ (Sri Lanka), English Writers (Sri Lanka), English Literary Creations (Sri Lanka), English Language and Literature (Sri Lanka), KaTULAd (Philippines), ARKRITIK (Philippines), Poetry City (Nigeria), Rythm of the Hearts (Philippines), Pluma ng mga Makatang Astig (Philippines), The Jovencito de Tarlac Foundation (Philippines), Young Filipino Writers Forum of the Philippines (Philippines), FEU Literature Society (Philippines) and many more.

©WCHHD 2020

International Humanity Day - IHD


Deadline 31 July 2020 Who may enter The competition is open to anyone over the age of 18. Details The competition is organised by Casa África.


Deadline 31 October 2020 Who may enter The competition is open to anyone aged 18 or over. International entries are welcome. Details The National Poetry Competition is an annual poetry prize organised by the UK-based Poetry Society.


Deadline 14 September 2020 Who may enter The competition is open to anyone aged 18 or over. International entries are welcome. Details The contest is organised by the Poetry Centre of Oxford Brookes University.


Light showers and slight breezes Sent me shivering and drifting Away from you Seeking sunshine and warmth In foreign waters and lands   The grass was green and luscious On the other side of the stream And I ran with glee crossing the river The seas and oceans all in search of better Livelier and [....


By Muriki Meeme Political parties merge for a change Togetherness dance prevailing Good to see the big ship sailing Coalitions for a common goal Giving back to the people Getting supreme power over all Having full legal control And rivals become friends They dance and shake hands Political rallies a...


I must speak my mind Even if with closed eyes To avoid her mesmerizing eyes Which weaken my shaky knees When she looks and smiles at me Yes! Today I must declare That I won’t wait for ever Even if my universe collapses   With the zeal of a buzzing bee Flirting from flower to […]

Rest In Peace .

Rest In Peace .


By Haruna Birniwa You called her virus, l call her a war Indeed a great war of invisible weapon War of no gun no sword. Neither atomic weapon Can eradicate beyond but this arsenal It conquers the souls of great men, and Forced to shut shops, travels, sports and office Not because it was a […]




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