Welcome to this year's
#WRC.. happening from 27th to 31st of March, 2024
State Department for Youth Affairs and Creative EconomyHon Ababu-Terrah Egh
Isambo Festival 2023 ..organized and funded by Hon Ababu-Terrah Egh Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Creative Economy & Sports.
Busia County
December 2023
Youth Conneckt Africa Summit 2023 Walk for Peace and Tree Planting exercise on 8th December was part of the Pre-Summit before the Youth Connect Africa Summit scheduled to kick off 9th December 2023 at the KICC, Nairobi, and Celebration of Kenya at 60. @AbabuNamwamba
State House Kenya
CS @AbabuNamwamba
welcomes all the Youth of Africa to Nairobi, Kenya.
The youth of Africa are gathering in Nairobi Kenya on 8th to 12th of December 2023 for the Youth Connekt Africa Summit.
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
YouthConnekt Africa
UNDP Kenya
Karibu Kenya! Karibu Nairobi!
Join us for the Youth Connekt Africa summit starting 8th Dec 2023.
It is going to be lit! 🔥🔥
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
National Youth Council Kenya
YouthConnekt Africa
UNDP Kenya
IYF Kenya
KCA University Cultural Week held on 3rd October 2023.
The Principal Secretary (PS) State Department for Youth Affairs and The Arts, Mr. Ismail Maalim Madey has expressed that cultural diversity is to appreciate that society is made up of many different groups with different interests, skills, talent and needs.
He highlighted that Kenya has many diverse cultures including African cultures, Arabic cultures, Asian cultures, European cultures, and American cultures.
Madey noted that a better understanding between different cultures, beliefs and life experiences, can help make the world a stable peaceful place and can help develop as a country and as people.
The PS was speaking during the launch of the Kenya College of Accountancy University’s (KCAU) 11th Cultural week themed ‘Exploring Cultural Diversity and Talent Exposition’ where he emphasized the expression, “Muacha mila ni mtumwa.”
Jefarmia Greens Ltd during the Nairobi International Trade fair. Jafarmia is a beneficiary through the State Department of Youth Affairs and the Arts in The Ministry of Youth Affairs, The Arts & Sports.
Day 4
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi during his visit at the Nairobi International Trade Fair, visiting the stand for The Ministry of Youth Affairs, The Arts and Sports.
With him is Deputy Director Public Communications State Department of Youth Affairs Ms. Monica Omoro.
ZIHANGA is a project established and domiciled within the Ministry of Youth Affairs, The Arts and Sports State Department for Youth Affairs & The Arts
#Nairobi International Trade Fair
The National Youth Week was a week-long program that preceded International Youth Day 12th August 2023. The theme for the International Youth Day was “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World."
The weekly events were Presided by CS Hon Ababu Namwamba and PS Ismail Maalim .
H.E Dr. William Ruto on 1st of September 2023, In Upperhill Nairobi, officially commissioned The Talanta Plaza — the Headquarters of the Ministry of Youth Affairs, the Arts and Sports.
The Talanta Hela Initiative is a true Bottom-Up program; focused on empowerment, creation of opportunities and the transformation of sports, youth affairs and the arts. Investing in the monetization of talent will strengthen entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth through the conversion of passions into livelihoods, creating an empowered and self-reliant generation.