A haven away from the hustle and bustle of the Cityscapes. Where could it be really?
May God accept our sincere supplications. He is the Bestower, Beneficent and Merciful.
That's our beloved Kenya. A true picture of our beloved Country.
This is to say the least outrageously disgusting. We can't allow the philanthropic touch by @H.E Governor Mohamed Adan Khalif to be subjected to such an abuse.
We must be very categorical here in that we shall never entertain such nonsense. It is imperative to note that this nihilistic act goes beyond the threshold of the innocent traders in whose possession the ECD foodstuff were apprehended. There must be sources inclined towards strangling the Governor's emplary efforts.
Those innocent traders who were arrested don't even know the criminal nature of what they are into. This is clear from the manner in which they have comfortably held the commodity in it's original packaging as it awaits the usual quarter quarter purchasing customers.
They will however be very instrumental in getting to the root of the evil including the dirty source, middle agents and brokers.
The items have batch numbers which makes it easier to trace the origin of the callous trade. The officers tasked with the distribution/supply process to different institutions can identify where exactly the pilferage has originated from.
If necessary, Involve the DCI to net the entire culprit network. t is abundantly obvious that what has been brought to the fore is only but a tip of the iceberg. The same is at best a sign that a larger portion of the ration has been sneaked back into the town by unscrupulous insiders. Needless to say that those expert in illicit trade must have already explored clever ways of concealment ie switching the packaging.
That is why it is important to net the cartel from bottom to the top to curb the menace once and for all. The authorities should deal with the insider culprits ruthlessly so that it can serve as a warning to the many others who might be tempted to touch the hot iron rod in future.
@H.E Governor Mohamed Adan Khalif must not allow the fruits of his leadership to go the PLUMPY NUT WAY...currently unavailable for distribution to the intended malnourished
This little girl was the leading candidate North Eastern Region in the 2022 KCPE EXAMINATIONS with 414 Marks out of 500. Her younger brother was the top boy at the same Region with 412 Marks. They both hail from Wajir County and are at odds proceeding with their Secondary Education due to lack of fees. The parents are poor and can't afford the same.
It is a painful narrative indeed. Where is the Wajir County Leadership?
Unfortunate indeed.
Any well-wisher out there ready to chip in will immensely be appreciated.